A Regular Guy
Fake, and people like Super Metal Dave 6 eats this up believing it could be real and thinks 2021 will be seeing a new Console because the Switch "can't" compete against the next-gen consoles
I remember that guy, had to unsubscribe from him because it was just the same thing everyday. Nintendoomed, sony announcing a new PS Vita that will destroy the Switch! what a joke.Fake, and people like Super Metal Dave 6 eats this up believing it could be real and thinks 2021 will be seeing a new Console because the Switch "can't" compete against the next-gen consoles
I remember him saying the hybrid Nintendo console was impossible and his sources had confirmed that we'd be getting a super powerful home console right up until his reaction video to the Switch reveal. He's more than willing to go down in flames supporting what he wants to believe, ignoring any evidence to the contrary.Fake, and people like Super Metal Dave 6 eats this up believing it could be real and thinks 2021 will be seeing a new Console because the Switch "can't" compete against the next-gen consoles
All I would want out of a new Switch are certain standards for games (or more options for visuals, like with Darksiders). For example - all games in either docked or handheld will run at 30FPS.
I played LA Noire in handheld. The performance was atrocious. There were parts where it easily felt like it was dipping into single digits and the entire game world would slow down. It's not acceptable. I only finished it because it cost me $90. I've played many games with shoddy performance on it since, but that one takes the cake. It's a dog's breakfast. Other notable candidates:
I'm pretty sure The Witcher 3 is going to make that list as well.
- Mutant Year Zero
- Either of the Wolfensteins
- LEGO City
- Saints Row
I imagine their mentality is well it's possible, why not? Yet for consumers, there's no way to tell how it'll run until you try it. I don't see this being any different to how Crysis came out for PC and PC hardware clearly wasn't ready for it, and look at the furore that caused.
I use the Switch exclusively in handheld mode. If I have to plug these in to get a decent frame rate and visuals, then the handheld component is useless to me. Even then, MYZ runs and looks like shit when docked. If I'm not using handheld mode then I'm likely at home where I'd rather game on the PC or PS4 instead.
Anyway, if there were a rule that all games had to run at a certain frame rate and resolution I'd be much less hesitant about what I buy.
you stole my SwitchRoo line before I could even think of it!My uncle works at nintendo and he says the switch 2 is called Switcheroo and is coming out in 2020.
Why would you be disappointed?I remember him saying the hybrid Nintendo console was impossible and his sources had confirmed that we'd be getting a super powerful home console right up until his reaction video to the Switch reveal. He's more than willing to go down in flames supporting what he wants to believe, ignoring any evidence to the contrary.
That said, as disappointed as I would be if this rumor turned out to be true (exactly as described anyway) and as suspect as the sources are, I'll never say it's impossible. Stranger things have happened in the Nintendo camp before now, and we have new leadership over there who might have a different vision for the Switch brand. *shrug*
It just seems like a big, uninspired mistake, akin to releasing the Wii U as the successor to the Wii. The execution sounds shoddy and directionless, and then there's the price.Why would you be disappointed?
1. "Super Dock" functionality--basically, while they'd stay two separate systems, dock a Switch or Lite to rapidly transfer save data to simulate a dock.
As I understand it, they basically can't have a supplemental computing device that boosts the Switch's base power because the USB port at the bottom of the Switch doesn't have the bandwidth to do that AND send video to the TV. They could put out what is basically an independent console with a little docking port on top though. Games would just run on the console while the Switch was docked (rather than getting a boost), but save data and even a save state could be sent over to the handheld when it was disengaged.Now we’re going somewhere. Nintendo has a patent for a “supplemental computing device” that can boost a gaming system using its own hardware. “The game console may couple to a supplemental computing device that includes resources that the game console may also utilize to increase the speed or quality of a user's gaming experience.”
If Nintendo has been playing with that idea in the labs, it’s not hard to imagine them releasing a Super Dock that could boost resolutions (even to 4K?) and frame rates over the current docked Switch’s capabilities.
This has lots of advantages. It doesn’t require a new console generation and all the uncertainty that can entail (Nintendo can’t be eager to risk another Wii U). If you want the power, you can pay for it; if not, just buy the basic Switch… and maybe pick up the Super Dock later. It’s pretty easy to market and up-sell.
I have no idea if this will happen, but it seems like Nintendo’s thought about it.
I mean, a home console only Switch would make sense considering things that Nintendo has said in the past. IIRC they had said they wanted their platforms to be more unified and would like their games to be played on more devices, having a home-console only, a handheld only, and a hybrid between the two could be a smart idea. Three different ways to play Nintendo (and 2nd/3rd party) games on Nintendo consoles but they all share the same library, can get the home-console only crowd and the handheld only crowd along with the people that want the in between. Choose how you want to play.
Yeah, if I were to buy a Power Switch (aka Switch Pro), I would hope that they'll do cool colors like the yellow one as well. I am still regretting getting the gray Switch. I should've gone with the neon blue/red Switch.Say what you will about how nonsensical the Switch Lite is (I do... I am nonsensical too, though, since I bought one), but that Yellow one is sexy as all get out.
People can say what they want with shit jokes we've hear 50 times already but 4chan has had very solid leaks over the years.
It's funny how these leaks usually seem to be about products more similar to what Microsoft or Sony would sell... It's almost like hardcore Nintendo fans really want to dip into modern console gaming but don't dare to try other brands.
I think a possible, or probable, Nintendo Switch 2 would be able to give enough technical experience, and performance, to make the work of third-party developers easier, as far as the porting of their games on a Nintendo platform is concerned.
(thus avoiding the total and complete downgrade beyond any limit that occurred with games like TW3 on Switch)
I don't see why you they would change their strategy. Third parties are not Nintendo's main focus, mainly because Nintendo fans don't get Nintendo consoles to play third party games.
Now yes. But years later when that standard is the norm and easy to achieve, it's normal, especially for their games.
This is silly. Most Nintendo fans already have more than one console. They aren't pale, hairless, dwarves in loincloths, afraid of the sun and unwilling or unable to comprehend anything beyond the Nintendo ecosystem. I mean, the author of this rumor maybe, but I'd hardly call them representative of even the most hardcore Nintendo fans.It's funny how these leaks usually seem to be about products more similar to what Microsoft or Sony would sell... It's almost like hardcore Nintendo fans really want to dip into modern console gaming but don't dare to try other brands.
Breath of Darkness? Like a gritty adventure game? I bet there are many non Nintendo games that could scratch that itch.
When quantum computers become mainstream, then Nintendo will be able to offer 4k60 with a mobile SoC.Let us know when Nintendo masters 900p and constant 30 fps for real games like Breadth of the Wild... that game still has frame drops even with patches and "Boost" mode.... lol
perhaps my grand kids can play a zelda game in 4k 60 fps on a Nintendo Console...
This is silly. Most Nintendo fans already have more than one console. They aren't pale, hairless, dwarves in loincloths, afraid of the sun and unwilling or unable to comprehend anything beyond the Nintendo ecosystem. I mean, the author of this rumor maybe, but I'd hardly call them representative of even the most hardcore Nintendo fans.
Also, your use of "modern" here is a little anachronistic, no?
It's a nice, clean explanation, sure, but most reductive arguments are. Sometimes people just want things, even weird things, and wanting Nintendo to play catchup isn't all that weird (even if I think it's a terrible business move). Hell, there are options to play these games at 4K/60 now if people want thanks to PC emulation.OK, not all. Just the ones that start these rumors without monetary interest and the ones that believe it. Otherwise why would they care? There are options to play adventure games at 4k/60 without waiting until 2021.
Most people that wish this was real is just because they refuse to play other consoles.
You are right about my use of modern console gaming. Cutting edge console gaming would probably work better.
It's a nice, clean explanation, sure, but most reductive arguments are. Sometimes people just want things, even weird things, and wanting Nintendo to play catchup isn't all that weird (even if I think it's a terrible business move). Hell, there are options to play these games at 4K/60 now if people want thanks to PC emulation.
Cutting edge? Not since launch and even then, not really. I've got hopes for next year though. ^_^ Sony must be pushing out some edges if they need a cooling system that robust
As for those HD Zelda kooks, not all adventure games are created equal. Saying that one go round with Horizon (or, more likely, Darksiders) will cure them of that UHD Zelda itch is silly. It's the same paranoid perspective that says Zelda (or Halo, or Uncharted, or Marvel Movie 17) gets an unfair score boost because the editors are all blind fanboys or, even better, because actual money changed hands.
You. I like you.Are there more cutting edge consoles than the x or the pro in the market right now?
I know pc is where is at for cutting edge (it's my main platform) but talking consoles Microsoft and Sony (in that order) have the upper hand.
I know Zelda has its own charm and not all games are equal. That's why they don't need to run 4k/60 to be well reviewed/liked. I see no other reason why these rumors would start.
Well balanced gamers that enjoy whatever platforms they like for their advantages are too busy playing games to be transcribing the latest scoop from their uncle that works at Nintendo.
Totally!You. I like you.
I edited in a little pot-stirring line about the Switch being more modern than the base PS4/XB1 (thanks to process node and architecture, etc), but it came too late. And really, I'm just being pedantic. I know what you mean when you say modern.
I guess some fans want their fav company to be everything to everyone at all times, and that ain't Nintendo. Nintendo, for better and for worse, is quirky as hell. If fans can't accept that, then I agree they should try to find some other series on some other machine to fill that Zelda void. Nintendo will only disappoint them.
Indeed, I also stopped watching his videos as well. He's become obsessed talking about power a lot and now his latest is about Microsoft's custom SQ1 chip and how Nintendo could use something similar. He doesn't care about how it will affect development or even pricing, he lives in a fantasy that Nintendo would one day release a very powerful Switch all because the Tegra X1 is outdated.I remember that guy, had to unsubscribe from him because it was just the same thing everyday. Nintendoomed, sony announcing a new PS Vita that will destroy the Switch! what a joke.
Edit: Oh damn, just looked at his youtube channel, didn't think he made video's anymore. Wow the title of the vid:
"More Powerful Nintendo Switch Now Nearly Confirmed and It's Right On Time"
How are people still subscribed to this guy?
Indeed, I also stopped watching his videos as well. He's become obsessed talking about power a lot and now his latest is about Microsoft's custom SQ1 chip and how Nintendo could use something similar. He doesn't care about how it will affect development or even pricing, he lives in a fantasy that Nintendo would one day release a very powerful Switch all because the Tegra X1 is outdated.
Talking to him is a pain in the ass, as I made my own prediction that Nintendo is making a custom chip with Nvidia that would include Ray Tracing cores and he laughed. I know how much tax RT cores take, but come on, 2022 would mean that Nvidia has a matured design.
I don't see why you they would change their strategy. Third parties are not Nintendo's main focus, mainly because Nintendo fans don't get Nintendo consoles to play third party games.
It's a nice, clean explanation, sure, but most reductive arguments are. Sometimes people just want things, even weird things, and wanting Nintendo to play catchup isn't all that weird (even if I think it's a terrible business move). Hell, there are options to play these games at 4K/60 now if people want thanks to PC emulation.
Cutting edge? Not since launch and even then, not really. Objectively, Switch is more cutting edge than either the PS4 or XB1 (if not their revisions). I've got hopes for next year though. ^_^ Sony must be pushing out some edges if they need a cooling system that robust
As for those HD Zelda kooks, not all adventure games are created equal. Saying that one go round with Horizon (or, more likely, Darksiders) will cure them of that UHD Zelda itch is silly. It's the same paranoid perspective that says Zelda (or Halo, or Uncharted, or Marvel Movie 17) gets an unfair score boost because the editors are all blind fanboys or, even better, because actual money changed hands.
Neither do I. Sorry, I can see how that quote in isolation might look like I'm trying to invalidate this rumored Switch 2 by saying it serves no purpose because emulation exists--Not at all.I don't use emulation for games.
So, a Nintendo Switch 2 that allows me to reach 4K and 60 fps in Nintendo's exclusive games, like Zelda (and in this case even for Zelda Breath of the Wild and Zelda Breath of the Darkness), and in third-party games that are brought to the console, would be nice to have with a Nintendo Switch 2.
(although only as a home console)
It was just my wild guess and speculation as Nintendo and Nvidia will continue to be partners going forward. Nvidia is very on Ray Tracing and would at least put some sort of weaker variant on the new SoC, like it would be activated while docked, but turned off undocked to save battery life. Just a guessThat would be super interesting to see someone try, and it would at least justify (in some way) sticking with Tegra when NVidia seems to have no further interest in developing it.
I'll admit I am pretty ignorant on the subject, but I wonder if changing the percentage of RTX cores to be much larger than in the 20XX would allow a relatively low-powered console in all other areas (okay, maybe not the CPU) to have full-on raytracing as its next gen hook. People oohed and aahed over RT Minecraft after all. Could you deliver a "1080p console" with actual, doable, no-performance-hit, realtime raytracing at $400?
(I know this goes against the rumor's Zelda at 4k/60 line, but just for argument's sake, could it be done?)
All I care about is the flexible nature of it “play on the tv, or on the patio, or on an airplane.”
I don’t want to go back to tv or portable only restrictions
Neither do I. Sorry, I can see how that quote in isolation might look like I'm trying to invalidate this rumored Switch 2 by saying it serves no purpose because emulation exists--Not at all.
In context, my point was that people want Zelda in higher fidelity, not just any old adventure game with a gritty aesthetic in 4K/60fps, which was all part of a larger point saying that I can see why some people would want this console (even if I think it's not a great idea as described).
But the whole point is kind of moot now, becauseA.Romero and I pretty much came to the conclusion that we basically agreed: fans can want whatever they want, but they should try to accept companies (Nintendo especially) for what they are, or they risk being disappointed gen after gen.
On third party ports though, again, unless this Switch 2 is meant to be the start of a new generation, its power does not help Nintendo's 3rd party port situation one bit. And if it is meant to be a new generation, why on earth are they building it on a foundation of jury-rigged last-gen tech when so much better will be available for cheaper in 2021?
You can tell me the answer is, "Because Nintendo," and I'll believe you, but that doesn't make it a smart approach. *shrug*
I remember how people were banned in old Gaf, back in 2016, because they were “attracted” to Audrey.Obligatory:
I certainly hope so. Would be nice if it came in at a lower price or made the original switch go half off. I'm still looking for a good deal on a switch and thinking maybe Black Friday.Switch 2 will be a hit.
Carmel CPU is still like Denver?Carmel is a bit of a weird CPU choice for a console tbh. Would I like to see Xavier, yeah, sure, but the last several rounds have taught me to keep minimum hardware expectations for Nintendo. If it's a die shrunk TX1 on 7nm that's clocked higher I'd make myself ok with that, Xavier would be a treat.