Not for me alot of existing Wii u owners still want Zelda$250 is a great price. It's priced out of the handheld market so this will definitely be pushed as a new console in the US.
For existing Wii U owners an all new 3D Mario is a much better upgrade incentive than getting the chance to play Zelda a week or month early.
Also Super Mario Run got attention back on the franchise so I think it would be wise for them to lead with that to regain momentum.
If it's $250 I think it will probably be £219 at most retailers. Nintendo won't give any UK or European RRP/MSRP.
How good would 25000 Yen be for the Japanese market?
250 with a pack in?
Nintendo is already selling the base games for full price for years though. Getting people to buy their games and play them for a long time is not a Nintendo problem. They could expand those games with more DLC like they did with Mario Kart of course but why give up on $60 every few years if people are willing to spend them? I would want to see some service elements in there, don't get me wrong. A weekly changing mode would be fun and a serious eSports mode could do wonders.
Nikkei says Switch will cost 25000 yens in Japan (~ 250$ / 250). Has this been discussed yet?
250 with a pack in?
Are they reliable?
Yeah we should get the "Too high" post out of the way nowWhy isn't a new thread being made for that? That's important news going into the reveal and something I wouldn't have known had I not randomly entered this thread.
I wonder if that price is too high in Japan for a handheld.
25000 JPY is quite a bit above the rumored 200 GBP.
If you're gonna end up juggling all your games around SD cards, why not just buy the Game Cards in the first place?
Are they reliable?
Very much so.
The last two consoles have also had some gameplay gimmick. I think it's definitely possible but the pack ins were showcases to the unique features of the console.I absolutely expect there to be a pack-in. Could end up being a new I.P.; the last two Nintendo home consoles have launched with a new I.P. as a pack-in.
Considering that the euro, pound and dollar are basically worthless right now, it should be priced nicely for me.
Buy two and send me one.
The last two consoles have also had some gameplay gimmick. I think it's definitely possible but the pack ins were showcases to the unique features of the console.
Are they reliable?
Not to be a negative nancy, but I feel there's a shitstorm brewin' when it comes to the storage situation.
I got a 2TB for the PS4 hoping it would last me the entire gen, but it seems like in reality it might be the absolute minimum you need if you're going all or mostly digital. Uncharted, FF XV, Ratchet, TLG and even Bloodborne are all between 20-60GB or more when you include the DLCs and patches. And now with Horizon, Mass Effect Andromeda, RDR2 etc coming.
In a perfect world every Switch game would be extremely polished and have minimum patches, but I just don't see that happening, with games becoming more complex, the worlds becoming bigger, the expectations higher. The era of constant updates is upon the Switch, there's no doubt in my mind.
What am I gonna do with a 256GB microSD card even if I do find a good brand with a great price?
This is the calm before the storm.
Do you guys think Amazon will have the Switch up for pre-order? I know they had some issues with the 3DS and Nintendo in general so I didn't know if there was a chance Amazon wouldn't take Switch pre-orders at all.
Not to be a negative nancy, but I feel there's a shitstorm brewin' when it comes to the storage situation.
I got a 2TB for the PS4 hoping it would last me the entire gen, but it seems like in reality it might be the absolute minimum you need if you're going all or mostly digital. Uncharted, FF XV, Ratchet, TLG and even Bloodborne are all between 20-60GB or more when you include the DLCs and patches. And now with Horizon, Mass Effect Andromeda, RDR2 etc coming.
In a perfect world every Switch game would be extremely polished and have minimum patches, but I just don't see that happening, with games becoming more complex, the worlds becoming bigger, the expectations higher. The era of constant updates is upon the Switch, there's no doubt in my mind.
What am I gonna do with a 256GB microSD card even if I do find a good brand with a great price?
This is the calm before the storm.
200GB are 40-50
128GB are 30 or lower
What? ¥25000 is just under £175
That Nikkie topic is garbage. You would think the way some people talk they were part of the IGN Beyond podcast. Completely made up assumptions to shit on Nintendo. Over and over and over Nintendo gets crapped on. People asking for crazy expensive consoles from Nintendo as if it was that easy...
It blows my mind how people could think that's even possible for a video game system that you can take on the go.The worst are those that want
PS4 level graphics
A 1080p screen
8-10 hours battery
...and then say they won't buy unless it's $199.
I don't know about America and its dollars, but regarding eu
the internet says
this are EXCELLENT news for those of us in Europe, we are looking at a 200 euro price point.
4 more days?
25000 JPY is quite a bit above the rumored 200 GBP. For Europe we may be lucky and get 229 EUR then.
Nah, 229 would be the best price for us. They'll go with 250 though is my guess. Because they can.
Nah, 229 would be the best price for us. They'll go with 250 though is my guess. Because they can.
I don't know about America and its dollars, but regarding eu
the internet says
this is EXCELLENT news for those of us in Europe, we are looking at a 200 euro price point.