Is there any way to actually turn the switch off? Instead of sleeping
It's about 10 seconds when docked.Press and hold the power button for a few seconds.
Is there any way to actually turn the switch off? Instead of sleeping
It's about 10 seconds when docked.Press and hold the power button for a few seconds.
We've come so far in such a short time...
Here also.Sigh. HDMI handshake issues abound. Fuck HDMI. I hate it.
Seeing that picture really makes me want to go out and buy blue right joycon
We've come so far in such a short time...
Alright so I bought a 20 dollar eshop code and redeemed it. I went to buy Fast RMX so I added the rest ($1.36) from my debit card and bought the game. Now my bank is showing the full game price as being charged when I only spent the $1.36
We've come so far in such a short time...
Am I stupid. The port on the Switch is USB-C right? Yet it doesn't work with my phone charger (Samsung S7)? Is my phone not USB-C?
I was hoping they would work with the same charger, so I don't have to carry multiple cables around...
I don't think your phone charger has enough voltage, the Switch need 15V with 2.6A iirc.Am I stupid. The port on the Switch is USB-C right? Yet it doesn't work with my phone charger (Samsung S7)? Is my phone not USB-C?
I was hoping they would work with the same charger, so I don't have to carry multiple cables around...
Aw, shit. Thanks. I realized I got a USB-A to USB-C cable with the Pro controller! So at least I don't have to get a new AC adapter, I can just use my phone charger but change the cableS7 is normal micro USB not USB C.
Nevermind, I just realized it is the charge for Snipperclips. Not sure why it just now showed up when I bought it on the 3rd but whatever.Can you post the eShop receipt (without your personal information)? It should be on your email account.
Am I stupid. The port on the Switch is USB-C right? Yet it doesn't work with my phone charger (Samsung S7)? Is my phone not USB-C?
I was hoping they would work with the same charger, so I don't have to carry multiple cables around...
We've come so far in such a short time...
It would at least have been nice if they added a Swedish keybord to the menu, but hey!I'm glad I don't have to have the console in Swedish at least.I'm pretty happy to be living in a country Nintendo doesn't care enough about to translate anything (Sweden), so everything is simply in English.
We've come so far in such a short time...
It would at least have been nice if they added a Swedish keybord to the menu, but hey!I'm glad I don't have to have the console in Swedish at least.
Loving my Switch, but I don't understand the deal with the Wi-Fi, why is it so bad? It's really annoying.
I can also see the left joycon connection problems can be an issue for some, but thankfully, it isn't an issue for me right now.
So far, my wifi issue hasn't really been an issue. My router is sitting in the living room, behind a wall, about 25 feet from my bedroom. With the door closed, my 24G is sitting on 14/8 and my 5G is at 44/7. (120/10 is my max)That's kinda vague. What's the problem? You just plug the Dock in, and erm.... put the Switch on it.
WiFi quality is spotty in general. If you are using 5Ghz, it's really, really, really bad, even in the same room, in my experience. 2.4Ghz seems to be actually usable, but it's not a great signal either.
This!! I would definitely buy it for sure lol.Blizzard, please put Diablo 3 on this.
Bomberman is just a disaster![]()
That's unfortunate. I was literally about to buy it after I finished reading the updated thread posts.The controls ruin it. Even in singleplayer the controls are sloppy, laggy, and sap the fun out of the game.
Also it took me some googling to find out that apparently you need to connect the Pro Controller with the cable first, the first time ? The Sync button wasn't working before I did that.
Anyone have a 4K Samsung KS8000? The hdmi input on the tv automatically changes to which ever console powers on. The Switch has been randomly kicking me off whatever hdmi input I am currently using while still being off/sleep mode. Anyone else have a problem with this?
We've come so far in such a short time...
The amfilm glass protector is the best reviewed and seems to be having the least issues
The RDS Deluxe Traveler Case is easily the best case available. This guy did a good review of it.
You can find the case in Wal-Mart, Target, etc pretty easily. The protector is gonna be a bit.
It's almost 30 years.
Huh, I didn't have to do this..
Gotta say, I like the little controller grip for the joy-cons! It's surprisingly good in my hands.
Guys I have no idea on how to connect and disconnect the joy cons. you can press a button on the inside on the joy con and it disconnects it right?
I haven't even tried the grip.
I haven't even removed my Joy Cons from the Switch since the setup process. I should probably test out the grip just to see how it feels.
The amfilm glass protector is the best reviewed and seems to be having the least issues
The RDS Deluxe Traveler Case is easily the best case available. This guy did a good review of it.
You can find the case in Wal-Mart, Target, etc pretty easily. The protector is gonna be a bit.
To remove the joycons from the main unit press and hold the little round button on the back just under the shoulder buttons.
If they are connected to the strap, make sure the tab at the bottom has been pulled down and then you should be able to tug them off. No need to use the release button on the back.
I haven't even tried the grip.
yeah, I thought so. To be fair, I tried to press the sync button only once, so could have been just bad luck.
The reason I used the cable was because I found it on support:
Huh, I didn't have to do this..
I haven't even tried the grip.
It says so on the box when you open it. That's what I did.
Sorry my apologies I mean with the syncing. Like if I have 4 joy cons synced and I want them in a particular order (kids will be kids fighting over the neons) how do I sync them in the specific order I want?
The grip is... not good. It's usable certainly but I wouldn't want to use it if I had any choice in the matter.
The order goes:
Joycon Separated > Pro Controller > Grip
Not to say that the Pro Controller is bad in anyway, it's a solid control device that will get a lot of use out of me, but I really just love the comfort and usability of the Joycons in each hand, specifically for Zelda.
Slamming a metal box into an enemy with the right Joycon will always be most satisfying when you can do it one handed lol
My straps were a bitch to take off. They were REALLY stuck. Lock tab was out and all. I'll probably never use them again, heh!
Opinions and such.... but IMHO the Pro controller is the best controller ever right now.