Only confirmed for US. European release info should come soon.only confirmed for the us or europe too?
Only confirmed for US. European release info should come soon.only confirmed for the us or europe too?
Only confirmed for US. European release info should come soon.
Hey peeps
Is anybody else's Switch itself slightly bent?
I ask cause I fell asleep in bed playing it and woke up to it next to me just now, and I'm worried i broke something.
When I put I the screen face up flat on a table theres a "gap" in the bottom left corner where I can push it down, suggesting she ain't flush and flat no more. No joycons plugged in.
Anybody else notice this or did I bend it slightly?
So, I made a Japanese EShop account on my system, which is really nice to have whenever I want to access the Japanese Eshop. However, a side effect I've noticed is that my Game News section now populates with both US and Japanese posts, which is kind of obnoxious as I can't read half of the things in there, and most of the Japanese posts I get are just the same post from the US but in Japanese. Is there a way to opt-out of news for my Japanese account?
Oh wow ahahah thanks
Seems a bit cumbersome doing it every time you need a quick mp
Can anybody do a check with their switch flat on a table to see if it wobbles slightly? Worried I may have created a problembottom left is where the wobble is at
I just tried, without joycons.
No noticeable wobble.
Sorry bud.
It's available if you have Amazon Prime Now in NYC. I didn't know these were still scarce, I got one delivered the other day.
Holy shit YES Thank you. Now I will have it by 8pm. Prime Now is amazing
Got my switch yesterday. Love how sleek it is and the screen is perfect. I don't like the joycons though. I think they're uncomfortable on and off the tablet. I was pleasantly surprised by the little buttons in place of the dpad though. It's really not that bad so that was a relief.
So far I've only played BotW and docked it is reminding me of the Wii U version performance wise. It looks sharper but it seemed even more "framey" than the Wii U version in the opening areas. I decided to just play it undocked cause it runs so much better and the screen is a good size. I find it a little uncomfortable though after a while.
What have I done
How the hell did I bent it in a bed
It generally runs well though. The opening area is among the worst. Sure, you'll get brief drops later on as well, but rarely (if ever) anything sustained.
Photos?What have I done
How the hell did I bent it in a bed
resilient is your avatar from dr who lol amirite
also go back to studying japanese you baka gaijin
Will eShop games download in the background while I'm playing other games?
Can you please shut your mouth and check your switch for a bend please thank you onegai
Will eShop games download in the background while I'm playing other games?
As long as you're connected to a network, yep.
Yep, i downloaded the splatoon test fire while playing Zelda last night
Never worked for me. You can't tighten those screws very much without stripping them since they're already snug. I found the best way is to put a little bit of electrical tape on the rail. Put it on the black square part - the visible square - facing out. On the back side of this piece is where the pins for the JoyCon are, in case you're wondering where I'm talking about.
This snugged things up just enough, eliminated the plastic-on-metal squeaking/rubbing, too. I did it on both sides and the whole thing feels like one cohesive unit, now.
I bought a pair of blue joycons and notice they fit more snugly onto the switch then the greys that came with my system. The greys had a little give to them, the blues much less so.
Anyone else able to weigh in?
Posting for the new page:
So I have a ravpower battery pack that has USB C to charge my switch on the go when I don't have an outlet.
But, it also came with a USB-C wall adapter. I'm wondering if I use use this to power my switch when I'm near an outlet instead of buying a 2nd "official" switch adapter.
The specs on the block are:
Input: AC110-240v 50/60Hz 1A Max
Output: DC 5V/3A,9V/2A, 15V/2A, 20V/1.5A Max
Will I damage my switch by using this?
I personally didn't realize that the bundled coloured Switch Joycon are reversed from the separately sold ones. I now find it incredibly hard to not buy the separate coloured ones to make an all red or blue switch.. Contemplating taking advantage of some trade in credit I might be able to dig up....
I have spent too much on this thing already....
Anybody else rocking an all red/blue Switch?
Edit: just saw there are double red and blue bundles available too. Guess it's not that unique then. That makes the urge much less.
Just started playing Legend of Zelda today..blew me away SO AWESOME!! Anywho I went ahead and saved my progress of the game and pressed the home button on my pro controller to go back to the home screen..(Im new at this so my apologies for this otherwise silly question) where it says legend of zelda it has an icon that says "Keep Playing" and it gave me an option to close software..which I ended up doing..the cartridge is still in the switch slot and I turned it off(Went into sleep mode) is that OK what I did..and when I want to play again I can just turn it back on and go where I left off
Anybody here know any good screen protector?
My little cousin got a Switch and ask me to find him one, but I can only find the one on Amazon. It seems to be popular and reviewed well.
I bought a pair of blue joycons and notice they fit more snugly onto the switch then the greys that came with my system. The greys had a little give to them, the blues much less so.
Anyone else able to weigh in?
Poppyseed said:Just do the electrical tape fix. It made a world of difference to me, and you would never know it's there. Snugs up the JoyCon, and removes the creaking/clicking etc.
I do the want to get banned from the other thread but goddamn I'm pissed off about the fucking Disney collection not being announced for Switch. I could buy it for my PS4...Or PC I guess but it would feel much better to play it on Switch somehow. Not sure how it would interact with VC though
It's unfortunate but it's the case with all new Nintendo consoles. Hungry for games and developers don't develop for them right away really.
You didn't have to close the software. You can just put it to sleep mode (hold down the Home button) while in a game. When you next wake it you'll be right where you were in a matter of seconds.
Eh idk I bought a lot of garbage on PS4 when it was first released because I was desperate to play anything.
OOPS OK now I Feel kind of silly for doing that..I already saved the game and immediately went back to the home screen was just confused about the whole "Still playing "option so I just closed the save is still in tact right? Just have to have it on still playing next time and not close it out..or as long as I save the game manually it will be saved no matter what I do?
Yes, the save is permanent, you'll start wherever your save file left you.
The sleep / suspend lets you resume literally the exact point where you suspended until you close the software or turn off the power completely. Once you do that you have to load a save file.
What's this never heard of this.
oh I get the keep playing option is for those who dont actually manually save the game..but since I manually saved it then I am fine..and since I closed the software I have to load my save data anyway..what is more recommended, to have the keep playing option loaded or to close the software..still new at this LOL..I have been unplugging the HDMI cable since my TV keeps on "Switching" to HDMI 4 even though the switch is on sleep mode its very annoying but until a fix comes out this is what I have to do
OOPS OK now I Feel kind of silly for doing that..I already saved the game and immediately went back to the home screen was just confused about the whole "Still playing "option so I just closed the save is still in tact right? Just have to have it on still playing next time and not close it out..or as long as I save the game manually it will be saved no matter what I do?