Has Nintendo announced when extra Switch docks will be available to purchase?
Has anyone have their Switch fan just randomly get super loud while in handheld mode?
When I first turned on Zelda yesterday morning and went into an area in the Northern part of the map that was very dark (so the Switch wasn't rendering much) the fan on my Switch got super loud for a minute or two then it went back to being so quiet I couldn't hear it like normal.
I actually wasn't sure what was making the sound at first because I've never heard the Switch fan before.
Yooooo! All versions of the RDS case are IN STOCK on the Nintendo Store. These are on 1-2 month backorder on Amazon. https://store.nintendo.com/ng3/browse/subcategory.jsp?categoryId=cat831379&pageSize=6&viewAll=true
Buying my Switch last week has re-ignited my love for Nintendo to the point that I've purchased a classic mini and two hard-cover Nintendo history books, N64 Anthology and Playing with Power NES Classics.
Bought the Switch day one, got BotW Master Edition, and applied screen protector. Haven't turned it on once yet. I really need to start soon.
Any consensus on the best SDXC cards out there? I saw an article about the Sandisk Ultra 128 GBs getting so hot they melt, so that's spooky. I have a Samsung Evo 64GB in my 3DS that's been fine so far, so I've considered getting that version (will get a bigger one down the road if prices drop). Just curious if there's a better card/better price out there somewhere?
Sorry if this has been answered before, but I wonder how buying games from different region estores works.
If my main Switch profile is Europe, and I create a second profile for the US estore, what happens when I buy games from the US store? Can I play them from my main (European) profile?
And what happens when I delete my US profile from the console; are the US bought games also gone?
And what happens when my Switch breaks, and I buy a new one, which games will be available to which profile?
I'm really trying to figure out if buying from different region stores is worth it..
I'm thinking about to get FAST RMX. Is it worth $20? Do they offer a lot of single player? I mostly play alone. I already got Snipperclips and I loved it.
Side note regarding tempered glass screen protector. I just got one install, it is not the amFilm one that a lot of gaffers use just a no name Chinese one. Now, I can't dock my switch into one of my two docks. I just notice that one of my dock is bent! So be sure to buy a good one to avoid too much thickness.
I'm thinking about to get FAST RMX. Is it worth $20? Do they offer a lot of single player? I mostly play alone. I already got Snipperclips and I loved it.
Side note regarding tempered glass screen protector. I just got one install, it is not the amFilm one that a lot of gaffers use just a no name Chinese one. Now, I can't dock my switch into one of my two docks. I just notice that one of my dock is bent! So be sure to buy a good one to avoid too much thickness.
You can play the games on any profile that is on the system. If you delete the US profile, your games won't work.
The games will be tied to the profile that purchased them.
Is a second set of joy-cons necessary at this point? I was thinking of picking up an additional pair but the only game I can see that might take advantage of that is Arms...
Just search the thread.I must've. Can you link to those? People who sent them into Nintendo
Fast RMX is choice! It's a steal for $20, gives me something other than Zelda to play on my new hardware, and scratches that racing itch nicely until Mario Kart drops next month. Buy it!
Ok thx. And what happens when I change my main account temporarily to the US region, buy a game from the US estore, and change it back to the EU region?
It will unlink your Nintendo Network account, and you will lost any funds you have. Outside of that, you're free to swap regions. The game will be registered to your EU account. You might have to swap regions in the future for any DLC that might be released, however.
I did this to pick up Shovel Knight from the Mexican eshop, where it was almost $10 cheaper then on the US store.
So decided since after a bit of research not being able to definitely get a 3rd party charging solution I went with the official ac charger, still think it's way over priced
Yeah I miss that too. I hate how Nintendo wipes the slate clean with every system. My hope is that eventually the is gets beefed up.I miss the load screens and tunes from the Wii U that appeared when you clicked on the games icon in the main menu. On Switch you just get a black screen with the Nintendo and Switch logos in the corners.
This was the one in Wind Waker HD and I loved how you could hear the sea.
Just search the thread.
Update on my switch: I ended up sending it into Nintendo for replacement. It was a pretty easy process, thankfully, and I ended up getting it back fairly quickly. On the packing note the serial # in and out are different, so it would appear that I received a new switch entirely, which seemed fine to me. I then saw the post-repair instructions that came back with it, which stated that they could not recover any of my data; disappointing, but not a huge deal since I was only 6 hours or so into Zelda, most of which was spent on the Great Plateau. I did a quick inspection of the replacement switch's screen and did not see any particles under it, or scratches on it, so I was pretty stoked. However, once I turned it on, I noticed a nice fat dead pixel off to the right of the screen... this was very upsetting. Upon further inspection, I also noticed another smaller one towards the bottom-middle of the screen, but that one is pretty small and not that noticeable, so it wouldn't have bothered me too much on its own. Sadly, the fat dead pixel is very noticeable, and very annoying.
Now my options seem limited, and I'm not sure how to proceed. I can't exactly return it to the place of purchase, BestBuy, since the serial no longer matches the box that it came in, and I likely cannot send it back in for another replacement either (Nintendo put out statements saying that they do not consider dead pixels to be defects). I suppose I could keep the switch, but I do find the dead pixel to be very distracting, and I have OCD, so it would be a nuisance for years to come. Perhaps, I could just sell the damn thing, while mentioning the dead pixel, but I don't think that I'd be able to recoup the entirety of the money I spent on the console (~$320, due to tax). Like I said, I'm not sure how to proceed from here...
Got my Switch back from Nintendo yesterday after having to send it in for repair, or rather I got a brand new switch, ac adapter, and dock from Nintendo that they swapped with my old unit. it's working great so far, but sadly I have had to play Zelda again from the start. Oh well... It didn't take me long to get close to where I had stopped before the system died.
I decided to go ahead and risk it with a repair (after putting 30-40 hours into Zelda like an idiot (its real good)). The customer support guy assured me they had tools there to move data between systems if the storage wasn't damaged, I'm not 100% convinced that's going to happen but we'll see. He also said they're currently doing overnight shipping with Switch repairs and didn't know how long that will last, something to keep in mind if you need to send yours in. Dropped it off at the UPS store this morning and have no idea how long the turnaround will be after it gets in their hands, I'll update again when it comes back.
So what is the unanimous best power bank for the Switch based on all the tests, experiences and such from the past 2 weeks?
Can you link to the best one? Haven't followed the topic and looking for the best RDS csse
Yeah I miss that too. I hate how Nintendo wipes the slate clean with every system.
You shouldn't have to use a lot of force, but it can definitely be a fiddly process. Intuitively you would want to push upwards with your thumb as you keep the unlock pressed, but pushing upwards means you lock the strap lock. You have to pincer grip the sides and shove it upwards.I have a small gripe with the Joycon straps also. It feels like I'm doing something wrong when I try to take them off. Feels like I have to use so much force that I'm afraid it will break them. I pressed the locking mechanism down and the release button down too. I also managed to put one of them in the wrong way and had to google how to get it out.
I don't want to create a thread on this because it's kind of port begging, but do we know why Undertale hasn't been announced to come to Switch, or any other consoles? Seems like a perfect fit, and would be a fucking cash cow.
I don't want to create a thread on this because it's kind of port begging, but do we know why Undertale hasn't been announced to come to Switch, or any other consoles? Seems like a perfect fit, and would be a fucking cash cow.
Because it was made with Game Maker and the creator can't actually program.
Because it was made with Game Maker and the creator can't actually program.
Did not stop the developer of Freedom Planet porting the game to Wii U hiring an external team.
I feel like Toby changed once Undertale did super well, he became a different person.