Hopefully this isn't considered port begging, but is there any word on Spelunky coming to the Switch? Seems tailormade for the platform.
Can't wait for Mario Kart to come out. I need something pick up and play. Zelda is kinda demanding it to play in longer bursts. Plus de new battlemode looks really fun in the Nintendo Minute video.
If you can hold out for these issues to get fixed, hold out, but I'd say the Switch is definitively a fresh concept executed to the point and should be considered for anyone that likes gaming on the move and is excited about a return to form from Nintendo.
I wouldn't say it's a fresh concept at all. More like Nintendo made an already existing concept easier to execute. Laptops and tablet/smartphone devices have been able to display on a TV for quite some time. Either wirelessly or wired, or even with a dock.
This is like saying consoles back in the day weren't a fresh concept because home computer's already existed, or handhelds weren't a fresh concept because you could play games on your phone or calculator. In the realm of traditional videogames, which we're obviously limiting this to, it is
You're comparing the form factor of a laptop to the Switch... Seems like you have no clue about it in practice.Um no? I can play traditional multiplat video games on my laptop, with traditional controls. Either on my TV or on the go. And I've been able to do that long before the Switch was revealed.
I'm waiting as well. That's a day 0 for me. Need that at all times on all platforms![]()
Ok I need help. How do I disable the parental controls restriction for accessing internet settings? Every time I go in to internet settings it says this festure is restricted bt the parental controls app and I'm forced to enter a pin to temporarily disable the restriction. This is getting really annoying. I don't see any option to permanently disable this restriction.
I was just thinking about this the other day while playing Binding of Isaac on Switch. Would buy this with the quickness.Hopefully this isn't considered port begging, but is there any word on Spelunky coming to the Switch? Seems tailormade for the platform.
You're comparing the form factor of a laptop to the Switch... Seems like you have no clue about it in practice.
Ok I need help. How do I disable the parental controls restriction for accessing internet settings? Every time I go in to internet settings it says this festure is restricted bt the parental controls app and I'm forced to enter a pin to temporarily disable the restriction. This is getting really annoying. I don't see any option to permanently disable this restriction.
Try Fast RMX in the meantime. It's essentially F-Zero.
On another note, don't get why developers keep putting chromatic aberration in their games and make it default. Game looks a lot better without it in my opinion.
Is this portable charger a good option for the Switch?
It looks good to me but I'd like some other opinions.
I want to get one and attach it to my case somehow so that I always have it with me.
My Switch arrived today. Some questions:
1) Can I rearrange the game icons?
2) How do I make a US eSHop account?
3) Should Zelda take long time to download? Have a 100/100 Internet and it takes 30 min to get 10%.
4) What is this for? Don't understand.
I wouldn't say it's a fresh concept at all. More like Nintendo made an already existing concept easier to execute. Laptops and tablet/smartphone devices have been able to display on a TV for quite some time. Either wirelessly or wired, or even with a dock.
I fly 4000 kms a week for work and I've just done my first flight with a switch and SWEET LORD BABY JEBUS was that not the best flight of my life!
Zelda + Switch + battery pack + headphones = some sort of gaming time warp...
Next time, I'm bringing the joy con grip FTW
Which of these are recommended?https://www.komplett.no/product/912...ch/tilbehoer/gioteck-switch-screen-protector#
My Switch arrived today. Some questions:
1) Can I rearrange the game icons?
2) How do I make a US eSHop account?
3) Should Zelda take long time to download? Have a 100/100 Internet and it takes 30 min to get 10%.
4) What is this for? Don't understand.
This one:
1. No
2. Go to accounts.nintendo.com. Create a new account, with the Country as United States
3. Try 5Ghz band if you're not already.
4. The JoyCon Grip...you put the JoyCons in it.
I am trying to decide between
-I am Setsuna and Disgaea?
I've never played a Disgaea game before.
I am also going to get FAST.
also meant to say I took the wife and girls to see Beauty and the beast and there was a switch add before the movie. Pretty good marketing there Nintendo
Hmmmm. I had my first crash on the Switch. Not sure if it was Zelda or the system.
Playing in Handheld mode on the train, I was playing Zelda. I spoke to Beedle in Rito Village and a message came up saying "An Error has occurred. Please restart your system". I restarted and reloaded and everything seemed fine after that.
That's after 50 hours of Zelda.
I'd like Nintendo to allow us to email screenshots from the album. I send postcards of my Zelda journey to my sister and posting to Twitter to grab the shot then deleting the tweet is tiresome.
Has it been exactly 10 days from when your first played it?
Playing in tablet mode using the joy cons is giving me an input lag. I tried it for the first time yesterday and it was pretty obvious during my BOTW session. Gonna be tough to play games like Smash and timing-based games like Rhythm Heaven in that mode.
Um no? I can play traditional multiplat video games on my laptop, with traditional controls. Either on my TV or on the go. And I've been able to do that long before the Switch was revealed.
What silly nonsense to argue about.
It will unlink your Nintendo Network account, and you will lost any funds you have. Outside of that, you're free to swap regions. The game will be registered to your EU account. You might have to swap regions in the future for any DLC that might be released, however.
I did this to pick up Shovel Knight from the Mexican eshop, where it was almost $10 cheaper then on the US store.
Yea happened to me except I put ~90 hours into Zelda, ~15 into Shovel Knight and ~10 into Binding Of Isaac. Woke Switch up from sleep mode (with Isaac cartridge in), and it turned off after like 30 seconds. Thought it went back to sleep but nope - got that message (console was docked so I saw when I took it out).
We're probably fucked. Bet you that error is gonna start happening more often :'(
Must.... find... pro controller
What's the difference between Specter of Torment and Treasure Trove? Do I need both?
So, I could change my United States Nintendo Account to Japan, buy PuyoPuyo Tetris, and then switch it back to United States and still be able to play it? To me that is probably better than having a separate Japan account on the system (which I did to get the demo).
Losing wallet funds isn't a concern for me -- ain't got any. Can I just re-link my Wii U/3DS Nintendo Network ID afterwards?