I mean you could. With a ruler. A lot of people who thought they had straight switch consoles noticed the slight imperfect angle.
Out of genuine curiosity, can anyone from the UK or Europe in general confirm if they have the warped Switch?
There seems to be a slight curvature to my Switch, but I only noticed it because people were talking about it. Have had no problems so far and already got dragged into the scratches scare which turned out to be a lot of bullshit over nothing, so I'm not going to fuss about it. Unless you have difficulty getting it into your dock I think a lot of you are obsessing over nothing.
Well it's true. Some four people had a problem in a 100+ pages thread.Not this again...
There seems to be a slight curvature to my Switch, but I only noticed it because people were talking about it. Have had no problems so far and already got dragged into the scratches scare which turned out to be a lot of bullshit over nothing, so I'm not going to fuss about it. Unless you have difficulty getting it into your dock I think a lot of you are obsessing over nothing.
New Hampshire doesn't have state sales tax, just use one from there. Live free or die, man!
Agreed this is a really stupid oversight. At least I hope it's an oversight.Just picked up a switch on my way into uni, when trying to connect to the uni wifi i need to input my username and password to get access. The switch only asks for a password.
They need it update it to also ask for a username if needed.
I still think that's nonsense. The thread "scared" me into checking and I did have tiny micro scratches. I now use a tempered glass protector and have no fear of additional scratches while the screen is 100% the same visually.Sorry if I wasn't clear. I think the scare was bullshit, not the issues themselves.
Pro Controller has HD rumble, but Zelda doesn't feature it. I don't know of any game that does yet.Breath of the Wild doesn't support HD rumble right? Found conflicting information online. Does the Pro controller have HD rumble like the joycons do? Is there a demo that makes use of HD rumble I can experience for free or is buying 1-2 switch my only option?
Out of genuine curiosity, can anyone from the UK or Europe in general confirm if they have the warped Switch?
Agreed this is a really stupid oversight. At least I hope it's an oversight.
Analog stick 20 years ago, waggle and touch a dozen years ago? Nah, it's really the headphone jack in 2017 which defines cutting edge.Nope. When has Nintendo ever been on the cutting edge on controller tech other than rumble which not many give a crap about anymore.
I don't think it's the problem with the dock mode since I barely use it docked at all but mine is bent
You're right, Junior. Personally speaking, I posted a lie to fan the flames. The rest of the photos are 'shopped. You cracked the case.
If I am the Junior, then the Senior should be a little more mature about the situation and simply contact Nintendo to get these things fixed instead of losing some of his gaming time to take pictures? This seems to be thread here and this is one of the most childish thing I've never really understood. "Oh look, my console is broken! *crieess*" Let's post it on GAF!... sincerely. Grow up people.
I thought the day one update added support for web login on wifi? Or is this a separate thing with directly logging into a wifi point?
If I am the Junior, then the Senior should be a little more mature about the situation and simply contact Nintendo to get these things fixed instead of losing some of his gaming time to take pictures? This seems to be thread here and this is one of the most childish thing I've never really understood. "Oh look, my console is broken! *crieess*" Let's post it on GAF!... sincerely. Grow up people.
I got my Switch at launch and noticed a few days later after while looking at the centre tablet that it was slightly bent. I thought it was just my Switch but turns out at least two other people are experiencing this issue as well.
This is an image (not my photo btw) of how mine sort of looks:
My photos (still need to take extra)
As you can see, it's slightly bent. I do plan on returning it back to Nintendo but maybe at a later time to see if they implement save transferring first (since I put 90+ hours into Zelda already and don't want to lose that progress). And yes, I do have a case for the console from the very beginning but still noticed the problem.
Anyone else have a bent Switch?
What a piece of crap
I posted this several pages back, but looks like the same issue here with my switch.
Mines bent also, I've played mostly in docked mode. I wonder if the heat is causing it to warp.
Mine is bent too but I didn't notice until I was looking for it.
Continued: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=233243816&postcount=9905
Is not about the dock. I used the hori stand and a usb cable extender to avoid using the craptastic dock included by nintendo and my switch is bet, no too much to be noticeable but sure is bent.
Yeah, without pictures of that same person's switch out of the box, it is hard to say anything.
Mine has a slight curve, I guess? I don't know whether it is a defect or within standard production variation.
Fuck. Just did the ruler test.
Mine is bent.![]()
Just checked mine. There's some separation between the front, and back plastic, around the volume rocker.
This sucks!![]()
Posted in the other thread for this but my Switch is also bent. I don't believe it was from being docked though, it's just the way it is I think.
I bought it from Amazon Warehouse meaning it's possible it had prior use to me owning it, though I don't really think that's the case.
Mine too is slightly bent. However, I first noticed it a least a week ago, but assumed it was either part of the deign or "manufacturing variation." Until we see someone document a fresh, out of the box switch warping over time due to the heat, I'm going to assume the bend is most likely due to the same rushed manufacturing timeline that likely lead to the bent docks. As long as this issue doesn't brick the system, or continue to worsen to the point of making the Swirch uncomfortable to hold or make it difficult to put the system in and out of the dock, I doubt this will become an issue for most people.
But I must say, as much as I love the Switch as a concept and a thing I use almost daily, the number of hardware issues are starting to really stack up. The joycon connectivity issue (supposedly fixed now), bent docks and scratched systems, and now possibly this warping issue. Hell, my joycons are even getting a little loose and creaky. Really hope Nintendo gets this stuff sorted out before these issues start to penetrate to the casual audience and tarnish the systems reputation before it gets a real foothold in the market and more developer support.
Really, really glad I bought a replacement plan from Best Buy.
I've been using mine for about a week, 90% of the time docked.
There's virtually no gap (less than a millimeter on the right) between the ruler and the console. Compared to other pictures of curved switches at similar angles I think I can assume this one is as straight as possible.
My hypothesis is that bending is yet another manufacturing defect and some are coming out of the box already bent.
Analog stick 20 years ago, waggle and touch a dozen years ago? Nah, it's really the headphone jack in 2017 which defines cutting edge.
Anyone here get a copy of Binding Of Isaac without the manual and stickers? Trying to figure out if the second printing has the day one update pre-loaded onto the cartridge.
If I'd order a second set of joycons from Amazon, would they be 'fixed' by now?
Don't really want to go through the hassle of sending them in for repairs at Nintendo.
I've been thinking about this one, although my concern is that it probably won't be as flat as the Hori one when folded up. Dimension wise the footprint looks like it might be smaller though, and you get more adjustability with it. One nice tiny detail the Hori has is little nubs to fit into the divots on the bottom of the Switch, probably not a huge deal in practice though since I don't think it secures it any more than just gravity, just a simple alignment thing.Anyone own a 3rd party stand? I'm looking at the Hori one because it's collapsible and adjustable but was curious if anyone had any other suggestions.
new with switch... one question guys: It is ok if I play in docked mode meanwhile the switch is charging? It is bad for the battery?
ps yup I know my english is bad ;p