So after a day of using my Switch on and off with Zelda I'm happy with my purchase!
The only thing that really bugs me is that the Switch doesn't seem to like the PC monitor I usually use with all my consoles (except the Wii U because Limited RGB), I have to plug it directly into the monitor instead of using a HDMI switch or else I get no signal and whenever I put the Switch to sleep and wake it up the monitor is stuck at "NO SIGNAL INPUT" and I have to undock and dock the Switch again for the picture to come through. Nothing is the fault of the Switch though as it works flawless on my TV, I guess my monitor is just a bit picky and it's a generic LG IPS monitor I plan to eventually replace anyway.
Other than that I love mostly everything. The Joycon-grip felt weird at first but I adjusted to it without even knowing after a while. I wish the Joycons would disconnect themselves at inactivity though to save battery. The OS is sleek and great at what it does with a ton of potential to be a great mobile OS if Nintendo keeps expanding its abilities. The kick-stand is quite eh... the angle doesn't really work for me and it's hard to get out, since I don't think I'll use it much though I don't really care.
I also didn't notice any issues with my Joycons and the system dock sits on the floor behind my desk and PC till I find a nice spot for it. Nothing desynced or lagged so I guess my Joycons are fine thankfully.
Zelda has quite a mediocre image-quality and bad framerates at places, I won't sweettalk that but honestly the game is a blast and I say that after only completing the four tutorial shrines. It's just so immersive to be out there in the wild and doing things however creative you can be. I'm pretty sure I approached the entrances to the shrines all in a roundabout not really intended way but that's what makes the game great!

I barely even fought enemies since I noticed they are harder than usual in Zelda games and only did so when I had to while trying and using my surroundings to my advantage so my advice is when you feel annoyed by the encounters in the game like I read a few times above, avoid the fights if possible, atleast at the Plateau I got the feeling that approaching it the old way of just fighting everything you see isn't really beneficial here.
But yeah I should stop for today I barely got enough sleep last night and have a slight headache so sorry if my post is a bit of a incoherent mess