Best Buy stores are getting their allotment now, looks like one of my local Best Buys is getting about 100 total consoles between pre-orders and open units. According to some employees I know at the local distribution center, anyway.
Gotta be honest with you, that's not bad for day one numbers. I remember that same Best Buy having less than half as many PS4s and Xbox Ones for their first day.
Maybe this Best Buy is an outlier, but if it is any indication I don't think supply will be too bad for the first day. Here's hoping all those who didn't preorder can get a hold of one, and all the stores stick to one-per-customer to limit scalping.
Gotta be honest with you, that's not bad for day one numbers. I remember that same Best Buy having less than half as many PS4s and Xbox Ones for their first day.
Maybe this Best Buy is an outlier, but if it is any indication I don't think supply will be too bad for the first day. Here's hoping all those who didn't preorder can get a hold of one, and all the stores stick to one-per-customer to limit scalping.