Amazon order hasn't shipped yet. Hmmmmmmmm. My friend will be bummed since he's the one I ordered it for.
No Switch, but UPS dropped off Zelda a few minutes ago.
I'll be pretty disappointed if I ordered as soon as it went up 3:00 AM, only for it to not arrive on the "guaranteed" date.
Arriving today by 8pm
Preparing for Shipment
It's not even for me. It's a gift for 12 year old who's been hyped for months. :/
Amazon finally updated my Switch order status: expected Monday. What the fuck. Preordered this thing 1/13. Fucking pissed
Amazon CS said:Me: Hi. This has been preparing for shipment for two days and is scheduled for delivery today before 8PM. However, it has not been shipped and I have no tracking. Please let me know what's going on, thanks. Need this at work today before 5:30PM.
You are now connected to Sashank from Amazon.com
Sashank: Hello, my name is Sashank. I'm here to help you today.
Me: Hi there Sashank; appreciate that
Sashank: Oh My! I'm sorry for the delay, metsallica
I'll be happy to sort this out for you
Could you please help me with the order number?
Sashank: Thank you, metsallica
One moment please
Let me check this for you
Me: great, thanks!
Sashank: I'm working on this for you, metsallica
One moment please
Thank you for waiting, I've checked with the details and I see that the item is currently out of stock
and once the item is available, we'll deliver your order as top priority shipping and the earliest
I'm so sorry for the delay, metsallica
It is due to the inventory issues of the item
Me: I'm confused Sashank
I preordered this the second it was available
Look at my order date
I was among the first people to order the system on Amazon
It says "delivering today"
Please explain
Or direct me to someone who can.
Sashank: Alright, I can transfer your chat to our supervisor
Could you please confirm ?
Me: Yes, thanks
Sashank:Sure, One moment please
A Customer Service Associate will be with you in a moment.
You are now connected to Amazon from Amazon.com
Amazon: Hello, my name is Unnisa. I'm a member of the leadership team here at Amazon.com. I'll be happy to help you today.
Me: Hi Unnisa. I was just told that my Nintendo Switch preorder, which is marked for "delivery today" was not available due to stock issues. I preordered my system months ago and was among the first people to order on Amazon
How can there be stock issues?
Where is my order? Why hasn't it shipped
Thanks for the help.
Very frustrated here.
Loyal customer, Prime member, very surprised by this awful treatment
Amazon: I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience you've experienced in these regards
Could you please be on hold for a minute or two while I research this for you?
Me: Yes
Amazon:Thanks for being on hold
I've checked the details of Nintendo Switch order and see that few of our customers has the same issue and due to unforeseen reasons we were not able to ship and deliver the item by their Estimated Delivery Date
Me: What are the unforseen reasons
That is not an explanation
I'd like to know what happened.
If you can't provide that, I'd like to talk to someone who can
I'd also like to know when I'll be receiving my order
Amazon:However, in order to help you in these regards, I've upgraded the shipping to One-Day Shipping at no additional cost and now it's scheduled to be delivered by March 4, 2017
Me: The shipping address is my work
I won't be at work on the weekend to pick it up
So that doesn't really help anything, though I do appreciate it
Also, if there are stock issues, how can you ship something out that you don't have
It would be nice to get a real explanation of what is actually happening here
Amazon: I do understand your concern Metsallica but unfortunately at this time we cant ship and deliver the item today itself
Me: Why? You offer same-day delivery in my city
You have Prime Now. You have the ability
It says preparing for shipment and guarantees that it'll be delivered today
So where is it
Amazon: I tried for that but same day delivery option is not available for this oredr
Me: But it's late
Amazon: The fastest option available is only 1 day and I've updated it for the same
Me: I don't understand this
I ordered with release date delivery
I am a prime member
Today is the release date
How is a special exception not an option here?
None of this makes any sense. Why didn't it ship? What happened?
All I'm getting are half-answers and you reading from your script. I know this isn't your fault, but I was counting on this and this is frustrating
Amazon: I completely understand your concern metsallica but unfortunately there's no way to have it shipped out today itself. However, to compensate for the inconvenience, I'll extend your prime membership for 1 month at no cost
Me: Yeah these little niceties aren't really helping. Again, I do appreciate them, but they're not helping. They're making ti worse
Now my order page switched from arriving today at 8PM to arriving tomorrow by 8pm
again, tomorrow is the weekend
I will not be here
Nor will I be here on Sunday
This order was placed on January 13th
The very second the Switch went up on your site
It was guaranteed release date delivery
That is today
Amazon: Once the carrier gets assigned and once the package gets shipped out, you may contact the carrier and take delivery by tomorrow
Me: Not tomorrow
I will not be available over the weekend
I'm going away this weekend
Amazon: I do understand your concern but as informed above, it cant be delivere dtoday
Me: And people were depending on me to bring this on the trip
Amazon: delivered**
Me: And now I can't
Because of you guys screwing something up I still haven't gotten an explanation on
Upgrading my shipping to make it SLOWER THAN IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE is not a fix
Giving me a month of prime, which is a few dollars, is not a fix
I was counting on this, and you guys messed up and can't even tell me why or how
At least if there was an actual explanation I might be able to accept it.
But the first guy told me the system I PREORDERED on January 13th WASN'T IN STOCK
Amazon: As informed above there was some problem in shipping this item to our customers because of which few other customers also getting it delay
Me: What is the point of a preorder if not to secure stock
Why does a preorder system exist
"some problem"
that explains nothing
Who can I talk to that can actually tell me what went wrong
Clearly you can't
And again, I am not trying to take my frustration out on you. You don't deserve that, and this is NOT your fault. I get it. You have a job, and you're following your instructions. But I'm getting half-answers here and am extremely frustrated, and you're the only person I can talk to about this.
Amazon: I really do appreciate your understanding in these regards
please do understand our limitations.
Me: I do understand them
But there has to be somebody I can talk to who can make exceptions and provide real,actual explanations
Amazon: metsallica, please do understand that there are many other customers who got delayed for this and unfortunately I cant upgrade your shipping more than q day shipping
1 day shipping***
Me: Right. But I still don't know WHY the order hasn't shipped
And again, I will not be here to receive the upgrade, which is actually a downgrade
Because it's a day late, it's not 1-day shipping. It's 1-day late shipping
The first guy I talked to told me there were STOCK issues
How can there be stock issues with a preorder placed on 1/13
I placed a preorder to SECURE stock
Isn't that the point?
Amazon: metsallica, please do understand that there are multiple parameters on which Estimated Date gets assigned
Me: this was guaranteed release date delivery
so one of the parameters is "the guarantee is a lie?"
Amazon: and unfortunately we are not able to deliver it to you by its actual delivery date
Me: why did my order page say delivering today by 8PM until you updated it to tomorrow?
Amazon: metsallica, your oredr was stucked and that's teh reason I had to upgrade it
Me :It was stuck?
What does that mean, exactly?
Amazon: yes
Me: Stuck where, why, how?
Amazon: It was stuck in shipping
and hence I had to upgrade the shipping method to have it shipped out smoothly
Me: Do you have the ability to transfer me to someone in the CS department in Seattle? Over the phone?
Amazon: please be on hold. Let me check this for you
Thank you for being on hold
I see that currently US agents are not available for transfer
Me: OK. Well, I'm getting nowhere here, sadly, so I'll try calling them myself
Amazon: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Me: Nope. Even though there wasn't anything you could do, and this ended up just making me more frustrated, I do appreciate you trying
Amazon: We appreciate your understanding in these regards. Thanks for contacting Amazon. Have a good day!
Amazon from Amazon.com has left the conversation.
Need advice. My Zelda special edition is still marked as preparing to ship.... for arrival today by 8PM. I'm going out to pick up some more items at Best Buy and try to snag a pro controller.
I'm getting Zelda today, regardless of Amazon's incompetence, but not sure how to handle this. Buy Zelda, then return it when my special edition comes? Is there any chance of getting a special edition somewhere else and return the Amazon one when it comes?
They have it back in stock now, so they must have got more copies.
My Neon console just arrived from Amazon via UPS.
Now I get to stare at the box for the next seven hours until I get off of work. Hurray.
Take it out, set it up, kill the battery on your desk, charge it.![]()
Enjoy. Or whatever. Complete waste of time.
After that, I called them and got even less info and/or satisfaction. Hooray.
Enjoy. Or whatever. Complete waste of time.
After that, I called them and got even less info and/or satisfaction. Hooray.
Oh wow I thought about buying digital for Zelda since I have eShop credit but decided just to get physical. Free same day delivery so I should be getting it today. I couldn't even order the Switch version since it went out of stock before.
Not a bad idea, I'll give it a shot. Thank you!Hey, ask which facility your order is currently at. Moreso, ask for the last location of the last shipping update. If it's within your city, get the contact for that facility, call and ask for the supervisor. Explain your situation and see if you can't do a pick up there directly. Be polite but firm. They will still be around after your quitting time, so it may be possible that they will work with you.
It's at least an option. Keep in mind they're probably getting a number of calls and requests for pickup (which isn't really allowed). Good luck dude.
Option 2 is grab one from target this evening and get a refund on the Amazon order. Good luck again, enjoy your trip, regardless :0
They did, yes. Yesterday.Did they charge your credit card?
Just called. Best I can do is get a refund and a cancellation, maybe. I'll know within 24 hours. This is fucking ridiculous. Now i'm going to go scour san fran (while i'm here for gdc anyway) for a switch. Fuck.
So my Switch and Zelda orders are still showing as "Shipping Today" but also still listed as Arriving today by 8pm. Amazon's chat tells me that they both orders have actually been shipped in the same package and on time to arrive today.
So we'll see.
If you're gonna be in the South Bay at all this weekend (San Jose) I have a Neon that I'm going to return to Best Buy. I'm sticking with Grey. Not trying to make anything on it.
PM me if you're interested.
Everyone that went out hunting last night get one? I've got an extra neon.
Syracuse New YorkWhereabouts?
Syracuse New York
Free same day delivery, how?
Even with paid one-day delivery it tells me arrives tomorrow.
So it seems like something is going on here, and the tracking is several hours behind. Talking to Amazon on the phone just now, they told me that it is still scheduled to be shipped by 8pm today, but the status was updated to show that tomorrow would be the guaranteed delivery if it doesn't get delivered today. Which is still bullshit but basically means it's not 100% not coming today. They told me they would keep tracking the item's status and as soon as USPS updates their tracking to show that they have the item, they can request that it be expedited and delivered today.March 3, 2017 , 9:08 am
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Your item departed a shipping partner facility at 9:08 am on March 3, 2017 in TRENTON, NJ 08691. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.
March 3, 2017 , 4:13 am
Picked Up by Shipping Partner, USPS Awaiting Item