Well, there's a glimmer of hope for me then. I'll be going to my local gs midnight event.
I wonder what time I should actually show up to better my chances?
Well, there's a glimmer of hope for me then. I'll be going to my local gs midnight event.
why don't they just let people preorder any extra consoles they'll have? I guess it's just a ploy to get people excited and into the store. "Hey no Switches? Guess I'll pick up some other stuff..."
Just chiming in. I am pretty sure my BB shipping order yesterday said "failed to authorize", but right now it says "awaiting authorization".
I'll give them a call in a bit just to make sure everything is good and report back.
Finally cancelled my amazon switch pre order, feels bad but i don't see myself really playing much of the switch for the next few months. Hopefully someone here can snag it when it goes back up for order, probably around 2/28 when they start shipping out.
I've had two people tell me that their Target console orders got pushed to 3/7. Anyone else on here seeing that?
I wonder if this will make my preorder pickup a shit show? Oh well, at least it will be a jolly shit show.
"package 1 of 1
expected arrival Mon, Mar 6 - Thu, Mar 9"
Not sure if this has been mentioned before. But if you still don't have a preorder, you live in the Pacific NW, and you have a Fred Meyer near by, there you go. I've gone without a preorder for a number of big releases over the years. Just walked into Fred Meyer as soon as they opened, never failed to get what I want. I think they tend to fly under the radar because people don't generally think of them as a big game retailer.
I would much rather go to Bestbuy, but for reasons I have over $300 of GameStop credit, and I really want to unload it.A Big box store like a Bestbuy will carry more then a Gamestop. I would wait at a Bestbuy for a better chance.
Is your BBY preorder showing 3/2 as the delivery date?
Is Best Buy gonna give away my preorder if I don't go to the midnight launch?
For once, the bundles are reasonable!
They're exactly what I'd buy anyway (console, pro controller, Zelda, +/- guidebook)
Is Best Buy gonna give away my preorder if I don't go to the midnight launch?
This just in: GameStop, a family of specialty retail brands that makes the most popular technologies affordable and simple, announced stores will have a limited supply of Nintendo Switch systems available for walk-in customers on the March 3 launch day. Customers who were not able to pre-order the system are encouraged to attend GameStops midnight launch events held at stores across the nation for an opportunity to purchase Nintendos revolutionary new home gaming system.
We will have a limited supply of the Nintendo Switch systems on launch day for walk-in customers, said Bob Puzon, senior vice president of merchandising at GameStop. Our teams made this happen. I would strongly suggest customers plan on attending one of our midnight launch events for a shot at securing one of these extra units. They will go fast!
GameStop will also offer online a very limited supply of two different Nintendo Switch bundles. Bundle 1 will include the Nintendo Switch, the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game for $429.99. Bundle 2 includes all the previously mentioned items, plus The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild official strategy guide for $454.99. Customers should visit www.gamestop.com/switch for more information.
Customers can trade games, consoles, accessories, and electronics towards the purchase of the Nintendo Switch system ($299.99), or either of the previously listed bundles.
Has anyone here ever pre ordered from target before? There's no chance of them shipping early, is there?
Hey, I'm not much of a prolific poster here, but I've been thinking of paying my Amazon Switch pre-order in full ASAP (just to be on the safe side and not have any surprises come March) using gift cards, but I've read (I think here on GAF as well) that sometimes applying a GC to a "hot item" pre-order can go haywire and make the order be cancelled. Does this still happen? Should I not risk it and leave everything as-is? Thanks!
EDIT: Also, no problem in buying GCs with and for the same account, right?
For orders from Gamespot.com, if I paid for the one day shipping, does that mean I'll have it on the 3rd?
"package 1 of 1
expected arrival Mon, Mar 6 - Thu, Mar 9"
I've had two people tell me that their Target console orders got pushed to 3/7. Anyone else on here seeing that?
Is Best Buy gonna give away my preorder if I don't go to the midnight launch?
I actually disagree and think this is a great thing. Not everybody has a chance to pre-order a console. Pre-orders go fast and to the diehard gamers that hawk websites and set up stock notifications. That creates a poor experience for the casual/general audience (who are greater in number) who wants to find one on launch. This at least gives those users a chance. Nintendo is already disgracefully poor at stocking but the idea that all allocation should go to pre-orders is not a great one.
Mine said that a few days ago. It's now saying "Awaiting Authorization".Does anyone else's Best Buy order still say failed authrorization?
Hey, I'm not much of a prolific poster here, but I've been thinking of paying my Amazon Switch pre-order in full ASAP (just to be on the safe side and not have any surprises come March) using gift cards, but I've read (I think here on GAF as well) that sometimes applying a GC to a "hot item" pre-order can go haywire and make the order be cancelled. Does this still happen? Should I not risk it and leave everything as-is? Thanks!
EDIT: Also, no problem in buying GCs with and for the same account, right?
I just had a mini heart attack. Pulled up the best buy confirmation in my email to check on the status but when I clicked the link there was nothing in my orders! I refreshed, logged out and back in. Still nothing!
I called customer service and they're claiming the order is still there. So I don't know why the hell it's not showing up on their site. They didn't know either but they assured me it's still good to go.
Whew, I didn't need that today. Back to work lol.
I did this with PS VR without issue. YMMV.
I do this all the time, didn't have any issues.
There's so much anxiety in this thread, even from people who have pre-orders. Take a few deep breaths and remember that it won't be the end of the world if things don't quite work the way you planned it (or didn't plan it). If you pre-ordered through a local store or are trying to try your luck with getting one without a pre-order, call up your local store. If you ordered online, call up the place you ordered from and ask them about whatever you need to know. And if the uncertainty of ordering online versus ordering locally stresses you out so much, go local next time.
I don't want to sound condescending, I'm sincerely bummed this is such a stressful experience for so many folks.
There's so much anxiety in this thread, even from people who have pre-orders. Take a few deep breaths and remember that it won't be the end of the world if things don't quite work the way you planned it (or didn't plan it). If you pre-ordered through a local store or are trying to try your luck with getting one without a pre-order, call up your local store. If you ordered online, call up the place you ordered from and ask them about whatever you need to know. And if the uncertainty of ordering online versus ordering locally stresses you out so much, go local next time.
I don't want to sound condescending, I'm sincerely bummed this is such a stressful experience for so many folks.
I overheard the manager at my local GS tell someone that if they wanted a walk-in unit, they should be there for 6pm when all the preorders are being pre-rung (before returning at midnight) .
Seems strange to me, as when I worked at GS for the DC and PS2 launches, that wasn't how we handled it, but that was a few years ago. :|
That's cool. It's just hard for me to relate to. People stressing about their color choice, their pro controller being a few days late, their confirmation emails not coming yet... I'm like yall, it will be okay. hahaI only let it stress me out in the same way that grabbing a good Black Friday deal stresses me out. It's a "fun" kind of stress, but as soon as it become truly detrimental to my health, I'd walk away.
How much do you all reckon the trade-in value for a Switch will be ~3 weeks after release? Outside of Zelda, I think I can live without Nintendo exclusives until there's a solid enough library to go through a lot of things at once.