Take your time with it and enjoy! I'm having a blast with it still. The new special effects make reforging even crazier lol.That I can do so is great. I think I got a +10 Katana that has all the perks I wanted.
Damnit I wish I could play tonightalready bought the dlc and everything
Yeaaah buddy. Before you know it, +10 then +15 and +20.Finally got spear+katana to +5.
Yea haha. Blondie was a pain in the ass on WotD solo. They both hit like a fucking truck too. You are now an Odachi master.So were the last two dlc bosses meant to be so tanky? I spent like an hour on each boss, trying to see if there was anyway too do more damage.
- Green/blue boss way just way too aggressive
- Blondie was just straight up cheatin for half the fight, and has some block rules
Odachi is pure shiteee
Not sure if anyone has any insight or a way of knowing but does playing online vs offline has any effect what so ever on loot drop rarity? I know it technically shouldn't but you never know with this game lol.
I had an interesting time fighting the last dlc boss. I tried slowly dodging and parrying her attacks and then after an hour I gave up and used my spear tank build to spam tornado while she spammed attacks on me. It looked silly as fuck. Eventually I got lucky and she got stunned just when I needed to heal and I could spam more tornado til she died.So were the last two dlc bosses meant to be so tanky? I spent like an hour on each boss, trying to see if there was anyway too do more damage.
- Green/blue boss way just way too aggressive
- Blondie was just straight up cheatin for half the fight, and has some block rules
Odachi is pure shiteee
Gives a %chance that you can keep attacking even when you're out of ki. Not sure if you could reach 100% if you stack it. Still probably run the risk of getting stunned so I would ignore it.Guys what does the everlasting ki effect actually do?
So were the last two dlc bosses meant to be so tanky? I spent like an hour on each boss, trying to see if there was anyway too do more damage.
- Green/blue boss way just way too aggressive
- Blondie was just straight up cheatin for half the fight, and has some block rules
Odachi is pure shiteee
I parried green/blue to death. He was dead in 2~3 parries+followups (parry~sign of the cross~final blow~god of wind from behind as they rise).
Blondie, as far as I can tell, can just ignore any and all hitstun, so it was pretty much just combo dodge combo dodge ad infinitum without being fancy.
I tried parrying Blondie (dual kats) for 10 deaths, and I swear I hit the sweet spot 70% of the time and parries didn't work.
Can you just not parry when the weapon is enchanted (as in, 95% of the fight)?
Edit: New dual sword heavy tank build(zero elemental damage taken) by Fuzzy Bearbarian:
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing with 24.7% Weapon SOTC damage and 21% skill damage too. Using 5pc Kingo's/4pc master Swordsman and its shredding through things. Do you know if SOTC conflicts with CCD though?
Also I've noticed something weird when stacking lots of final blow damage almost like there are some hidden diminishing returns at some point.
Great testing Grumplestilskin. Yeah I also noticed big diminishing returns when stacking multiple versions of the same effect, read that it was around 30% for most effects as well.
So is there any point in using Skill Damage (SOTC) up with master swordsman set then?
Damn, same for me. The only time I got a 200+ equipment and weapon was the first time I completed WotD. They've not been dropping ever since. And mine dropped on A Cursed Doppelganger WotD I believe. Beat him on first try which was an absolute nightmare and I got the 205 weapon drop. I was happy af lol. Still chasing that 210 weapon & CTA skill A+/AA.I was told that co-op has better chances but I haven't noticed any difference. I've been doing hands of the dragon co-op to try and get some 210 gear, but I've never gotten anymore gear over 200 ever since I cleared each WotD mission once.
Right!? Sign me the fuck up. Just gotta put weight reduction on a bunch of stuff since I love my movement.*Great info!*
HAHA 100% elemental damage reduction! Thats insane! Looks like fun.
Up until it turns orange, I think it's up to 69.9% btw and not 60%.When it comes to equipment weight, I try to keep it under 60% (I am in green around 57%). Is the effect on Ki/stamina usage more granular (i.e. each little point added to the weight leads to bigger Ki usage), or can I equip stuff up until it turns to orange? Never really understood this part.
Up until it turns orange, I think it's up to 69.9% btw and not 60%.
So from 30% to 69.9% it's all the same.
If you get hit once try to dodge directly, L1+ any direction, usually works.Figured it out.
Man I really suck at this game heh. It is worse that if you get hit once..you can't really do anything.
If you get hit once try to dodge directly, L1+ any direction, usually works.
Maria's cheating nature becomes really obvious in a LVL 1 run as well. After a couple hours of play, I've only depleted her stamina once when she powered up her weapon and even that felt like a stroke of luck. Her illogical regeneration is too much. Not keen on her ignoring being hit in the middle of a combo string either and promptly whipping out the parry / grab in her normal state, unlike virtually every other human boss. Shame too, because it's a fun change of pace with how it more or less feels like a fencing match (read: weaving in and out of range for quick pokes) due to the increased difficulty of parrying most of her attacks and her elusive movement. Shouldn't be too hard for Team Ninja to fix those aforementioned flaws, unless they're actually okay with those design flaws, which wouldn't be surprising since they gave it the OK to begin with.So were the last two dlc bosses meant to be so tanky? I spent like an hour on each boss, trying to see if there was anyway too do more damage.
- Green/blue boss way just way too aggressive
- Blondie was just straight up cheatin for half the fight, and has some block rules
Odachi is pure shiteee
One of the sub missions that opens up is essentially that boss with the aggressiveness quadrupled, so you'll probably enjoy that.
Maria's cheating nature becomes really obvious in a LVL 1 run as well. After a couple hours of play, I've only depleted her stamina once when she powered up her weapon and even that felt like a stroke of luck. Her illogical regeneration is too much. Not keen on her ignoring being hit in the middle of a combo string either and promptly whipping out the parry / grab in her normal state, unlike virtually every other human boss. Shame too, because it's a fun change of pace with how it more or less feels like a fencing match (read: weaving in and out of range for quick pokes) due to the increased difficulty of parrying most of her attacks and her elusive movement. Shouldn't be too hard for Team Ninja to fix those aforementioned flaws, unless they're actually okay with those design flaws, which wouldn't be surprising since they gave it the OK to begin with.
Dont ever parry, so didnt even think that was what i was meant to be doing xDI parried green/blue to death. He was dead in 2~3 parries+followups (parry~sign of the cross~final blow~god of wind from behind as they rise).
Blondie, as far as I can tell, can just ignore any and all hitstun, so it was pretty much just combo dodge combo dodge ad infinitum without being fancy.
I tried parrying Blondie (dual kats) for 10 deaths, and I swear I hit the sweet spot 70% of the time and parries didn't work.
Can you just not parry when the weapon is enchanted (as in, 95% of the fight)?
New Miduki gameplay(Twilight Kitty WotD)
Is he using Iai strikes to close in distance in some cases? :O
Thought they were misses at first lol.
Dont ever parry, so didnt even think that was what i was meant to be doing xD
Loved how Miduki took on the DLC bosses as well.
Ugh damn this paralysis hell. I beat every single WotD mission solo on first try almost with my unoptimized build except this one. It gave me such hell that I had to physically take a break and come back to it the next day fresh lol. Once that last wave started, I just booked it straight for that main rev and unleashed everything I had and items I didn't even need to just because. This mission pissed me off haha.Secrets of the dead, way of the demon solo be like:
And its all cos of this fucker!
Definitely nowhere near pro level but for me what helped and got the ball rolling was just to simply start playing again. Focus only on Way of the Demon difficulty if you have the DLC since you've beaten everything on Strong and level up accordingly as needed. WotD missions give way more Amrita/gold so grind those levels for way better rewards. With the new update, builds need to be more focused since new cap is level 400 and you can only have 99 in 3 skill attributes. But once you start playing again regularly, you'll get into the flow of things naturally as before. It did get daunting in the beginning of WotD & DLC cause of so much new stuff and different level drops. Once they evened out at level 200 though, it was much easier to manage.This game has suddenly become really overwhelming. :/ Just started to play after the DLC released (I've been on a break for nearly two months) and there is so much stuff to play!
My build is really uneven and all over the place (Warrior of the East and Red Devil combo with Yasakani Magatama, all equipment over +5) and I don't know what set should I start farming for.
I main a Sword and a Spear and I'd like to keep it that way. Any tips from pros? Level 167 atm, I've completed WAY OF THE STRONG. Please help.
Ugh damn this paralysis hell. I beat every single WotD mission solo on first try almost with my unoptimized build except this one. It gave me such hell that I had to physically take a break and come back to it the next day fresh lol. Once that last wave started, I just booked it straight for that main rev and unleashed everything I had and items I didn't even need to just because. This mission pissed me off haha.
And yes, Miduki is amazing in motion. I dig the spacing and footwork in a major way. Not the flashiest but still very entertaining to watch as well.
Ok Im at the first boss on the ship, Level 11
Can I treat this like I treat Bloodborne, meaning I dont want to tank or gear to tank, I want to be as agile as possible with a build that specializes on not being touched instead of tanking, can anyone give me a goal or a build to look forward, OP as hell please.
Katanas or Double katanas, I dont mind the chains with a blade weapon, but no spears or axes I dont like them.
Yes you can be light and mobile as hell using light armor and still hit like a truck![]()
Oh yuuusss, thats what I wanted to read.
I can never, ever go back to anything less than Rank A Agility (<%30).
A great drop like that makes it all worth it in the end. And good points on regarding Miduki flash. He/she can definitely be flashy as seen in the sick videos you linked.Yeah, ended up beating it by being more aggressive. The key with the 1.06 update arena battle missions is knowing that the enemies are on a spawn timer (very fast on way of the demon) and learning their spawn points in order to burst them down with a charged iai or behind the back heavy stance combo.
If you play too slow or safe, the enemies will quickly pile up and overwhelm you with like 5 of those umbrellas and flying bolts around as well tengu running all over the place. Yeah I rushed that boss revenant too.
That other similar mission with umbrellas and mages took me even longer more cos the room is just so small.This weapon dropped for all the trouble though.
at max familiarity:
Will keep it as is, in the storehouse, as I like my master swordsman swords and I don't like random slice cos its hard to control.
And I think Miduki can be flashy if he/she wants to:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxS51HqgiYY - katana spotlight
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO0jjaJCInw - Small juggling showcase
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGSlTnqHhb8 - Dojo duels compliation
This is how I play, I use single Katana and I sacrifice all defense and toughness for damage and I have very high survivability through mobility.
Now it's even better and easier thanks to new special effect, that let you lower enemy attack with your attacks. You get over 20% chance for that, so one in five hits and with low katana stance this is pretty much perma effect.
Regarding 200+ level weapon/armor drops. I'm also starting to think that they only drop from killing red glowing enemies/bosses on WotD. It's hard to remember exactly which enemy dropped what but for you guys that have gotten 200+ drops, do you remember if you got it from a glowing red enemy on WotD or not? Might be something worth looking into since still can't forge/buy anything over level 200. I got mine from A Cursed Doppelganger the first time I faced him but he was glowing red with all sorts of special effects. I tried farming him but no luck after that first time in dropping anything over 200. :/
I tried for 40+ minutes with no luck; already solo'd WotD and highest difficulty level just in case. Can only get divine 200(+1) drops from blacksmith & hidden tree house. Gonna look further into it but another guy on youtube said he crafted for over 2 hours and no luck on anything above 200. It will really suck if they are only special red enemy drops as I'm starting to suspect. :/Did you guys try to craft it? I'm only 3rd region in and my blacksmith max craft is 185lvl and yet it did craft me a 200lvl sword. Maybe it's like it used to be with 160/320lvl gear, very rare to craft but can happen.
Yep, my max weight is 12 now with one medium head piece (warrior of the west) and I can't imagine playing with anything other than A. I tried yesterday and it's not that great and fun for me. I'm pretty sure it's because I was always A since I started the game and now after 500 hours it's really hard to adapt to a new agility rank.
A great drop like that makes it all worth it in the end. And good points on regarding Miduki flash. He/she can definitely be flashy as seen in the sick videos you linked.
Regarding 200+ level weapon/armor drops. I'm also starting to think that they only drop from killing red glowing enemies/bosses on WotD. It's hard to remember exactly which enemy dropped what but for you guys that have gotten 200+ drops, do you remember if you got it from a glowing red enemy on WotD or not? Might be something worth looking into since still can't forge/buy anything over level 200. I got mine from A Cursed Doppelganger the first time I faced him but he was glowing red with all sorts of special effects. I tried farming him but no luck after that first time in dropping anything over 200. :/
If you don't have a tank build(heavy armor/etc) and guard elemental damage reduction on armor pieces, I suggest the keep away game like you seem to be doing. Especially when he is in LW form(green or blue). Keep playing the poke and run game after his attack animations till he is depleted or almost depleted of KI. Then go in with everything you got and do as much damage as you possibly can depending on your setup. I used carnage + steel + weakness when he was around Ki depleted. When Ki depleted, utilize Iai strikes into final blow damage if using sword/dual swords. Godspeed, you got this!Damn, having huge issues with the second DLC boss.
I can't for the life of me find a good way to avoid his blue phase. I try to dodge all slashes to drain him of Ki, but he keeps spamming the side-slash attack and it feels impossible to dodge.
Any suggestions?![]()
Yeah I saw this as well and said shit.I also think 200+ gear is only obtained by drops and this video seems to think that it only drops from the elite (red) way of the demon enemies:
He's gotten things wrong before though be wary.
In terms of numbers there isn't that much difference in ki usage for both evasion and attacks between A and B agility rank. The big difference comes if you go over 70% equipment and run around with C agility rank.
So I used to run with A agility on my first way of the samurai run with full yagyu shinkage set but transitioned to B agility during way of the strong as the set bonuses are usually better with medium armor. While I noticed a big difference at first, most of it must have been placebo and I still have the same quick playstyle as I did with A agility rank.
That being said, there are some nifty moves like swallows wing which I like at A agility and if you're around level 100/150 probably best to stick with A agility as you don't have much points to spare to put into stamina.
I also think 200+ gear is only obtained by drops and this video seems to think that it only drops from the elite (red) way of the demon enemies:
He's gotten things wrong before though so be a bit wary but I think he's mostly correct. I'm pretty sure my first 200+ drop was a mission reward though but in general, yeah, may be only dropped by red enemies and its not possible to forge past 200.
25% is the max for that I believe.What is the highest Close combat Ki reduction? I got 25% on my sword abs never got anything higher than that. I wish there was an official list of highest values possible for each special effect. Common Team Ninja, you can do it!