Aye the save is at him now, after the first phase he wont be badBut first phase has the sometimes unavoidable breath attack....
I like the boss, but with my restrictions hes going to be a pain in the ass, cause i have no patience.
Yeah I found that you can bait a short range breath sometimes if you stand close to the head in the first phase but that doesn't really work in the second phase. Sometimes you can low stance twirl dodge the side to side breath, sometimes you can't. Could never really do it consistently. On my winning run I think it just granted me mercy and didn't do it for some reason or another.
My usual strategy of using water sword to burst down each head just doesn't work base level as you don't have much ki, it takes too long and because you're rooted in one place so you're just too vulnerable when each off screen projectile is a death sentence, doubly so if you're going for crusher title. It's just such a long fight at naked base level that I just couldn't help playing ultra safe.