I can't wait till someone posts a spoiler and then seven people quote it.
My favorite are out of context statements that aren't really spoilers ... until someone quotes it and says it's a spoiler. Though, I can't really think of a good example right now besides speculation being confirmed through "dude, spoiler!" comments.
It does not help to have book readers in here constantly joking about spoilers. Please use the other thread if you've read the books and let the non-book readers enjoy the show on their own terms. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.SPOILER RULES:
- ABSOLUTELY NO BOOK SPOILERS. It doesn't matter if they're under spoiler tags, they should not be in this thread. Use the other thread for book-related television discussion. This includes alluding to things, subtle hinting, comparing the books to the show, etc...
- Regular TV thread rules apply:
- Once something airs in the US on the East Coast, it's fair game. Feel free to discuss anything that has aired without using spoiler tags.
- Anything that hasn't aired yet should be spoiler tagged including information from HBO previews, loglines, trailers, interviews, and a few other places.
- Speculation from people that haven't read the books is fine and encouraged.
- For the non-book readers using this thread:
- If you have any questions about plot points or want clarification on something, feel free to send a PM to any of the helpful volunteers (see below) and ask them.
- If you're curious about how things unfolded differently the book, please use the other thread.
- For the book readers that want to lurk in this thread:
- No taunting or teasing:
e.g. "Oh, just wait until you guys see what happens to him next week!!!"- No leading questions:
e.g. "What do you think will happen to this character by the end of the season?"- No comparing the book to the show:
e.g. "Well, that's different than in the book where they..."- Answering questions is fine when the information is readily available from what has aired on the show.
e.g. Q: "Wait, how is Robb related to Ned?" A: "Robb is Ned's son."
The bottom line is that this thread was created for people that haven't read the books to enjoy and discuss the television show. Keep their interests in mind and let them enjoy the show on their own terms without constantly pestering them. In general, there isn't a good reason for book readers to post in this thread. Thanks for your help.
A reminder:
It does not help to have book readers in here constantly joking about spoilers. Please use the other thread if you've read the books and let the non-book readers enjoy the show on their own terms. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
A reminder:
It does not help to have book readers in here constantly joking about spoilers. Please use the other thread if you've read the books and let the non-book readers enjoy the show on their own terms. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
How long until it airs in the US?
Can't wait till tomorrow so I can finally watch the first two eps of S2.
Though I might watch Wrestlemania first
So excited!
more: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.329883543737178.76518.171198346272366&type=1
Guess this thread isn't going to be that active this year.
Guess this thread isn't going to be that active this year.
I wasn't following the casting news this past year, but Joe Dempsie from the UK show "Skins" was already cast last year as Gendry. Did I spot another "Skins" actor, Hannah Murray? She was the wife/daughter of that wildling guy, I didn't catch the character names.
So it looks like Joffery is killing off all of his fathers bastards.
I wish they would've shown more Arya tonight, guess I'll have to wait until next week.
Interesting the Peter Dinklage gets top billing this season with Sean Bean gone. Well deserved.
Literally five seconds of Arya in this episode. I really hope next week is Arya-centric.
Also loved the line that Dinklage's character said early on in regards to Cerci. Something about the only thing you have going for you is your love for your children and your cheekbones. :lol
I'm confused by the comet and it's meaning. But nobody tell me?!
I'm confused by the comet and it's meaning. But nobody tell me?!
I'm confused by the comet and it's meaning. But nobody tell me?!
I thought the Dragons returning was the meaning. ie Khaleesi
Also, the red headed crazy witch woman with Stanis, does she represent the old gods? Or just some other God? And she was burning the new 7 Gods right?
Why were the killing all the younglings at the end?