In Game of Thrones, telling that a character lives on is as big of a spoiler as saying he/she dies, no one is safe and shit like that![]()
Too true. Can't take anything for granted after poor Ned.
In Game of Thrones, telling that a character lives on is as big of a spoiler as saying he/she dies, no one is safe and shit like that![]()
They stated things about them in passing but I don't think they made a clear statement about how important religion was in the context of the story. This episode is a clear shift in that direction for one of the factions.
I understand what the guy was against, it's just that there was no more danger in the new religion than the old from the viewers perspective. i get the feeling I was supposed to feel some kind of menace from the woman , but for all I know she could be a "good guy".
They know they're alive. They sent someone to kill her! They weren't exiled that long ago.
Why does it have to connect with Daenerys or the Targaryens? As far as the vast, vast majority of the kingdom is concerned, both are non-existent. The Targaryens haven't been in power for a decade, there are only two kids left and a hit was put out for Daenerys' life.
Of course the audience knows the entirety of events, but the players in the story don't.
Joffreys actor may be the most perfect casting ever.
Never have I seen such a punchable face.
One thing that I thought was blocked awkwardly was that the Maester started really obviously dying before Melisandre even started drinking. I guess it more clearly shows off that she don't give a fuck about poison but it makes his plan look pretty terrible. "Hopefully she takes a swig in the two seconds before I start spitting up blood."
This episode and the preview in general looks really purty though. I can actually forgive some mediocre CG (although the dragon looked great and the direwolves looked fine), but too much of last season just looked cheap in terms of sets and extras. The tournament last year was pretty embarrassing. Everything looks more authentic so far.
Joffreys actor may be the most perfect casting ever.
Never have I seen such a punchable face.
They stated things about them in passing but I don't think they made a clear statement about how important religion was in the context of the story. This episode is a clear shift in that direction for one of the factions.
I understand what the guy was against, it's just that there was no more danger in the new religion than the old from the viewers perspective. i get the feeling I was supposed to feel some kind of menace from the woman , but for all I know she could be a "good guy".
Yes, I know this... remember when I posted this?
Yes, most of the people don't know or don't care that the Targaryens still exist. The only ones that do know they exist are the ones in power at King's Landing, and they put out a hit on Daenerys (which I already acknowledged). And they *were* exiled a long time ago... they were exiled when power transferred to Robert Baratheon, which was about a decade ago. They only started talking about them again once they found out Daenerys was pregnant.
Again, I reiterate... the very few people that know about the Targaryen kids only care enough about them to put out a hit on Daenerys' life. That's it (and the one that cared the most is already dead). The Lannisters have far, far bigger issues at hand than worrying about a 16 year old girl stuck on the other side of the ocean.
- Stannis Baratheon, whose (legitimate) claim to the throne centers on the king being a child of incest
- Renly Baratheon, whose claim to the throne centers on being the relevant Baratheon brother, on top of having a massive army to boot
- Robb Stark, who doesn't want a claim to the throne but wants to sever half the kingdom from King's Landing's rule
- Jaime Lannister, who I don't need to explain his importance to the Lannisters
Any one of those things would be cause of massive concern for King Joffrey, let alone all of them at once. Why care about a 16 year old girl across the ocean again?
It isn't the Lannister family, it's that one lady. And, just to be clear, this was a group of people on a beach burning effigys of old gods. I don't know if discussing their priorities is your best argument.
This so much. Just watching that smug look on his face I wanted to punch the tv last night. He gets me grinding my teeth every time.Joffreys actor may be the most perfect casting ever.
Never have I seen such a punchable face.
Umm... are we watching the same story? The priorities I was discussing were those of the Lannisters, not Melisandre. Why the Lannisters and the Small Council? Because they're the only ones that know the Targaryens exist. And the one that most wanted Daenerys dead is already dead (Robert Baratheon).
Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon have no idea that the Targaryens even exist, let alone the dragons. Their sole concern is Joffrey "Baratheon".
I don't know how you can possibly say that. Information flows through that city like water. There isn't much of anything that only a couple people know.
This so much. Just watching that smug look on his face I wanted to punch the tv last night. He gets me grinding my teeth every time.
The internet doesn't exist in this world so how do they know this again?
Umm... are we watching the same story? The priorities I was discussing were those of the Lannisters, not Melisandre. Why the Lannisters and the Small Council? Because they're the only ones that know the Targaryens exist. And the one that most wanted Daenerys dead is already dead (Robert Baratheon).
Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon have no idea that the Targaryens even exist, let alone the dragons. Their sole concern is Joffrey "Baratheon".
Ravens everywhere.
I don't think there is anything in the first season that suggests that the Targaryens in exile are some big state secret.
I don't think there is anything in the first season that suggests that the Targaryens in exile are some big state secret.
Umm... are we watching the same story? The priorities I was discussing were those of the Lannisters, not Melisandre. Why the Lannisters and the Small Council? Because they're the only ones that know the Targaryens exist. And the one that most wanted Daenerys dead is already dead (Robert Baratheon).
Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon have no idea that the Targaryens even exist, let alone the dragons. Their sole concern is Joffrey "Baratheon".
Hell no! Tyrion is one of my most favorite characters on the show. The only one of the Lannisters that I don't hate.I Need a satisfaction kill, Please in the next episode kill off either Joffrey,his mother, that tied up lanister loser, the dwarf or anyone from the lanister family, I need this as I am hating them so fucking much.
Great that the show is back.
I agree I wasn't sure exactly what was going on in that scene either.I must have missed something, why didn't the lightbringer-lady die? Didn't she drink out of the same cup as the one that poisoned the old dude?
So tell me how Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre know Daenerys exists again? How does information flow through Dragonstone "like water"? The internet doesn't exist in this world so how do they know this again?
You realize that Stannis and Melisandre are nowhere near King's Landing right?
And that Varys (by far the most connected man in the kingdom) is part of the Small Council at King's Landing, *not* Dragonstone?
I think you need to rewatch the first season again because you are very definitely misguided on some of your notions of the show.
Did anyone else find it strange the scene between Daenerys and the scout? All that "blood of my blood" talk, and the looks they exchanged?
Haha, you and me bothIm watching it now but carice van houtens dutch English accent already annoys me...fuck.
First, you assume the fact Targaryens being alive is a secret known only to a few. Why? That she was pregnant was perhaps a secret, but I don't understand why living heirs that were exiled still being alive is somehow privileged information. It doesn't require connections, just a memory of the event or information about who was removed. I suspect that information is not a secret.
Second, we're talking about the former king's brother. It's not unlikely at all that he would know of their existence even if the two of them couldn't puzzle it together on their own. These people can all communicate rather effectively. That letter he sent out worked pretty well.
I like how you completely gloss over the whole "Targaryens haven't been relevant for 10 years" fact that I keep mentioning. Of course people know that the kids were exiled... however, that was 10 years ago. Do people still think about them now? No, of course not. The only time they became relevant was when Robert Baratheon found out that Daenerys became pregnant. How did he know this? Because Varys The Spider is on the Small Council, who is undoubtedly the most connected man in the kingdom. How does Varys know about Daenerys? Because he has (had) Jorah Mormont as his informant. Jorah is literally the only connection the kingdom has with Daenerys Targaryen. And, as we saw last season, Jorah Mormont was given a royal pardon but chose not to return to the kingdom because he grew close with Daenerys Targaryen. So this means that the kingdom no longer has a trusted source to the goings-on of Daenerys Targaryen.
Anything else I need to explain to you?
Yes, the former king's brother... also a brother that was nowhere near the king when he died (whereas Renly was), and was very explicit in this episode about how little he cared for Robert Baratheon.
The people of the kingdom rely on ravens to pass information. Stannis presumably used this same system to confer the news of the incest to the rest of the kingdom. But we're not talking about that letter, are we?
We're talking about Daenerys Targaryen. Who, as I've just described above, the kingdom no longer has reliable information on because Jorah Mormont grew very close to Daenerys (even going so far as to prevent an assassination attempt on the very girl he had been snitching on previously). So if Varys no longer knows what's going on with Daenerys, that means no one in the kingdom knows what's going on with Daenerys (nor would they care really... 10 years exile and all that). So if Varys doesn't know, then explain to me how would Stannis/Melisandre know?
Note that everything I typed is based on actual events and descriptions as given by the show... I'm not making any assumptions or leaps of logic like you're doing with the "former king's brother" or "suspecting information isn't secret." Everything I've just said is verifiable and well established by the show.
Did anyone else find it strange the scene between Daenerys and the scout? All that "blood of my blood" talk, and the looks they exchanged?
Yes. I assumed they may be setting up a love triangle of sorts. Was he related to Daenary's hubby?Did anyone else find it strange the scene between Daenerys and the scout? All that "blood of my blood" talk, and the looks they exchanged?
I thought it was interesting that they may seem to have more control over them or the Direwolf shows the level of maturity Robb has gained.The way they introduced the dire wolf was totally badass and terrifying. Even Jamie "I'm not skurred of death" Lannister peed his pants
Did anyone else find it strange the scene between Daenerys and the scout? All that "blood of my blood" talk, and the looks they exchanged?
No information also means no reason to assume she is dead. This woman is quite interested in fire, wouldn't you say? Is it such an enourmous stretch to suggest that, perhaps, she has an interest in the Targaryens and dragons?
Your extremely adamant position that this woman cannot possibly know or care about Dany having dragons seems incredibly misplaced. I really don't understand why you're so invested in this not being plausible in any way.
I hope the answer to this question isn't too spoilery. Is Arya ever going to play a bigger role? She's one of my favorite characters.
Yes, because (again) you're glossing over the whole "Targaryens haven't been relevant in ten years" part. You're making huge assumptions based on what you *want* to happen versus what's *actually* happening. Did Melisandre mention anything about dragons? No.
In fact, the only time anyone in the kingdom has mentioned Daenerys Targaryen at all has been Robert Baratheon and Varys. That's it. And that was fairly early last season too. There have been zero links elsewhere in the show with anyone else to Daenerys because no one in the kingdom cares about her. She was a child when exiled from a family that no longer exists in the kingdom. So again, why would Melisandre care about this girl, alive or dead?
How is it misplaced? The reason why I responded to you in the first place is because your initial statement seemed entirely out of character with what the show has established. Instead of propagating incorrect information, I wanted to correct you based on facts that the show has established to this point.
If anything your notion that Melisandre has any connection whatsoever with Daenerys (and her dragons) is entirely misplaced. I ask you again, what facts from the show establish this relationship? Honest question.
Just imagine the dragons to be the atomic bomb of the westeros world. I also liked the fact that most characters had no special powers and stuff
where the hell is the second dragon.
nice start btw, looking forward to see the next one.
I'm suggesting it's possible, you're adamant it's not. Given the woman's interests as displayed in the episode and given the establishment of the return of dragons as an explanation for the comet, I conclude that it's possible she has surmised a Targaryen has again acquired a dragon. I'm not saying she did, I'm saying it's possible and declaring it impossible is not supported by what we know. Logically your position carries the more substantial burden of proof. Your proof consists of speculations about interests and little else. It's a very unconvincing case.
where the hell is the second dragon.
nice start btw, looking forward to see the next one.
There are good people on the Lannister side too - Tyrion, Kevan, Tommen and Myrcella.
At the moment, the factions are 4 (Renly, Stannis, Robb, Joffrey) + Dany.
Right now in army size, it would go Renly > Lannister > Stark > Stannis. However, up to this point Robb has been the best leader and commander of all four, which gives him a bit of a force-multiplier.
where the hell is the second dragon.
nice start btw, looking forward to see the next one.
I hope the answer to this question isn't too spoilery. Is Arya ever going to play a bigger role? She's one of my favorite characters.