Funky Papa
Stolen from EA
Here are some juicy quotes:
Here are some juicy quotes:
No shit SherlockWhen is bloodrayne going to be made?
Uwe - August 16 , shooting start in transilvania
Any casting suggestions?
Uwe - Cast comes up soon. We allways till the last weeks to get actors cheaper
What is Far Cry going to be about? And when is that film going to be made?
Uwe - Next year. We are using 80% of the game story.
Were you involved in anything called Soul Calibur? IMDB has you credited for it.
Uwe - My friend Noel Vega is a producer on it - and wants me to work on it
Is the music from the official site of Alone in the Dark going to be in the film?
Uwe - Not anything. We have only three songs in the movie