This is bad for the industry. I'm not that into Nintendo software anymore, but no console deserves to flounder this way...

This is bad for the industry. I'm not that into Nintendo software anymore, but no console deserves to flounder this way...
If they don't have a skylanders style pokemon game for the WiiU in development and reasonably close to coming out they pretty much deserve to fail.
like i said over and over: they've been sitting on hordes of money when what they should have been doing is expanding studios, opening up new corners of development and establishing fresh hardcore IPs with mass marketing budgets and making partnerships. They've started the partnership thing, but it might be too little, too late at this point, and they still have failed to do so in a meaningful fashion to appeal to third party support on Wii U. There's no way they should constantly be bumping into the "all our teams are occupied with game development" at the moment when their output is what it is; they need to grow.
It would have been an investment, it would have driven into their war chest, but that's how you make businesses grow: you take risks. And Nintendo has been a shockingly risk-averse company in recent years, at least as it relates to their software.
+1like i said over and over: they've been sitting on hordes of money when what they should have been doing is expanding studios, opening up new corners of development and establishing fresh hardcore IPs with mass marketing budgets and making partnerships. They've started the partnership thing, but it might be too little, too late at this point, and they still have failed to do so in a meaningful fashion to appeal to third party support on Wii U. There's no way they should constantly be bumping into the "all our teams are occupied with game development" at the moment when their output is what it is; they need to grow.
It would have been an investment, it would have driven into their war chest, but that's how you make businesses grow: you take risks. And Nintendo has been a shockingly risk-averse company in recent years, at least as it relates to their software.
MS PR said:Xbox 360 started the New Year as the number one console in the U.S., selling 281,000 units in January, marking it the 25th consecutive month as the number-one selling console in the U.S. Xbox 360 continues to attract consumers in the new year with more than $338 million spent on Xbox 360 retail including games, consoles and accessories in January. (Source: NPD Group, January 2013)
January 2013 NPD highlights:
· Holding 44 percent share of current-generation console sales, Xbox 360 sold 281,000 units in January, maintaining the number-one console spot in the U.S. (Source: NPD Group, January 2013)
· Total retail spend on the Xbox 360 platform in January (hardware, software and accessories) reached $338 million, the most for any console in the U.S. (Source: NPD Group, January 2013)
· During the month of January, Xbox 360 held five of the top 10 console game titles including: Far Cry 3, NBA 2K13 Call of Duty: Black Ops II Madden NFL13 and Halo 4. (Source: NPD Group, January 2013)
This year, Xbox 360 will continue to expand its interactive entertainment portfolio with experiences including Redbox Instant, MTV and PBS, solidifying its position as the best all-in-one entertainment package.
Xbox showed incredible growth throughout 2012, almost tripling its entertainment offerings with nearly 100 custom, voice-controlled Xbox LIVE apps, and delivering users with 18 billion hours of entertainment. Xbox has sold three times the number of original Xbox consoles, with 76 million units sold around the world to-date.
If 20M consoles is the barometer for success. Then yeah, sure, I can see Mario etc... pushing the WiiU to eventually meet this goal.
For any success beyond 20M, they need lightning in a bottle. Honestly, at this point, management needs a serious shake up. The entire digital eco system screams of a company living in the 90s.
I bought one at launch as well and after beating NSMBU I haven't turned it on once. It's a decent system, but I have absolutely nothing to do with the thing right now.
Ok try again...
Ok try again...
I don't even want to quote the actual gif. That shit broke me as a kid.
So Nintendo fans, Early Wii-U adopters, and generally hopefull individuals were now in agreement right?
This console is a massive failure. No more spins about it being business as usual and having the same growing pains as previous consoles. This is really bad.
They have to price drop right? That's there only option?
Announce all their 1st party games at E3 along with a $100 dollar price drop.
What do you guys think?
Would you go as far as calling those partnerships.....unprecedented?like i said over and over: they've been sitting on hordes of money when what they should have been doing is expanding studios, opening up new corners of development and establishing fresh hardcore IPs with mass marketing budgets and making partnerships. They've started the partnership thing, but it might be too little, too late at this point, and they still have failed to do so in a meaningful fashion to appeal to third party support on Wii U. There's no way they should constantly be bumping into the "all our teams are occupied with game development" at the moment when their output is what it is; they need to grow.
It would have been an investment, it would have driven into their war chest, but that's how you make businesses grow: you take risks. And Nintendo has been a shockingly risk-averse company in recent years, at least as it relates to their software.
...Which Direct was that? That's amazing.
It actually is. Not saying that it'll be as successful as the Wii's outings of those titles, since those were simply absurd (30 million units for Mario Kart Wii? 10> million for Smash Bros?), but it'll be a good console with some very memorable titles.
Way back in the Xbox 1 days Microsoft wanted to buy Nintendo. Obviously Nintendo would never let that happen but I wonder if they'd be interested in a partnership. WiiU ain't coming back without a miracle so nintendo needs a console platform to develop on. A partnership would benefit both sides a lot.
Ok try again...
I was going to say, where there is a will, there is a way. Although both might be down YoY. If the 3DS number is good they might want to just mention that and then be vague about the Wii U."Wii family"
"DS family"
Didn't see it all in the OP. Sorry if it's been covered.
So Nintendo fans, Early Wii-U adopters, and generally hopefull individuals were now in agreement right?
This console is a massive failure. No more spins about it being business as usual and having the same growing pains as previous consoles. This is really bad.
They have to price drop right? That's there only option?
Announce all their 1st party games at E3 along with a $100 dollar price drop.
What do you guys think?
Being completely realistic, the best case somewhat realistic scenario for Nintendo and Wii U owners are first party games and niche Japanese stuff. Western support is 100% gone, besides possibly already in development titles.
Saving the 3DS
Mario Kart U will sell 1/3:rd of Mario Kart Wii if not less since Mario Kart 7 hasn't sold 8 million yet. Brawl will probably sell over 5 million. It won't be enough to sell Wii U above GameCube eat all
You know, I've been extremely pessimistic about the Wii U so far, but I've already built a 55k number into my expectations. Right now, I'm actually fairly optimistic about the Wii U. It seems to have great word of mouth, and it'll have a fairly decent library built up by summer. If they can get a couple monster games ready for holiday, they could be in a position to sell very well against launch-supply-constrained Durango's and Orbis's.
Tl;dr version - these numbers are obviously bad, but it's not time to panic yet.
This is bad for the industry. I'm not that into Nintendo software anymore, but no console deserves to flounder this way...
Nintendo shareholders are gonna be looking at Nintendo with the death stare on their resistance to other platforms.
The pressure will only build in the coming months. Rescue is not in sight.
What was the lowest selling month for the PS3?
I don't know; what was the GameCube selling on a monthly basis back in the day?Like until we hit at least the 150K-200K range, that should be solvable with an impressive library before we have to address the core device, its base concept, and its pricing.
You know, I've been extremely pessimistic about the Wii U so far, but I've already built a 55k number into my expectations. Right now, I'm actually fairly optimistic about the Wii U. It seems to have great word of mouth, and it'll have a fairly decent library built up by summer. If they can get a couple monster games ready for holiday, they could be in a position to sell very well against launch-supply-constrained Durango's and Orbis's.
Tl;dr version - these numbers are obviously bad, but it's not time to panic yet.
How is Nintendo stock doing right now, by the way? Are we talking about an RIM level crash?
Is 55K bad?
So when is the next megaton Wii U direct?
Actually I see them just trying to ride these sales out for the next month until a couple games actually come out.
Someone earlier said that even the lowest PS3 month was over 70k. That was probably within the first year of launch.
You know, I've been extremely pessimistic about the Wii U so far, but I've already built a 55k number into my expectations. Right now, I'm actually fairly optimistic about the Wii U. It seems to have great word of mouth, and it'll have a fairly decent library built up by summer. If they can get a couple monster games ready for holiday, they could be in a position to sell very well against launch-supply-constrained Durango's and Orbis's.
Tl;dr version - these numbers are obviously bad, but it's not time to panic yet.
Who is creamsugar?creamsugar where art thou
I really am curious about how much Ni No Kuni cost to develop. That game has a lot of love poured into it, and the Studio Ghibli partnership couldn't have been TOO cheap. It's got gorgeous animated scenes, a lush and colorful art style, a ton of content, a huge number of character models, etc. I can't imagine #7 on Single SKU and bombing in Japan is enough to prop it up into sequel territory... but who knows
Pretty much confirms the 55k number if accurate; that'd indeed be 'well under' that #.
As to Wii U, what can Nintendo actually do? Nintendo Direct Wii U announcements was awesome, but which of those games are going to change the position the system is in? Nintendo keeps relying on Mario, Mario and Mario and people already know what to expect there; Gamecube had Mario too and it didn't change anything if people didn't want the system itself. Nintendo needs to take a few brand new hardcore/casual IPs and market them as hard as they would a main Mario title or Wii Sports, and try to establish some new cornerstones for their portfolio. They're obviously out of gimmicks that appeal to the mass market and Mario won't do it alone.
Way back in the Xbox 1 days Microsoft wanted to buy Nintendo. Obviously Nintendo would never let that happen but I wonder if they'd be interested in a partnership. WiiU ain't coming back without a miracle so nintendo needs a console platform to develop on. A partnership would benefit both sides a lot.
I recently picked up a WiiU and love it, it really is sad to see it sell like this, can they drop this thing to $200 and 250 for deluxe or is that to costly for them, this is pretty pathetic.
It was 82k in April 2007 iirc
The date is right there in the gif.
Unless the eshop takes off or there are a pile of hidden games I would not call the 2-3 likely good games releasing between now and then to create a remotely "decent library", and there's no way to describe 55k as "great word of mouth". 55k is "stink of failure" territory.You know, I've been extremely pessimistic about the Wii U so far, but I've already built a 55k number into my expectations. Right now, I'm actually fairly optimistic about the Wii U. It seems to have great word of mouth, and it'll have a fairly decent library built up by summer. If they can get a couple monster games ready for holiday, they could be in a position to sell very well against launch-supply-constrained Durango's and Orbis's.
I agree. New platforms are struggling. Nintendo botched the Wii U launch, but the 3DS and Vita both released to apathy in the mass market too. I don't know why everyone seems to think Durango and Orbis will be immune to this. The old platforms are selling too well for them to explode onto the market.
...1/3 of 30 million is still 10 million. That's a huge piece of software for any company. That's a killer app. And Smash will definitely sell past 7 million. It's too popular a series not too.