Holy crap! Kudos to Microsoft on the great software sales. Kudos to Nintendo for selling nearly 400,000 Wiis (and crazy DS sales) in the N.A. continent in the usually slow month of May. And kudos to Sony for... well, their PSP is finally showing legs.
I don't know what's been going on in this thread past page 7, but users like Cerrius, Revelations, etc. have just cemented themselves as damn JOKE POSTERS. Seriously, you guys aren't thinking nor are you looking at the gaming surroundings right now.
360 third party software sales are good because *gasp* it HAS big third party games! The reason it has these games is because 1) 360 was out a year earlier 2) The userbase is bigger than its competition's!
You put 360's bigger third party games on the Wii and they will sell well, too. Maybe not AS well, but they will pull big numbers regardless. Put out GRAW 2 on Wii and it will sell a few hundred thousand. Put out Guitar Hero 2 on Wii and it will sell several hundred thousand.
BUT HERE'S THE THING: Devs, don't pull this "late port" BS. If Guitar Hero 2 comes out on the SAME DAY for Wii as the 360 version does, they should sell comparably. The same goes with Katamari, etc. EA, YOU ARE LUCKY WITH TIGER WOODS, but that's because the game was advertised and advertised well. If Rock Band sells much worse on Wii, credit that to the late release date.
The other thing fools like Revelations seem to forget is that YOU DON'T NEED TO SELL 600,000 OF X GAME FOR IT TO BE A SUCCESS ON WII! Trauma Center and Cooking Mama are two wonderful examples of that. Trauma Center for Wii is quickly becoming one of, if not Atlus' BEST SELLING GAMES EVER. Yet it has only sold like 200,000 in the U.S... *whoa* </Bill and Ted> Cooking Mama and Majesco's other small budget games don't put up huge numbers, but they rake in nice profits for the company, and like others have said, Majesco credited their 30% profits increase to the Wii already. If a GRAW 2 on Wii doesn't perform as well on Wii because the Wii doesn't have an overly huge trigger-happy fanbase as the 360 does, Ubi-Soft will still make a buttload of cash because it will probably be a damned PSP port!
Why is this? The last generation graphics technology that you clowns all seem to hate! You notice it when you're playing a game, but you don't notice it when it comes to talking about sales! I said "Wow"
If you put a big third party title on the Wii it will sell. If you release it at the same time as its other versions, it will sell comparably. You will make more profit off of the Wii version because of how assy you made it look. Congrats!
"Bububu... RE4 only has sold 65,000 in Japan so far!" That's a port of a two and a half year old game.
"Bububu... Trauma Center hasn't even sold half a million!" It's a remake and it's still a huge seller for the company.
"Bububu... There's no third party games at all on the Wii best-sellers list!" When was the last time there was a third party game of note for the Wii?
"Bububu... Even in March they didn't put up huge numbers!" Tiger Woods Wii easily outsold its other two versions by far. Sonic and the Secret Rings easily outsold Sonic the Hedgehog by far.
Red Steel and Rayman: RR were million sellers because they were exclusive and notable for the system. Wait to see Manhunt 2's sales or Guitar Hero 3's sales (if it comes out at the same time as the others) or Madden's sales or Boogie's sales or NiGHTS' sales or whatever to at least make DECENT discussions as to why you think Wii software is performing the way it is.