Jayztwocents has a EVGA FTW3 card so hopefully a review of that soon. Dunno if it'll be before the first cards start to ship on the 1st.
They don't have any that aren't reference models.
How is Amazon's return policy?
Thinking of just getting in the order on the FTW now, and just returning it if it sucks.
They allow very easy returns, but they track the dollar values closely and periodically blacklist accounts. When they do this you lose any digital content and cannot make a new account.
FTW3's hopefully shipping tomorrow.
Track dollar values? That basically means they track people who frequently return things?
They called me on Thursday to confirm my order information so I hope they have them sent out tomorrow.
Same. I am expecting to get a shipping notification in the afternoon. Hopefully it gets here within a couple days at the most.
What happened to your zotac? Just trying the ftw out also?
Yea I had amazon do that with my account as well,. I'm a fan of amazon but I was a bit miffed over that email I received. I have given them mother fuckers thousands upon thousands of dollars and they want to tell me my account was in some warning status for a couple returns that happened at one time with one being not of my control? Yea they can to fucking fall off a cliff with they type of thing.. I give those people endless money almost, buying from them nonstop. That's not what I want to see. I had one time ordered a monitor and it got shipped all over the fuckin place, so I called and was like where's my monitor? They couldn't tell me... It was a fiasco, then it was finally being routed to me and someone routed it back to Amazon as a return which wasn't my doing. But why it looked bad was I got an Asus monitor, it was around the x34 releases, the Asus had something wrong and I decided well I'll buy an X34 instead. So I shipped the Asus back and ordered the x34, but that x34 got messed up in shipping and like I said they routed it back as a return and sent another but on paper it looked like I returned about 2000 bucks and I totally didn't. I then got that email saying my account was flagged.... That was some bullshit.
Also my evga hasn't shipped.
People who purchased an EVGA FTW3 should be pretty happy. Looks like a beast of a card.
My FTW3 order has changed from "Pre-Order" to "Open" with a status of "Pending Verification"
The pending charge has also appeared on my card.
No change for me...or pending charge
Order Status: Order Shipping, Pending Pickup from UPS
Well that sucks. I should have paid for next day or 2nd day shipping.
I contacted support tho, he said processing might spill over into tomorrow.
Just an agonizing day waiting for a shipped status and nothing
Shipping delay straight from EVGA themselves.
Edit: I think I just replied to your post on EVGA forums. Saw a avatar of the Dude and the Aorus problems and am assuming it is you.