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NY Times:Trump’s Chief Strategist Says News Media Should ‘Keep Its Mouth Shut’

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“The elite media got it dead wrong, 100 percent dead wrong,” Mr. Bannon said of the election, calling it “a humiliating defeat that they will never wash away, that will always be there

Bannon lecturing on things that never wash away, how droll given his personal life.


Not surprising. The media is now the number one enemy of the Trump administration. They want to discredit and dismantle it to replace it with their own. Bit like what happened in Russia.

They have every level of government, but the media is the "fourth estate" that they don't (fully) control. So it should become fairly obvious that all this shit (i.e. CNN being called 'fake news') is their way of getting control of the only thing that stands in their way.


This guy is the spawn of Satan. And its telling that Trump picked him for an adviser. All of the dividing coming from this administration is conjured up by this man.


CNN are pussies. They'll bend over and take it while running puff pieces on Trump.
It's their fault for normalizing the monster while right-wing media does nothing but demonize truth, facts and reason while fostering hate, intolerance and victimization.

Protesters should be marching outside of CNN Center daily.


I really, REALLY hope the media will find their collective balls over this. NYT called him a liar which is a good start. They need to give up on their stupid wishy-washy ideas of "bringing fairness" and whatever by pandering to the right and report the fucking news no matter how bad it makes trump and his cavalcade of idiots look.

And Trump supporters will agree and say the only outlets you can trust are Fox, Breitbart, and Drudge.

From what I've seen on Twitter, Fox is "too liberal" for them lately. Biased as fox is, they post lots of facts. They don't like that.


Fascism, we are witnessing pure unadulterated fascism in the highest office in the land . Do not normalize this, fight back and resist.
Not surprising. The media is now the number one enemy of the Trump administration. They want to discredit and dismantle it to replace it with their own. Bit like what happened in Russia.

Stifle the spread of information, do as much as they can to change the laws quickly, and keep power for as long as they can.
A war against reality. What year is this?

The good news here? This is going to unite the media and they're going to return to the journalistic levels of the past.

Yeah, it's nice to dream, but probably not, at least not the cable TV journalism that reaches far more than the newspapers do.


At least it's formal now.

Wonder if it'd be possible to get under Trump's skin by suggesting that Bannon is the real president.


This guy is the spawn of Satan. And its telling that Trump picked him for an adviser. All of the dividing coming from this administration is conjured up by this man.
He is the literal anti-Christ. And the blueprint he has established will destroy democracy around the globe... if we stand by and do nothing.
He's right. The "media" (i.e., the sensible and liberal side of it) didn't understand how shitty a big chunk of the American population is. The media didn't think actual Neo-Nazis would get their time on the world stage.

Hopefully the media knows better now and wants to actually correct its mistake. And that begins with telling this fascist to go fuck himself.


Let's be fair, here, though: this isn't just Bannon. Sarah Palin said this. Right-wing media say this daily. Trump said this for years. This isn't new.

Correct. I honestly wish the media was as against conservatives as they like to think they are.


I'm reading words but all I hear is waaaaaaaaaaaa. This is a sign that the media is actually doing a good job covering Trump's adminstration.


Wait.. I have an idea.

Why not BAN news sites from talking about certain topics (e.g. Trump)???

That way big media will stop trying to corrupt the public. Then maybe we can even tell them to write good things to make the country great again!


Beat EviLore at pool.
CNN are pussies. They'll bend over and take it while running puff pieces on Trump.

It is not all CNN. They have some reporters who will do work and others won't. Need to stop grouping networks together. Look at Fox News with Shep.

It's scarier than that.

Trump's core supporters DO know that Bannon is a racist, alt-right bigot who despises any media organisation who dares to be centre or centre left.

Not only do they know, but they will applaud him for saying this. All this from a base who want to "protect" the constitution (Read: They want their guns), yet care little for freedom of the press.

This is advocating outright authoritarianism, and frankly, shouldn't be a shock to anyone. How the GOP can stand by such a person is beyond me. Power over ethics every bloody time.

The core supporters are not the problem. I mean they are but the job right now is to get the ones on the fence that voted for Trump to come over. Two sides are already drawn just need that middle line to come over.

They will stand by because they will get what they want and get rich out of it.
The irony...

The media is one of the reason Trump is president with their billions in free commercials for the douche. Now they are going to be used as a punching bag to distract from the dirty shit they're doing.

Surely they won't stand for this and start fighting back. lol.
A good chunk of the population are tired of the choices that come with freedom. So they opt for an orange fuck face to tell them what to do and say. And it's easier to give them that if you can control the narrative.
Naturally, for an administration trying to asserting its right to have "alternative facts", it would see journalists as the opposition. But Bannon and the far right have always had to wrestle with the delegitimisation of a media that -- justifiably so -- ridiculed its racial and authoritarian worldview. To him, anyone left aghast at the idea of weekly publications on the crime of illegal immigrants simply "does not understand this country." Steve Bannon comes from a historically fringe perspective in US politics; he has alway seen the media, and certain truths, as an enemy.

What's interesting here though is that conservative pundits have not disputed the media's pushback of the White House; the comparatively smaller inauguration crowd; the 'alternative facts' gaffe; the illegality of torture; the loss of the popular vote; none of these are in question, even by them. They have not sought to find corroborative data in support of Trump, but merely dismiss the media on the basis of alleged bias during the Obama presidency.

This is a dangerous precedence. The delegitimisation of truth, evidence and in turn half the country in favour of partisan politics will only accelerate the polarisation of society in America. If this turns to riots or violence, who will be to blame?

Bannon is correct in one thing though: Trump is a legitimate president who is acting on behalf of a large amount of people - there were just 2.5million votes difference (who would have thought that a year ago?). These Americans are fist pumping in the air as they read this interview.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Eat shit Bannon.

The media is speaking for the majority of the American people right now. You represent a radical minority fringe.
He sounds like a villain. You have villains in the WH.

Even Joffrey and Tywin would be better than that. At least Tywin was polite.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The dude is a highly educated white supremacist. His goal is to restore the absolute dominance of the white man in this country and his influence on Trump is increasingly clear with each day.

We need to show him collectively that he is not representative of the majority and shout him down at every opportunity.

My only fear is that he is right when it comes to white people. The results of the election were extremely discouraging.
If someone should shut up and listen when they don't understand, then he should do the same now, considering the position he somehow got himself into. Based on the reactions from California, New York and others yesterday, towards the executive orders he seemingly had a large part in, he himself is very clueless about how the country should be run.


From Bannon's perspective, he believes he even has the Republicans hostage. He controls the message that their base is drawn towards. Not Trump. Not anyone else. If he told his sheep to get rid of Trump tomorrow, they would happily turn on him. He can turn the right-wing media on ANYONE in the Republican party that steps out of line. Let alone Democrats. Let alone the media.

This is what real unmitigated power looks like. And it must be destroyed.
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