So we're having a street fair in Fresh Pond this Thursday - Sunday. If you love Italian street fairs, come visit Ridgewood. The Q58 is also rerouted in that section.
On Myrtle Ave?
If there's zepples, I'm down.
So we're having a street fair in Fresh Pond this Thursday - Sunday. If you love Italian street fairs, come visit Ridgewood. The Q58 is also rerouted in that section.
is kisaya back yet
On Myrtle Ave?
If there's zepples, I'm down.
is kisaya back yet
Main reason I don't like working/volunteering at cons: I've had a case of the con flu for the past couple of days that I haven't wanted to do anything other than lay in bed. Been coughing up a hurricane and blowing my nose from time to time. Feels bad man.![]()
In other news, I got accepted to work at New York Comic Con for my 5th consecutive year. The good times keep on rolling so expect me to make the thread for yet another year in the next couple of days. Lots of changes are in store for this year so I'm excited. Tickets have started to arrive in the mail as well.
Damn, it looks like you're in a bit of a double bind. Tough position there. Hopefully they'll be understanding about it and let you work it. If not, then there's always next year.Might have a new job by Comic con and I'm not sure if they're cool with me taking some time off for NYCC.
Main reason I don't like working/volunteering at cons: I've had a case of the con flu for the past couple of days that I haven't wanted to do anything other than lay in bed. Been coughing up a hurricane and blowing my nose from time to time. Feels bad man.![]()
In other news, I got accepted to work at New York Comic Con for my 5th consecutive year. The good times keep on rolling so expect me to make the thread for yet another year in the next couple of days. Lots of changes are in store for this year so I'm excited. Tickets have started to arrive in the mail as well.
my NYCC professional pass just came in the mail this week. Hopefully there be more VR demos again this year.
But the housing market is slated to change, aseal estate developers have been snatching up properties in the area. Recent major real estate deals include Eli Tabak of Bluestone Group and some fellow investors bought Arlington Village, a two-building, 210-unit apartment complex on Atlantic Avenue, in March.
In May, Pinnacle Group, another prominent developer, bought 318 rental units in MeadowWood at Gateway, a 19-building complex that was formerly Mitchell-Lama.
"It can become a reality that East New York can become the next Bushwick or the next Williamsburg," Banks said. "We have the potential."
But some East New York residents want to make sure there's housing for middle incomes too.
"We need to keep the area affordable for people who live here," said Chris Banks, a life-long resident and executive director of the East New York United Concerned Citizens. "What I'm fighting for and hope to see is a large percentage of affordable units mixed in with the middle income units."
I would have said Target First Saturday at the Brooklyn Museum of Art but sadly, they're not hosting one in September (it'll be back next month). I have no idea what's going on this weekend but has a pretty good weekend guide. You can also check out Gothamist and DNA Info in addition to Nerd York City for other events.doing a staycation for the long weekend. been on the go every freaking weekend this summer and in the fall too.
pretty stoked. going to check out the new whitney. might hit up fort tilden.
any suggestions for the weekend?
How many tickets would you be buying and what day(s)? Sadly, eBay/Stubhub/Craigslist might be your best bet but there's also GAF members here who *might* be looking to sell tickets at face value if not for a little more than it. Emphasis on might. I would also think that maybe haggling the inevitable amount of onsite scalpers might be another alternative.NYC Gaf - I have a question. I have a vacation coming up next month for NYCC. Is there anyway to get into NYCC? I missed the sale back in May and I'm not able to buy tickets at Midtown whenever they go on sale. Is the only way eBay?
Nice, hopefully we'll get to meet then if not, then catch me in action. I wonder what the deal is with the video game industry presence this year. For the past 3 years or so, the Show Floor has been waning in terms of the big 3 skipping NYCC entirely.
However, Ubisoft and Square Enix have had a presence but otherwise, most of the video game industry stuff of the recent years has been relegated to the small panel rooms. I suppose all this stuff and more will be discussed in the new NYCC thread when I launch it this weekend, if not early next week.
I'm having nightmares about taking the E all the out to LGC Airport, then transferring to the J to take a few stops into Brooklyn last summer for my bro's friend's BBQ. It was such a long ride. I don't think I'll ever do it again. It sounds a lot like the G train. Can't you catch the A to Queens?nyc thread? yo the J train going to Queens is trash. i hate it so much, i hate that its the train that i need to ride to get home. its just soooooooo slow, like 2-3 from the Manhattan side come before 1 going to Queens comes. >_> Then you got the mta raising the damn price every year, like bro, I don't mind paying more but if you're going to charge more I expect more damn trains.
Given how busy things usually are and people have different things they want to see/do, it's next to impossible to organize a GAF meet up during NYCC. I've tried in the past, but things seem to never line up since I'm usually working/with friends and if I'm off-shift/on a break, I'm usually in Artist Alley or at the break room. That being said, I usually give a general idea as to where I'm going to be at in advance since I don't have time to check GAF once I get to the Javits Center. Yeah, I agree, the show floor is something to check out the first day but not much more beyond that since that's not where the real action is.There was some off site events for various games being show last year, but as far the public showing on the show floor, you could have seen everything playable in less then a day. I'll have make time to run into some gafers this time around.
its that i get off at crescent so its either the Q24 that suffers from traffic during rush hours or the slow ass J to queens, its a lose lose for me. But at least i only have that issue when I'm going home. imagine if I had to take the Queens J for work or school, I'd have to wake up extra early cause of how slow it isI'm having nightmares about taking the E all the out to LGC Airport, then transferring to the J to take a few stops into Brooklyn last summer for my bro's friend's BBQ. It was such a long ride. I don't think I'll ever do it again. It sounds a lot like the G train. Can't you catch the A to Queens?
Given how busy things usually are and people have different things they want to see/do, it's next to impossible to organize a GAF meet up during NYCC. I've tried in the past, but things seem to never line up since I'm usually working/with friends and if I'm off-shift/on a break, I'm usually in Artist Alley or at the break room. That being said, I usually give a general idea as to where I'm going to be at in advance since I don't have time to check GAF once I get to the Javits Center. Yeah, I agree, the show floor is something to check out the first day but not much more beyond that since that's not where the real action is.
A lot more things are getting moved off-site this year including panels being held at the Hammerstein Ballroom and huge panels such as The Walking Dead are being held Madison Square Garden this year. Holy crap! I just realized how much I miss talking about NYCC stuff that I'm going off on a tangent. Definitely will try to have the thread up by Sunday at latest if not Saturday night so as not to derail this thread and draft the thread content up tonight.
nyc thread? yo the J train going to Queens is trash. i hate it so much, i hate that its the train that i need to ride to get home. its just soooooooo slow, like 2-3 from the Manhattan side come before 1 going to Queens comes. >_> Then you got the mta raising the damn price every year, like bro, I don't mind paying more but if you're going to charge more I expect more damn trains.
Where are you going? Believe it or not, if you're going east in Queens, the bus might be faster. I once took the J train to transfer to JFK and it took almost 2 hours. Now, I take the Q54 it cuts down the time in half.
How many tickets would you be buying and what day(s)? Sadly, eBay/Stubhub/Craigslist might be your best bet but there's also GAF members here who *might* be looking to sell tickets at face value if not for a little more than it. Emphasis on might. I would also think that maybe haggling the inevitable amount of onsite scalpers might be another alternative.
Damn, it looks like you're in a bit of a double bind. Tough position there. Hopefully they'll be understanding about it and let you work it. If not, then there's always next year.
Should it come to that, you can always shoot an email to one of the NYCC higher ups responsible for Crew this year to let them know that you won't be able to commit to it so they can get someone else who was wait listed. They'll definitely fill in the empty spots fast.
Then there's the tipping thing. Tipping frightens me a little, because while I am used to paying a tip when I eat out here and am serviced by a waiter, but reading some tipping guides on NYC it would seem I have to dole out extra cash in quite a lot of scenarios I am not aware of. A cashier at a coffeehouse is a random example of that. If a coffee costs four bucks, should I automatically give more because that is expected of me?
Other than that, I am excited! The weather seems nice and warm right now as well.
You generally only HAVE to tip at restaurants or bars, I almost always tip at coffee shops, but that's because I used to date a barista. From what I notice most people don't actually tip at coffee shops
I'm just moving to the city myself so no personal experience, but I've now heard from several people who do have personal experience that it's actually better to find a place in the winter months. Less people looking and you can get better prices.I know some of you guys are good with apartment/room hunting
I just moved into a new place and not really sure I like it. Its not dangerous but it has some issues that I'm not the happiest with (it doesn't feel like home and I don't think it will). I'm on a month to month so I can bail out any time and while I'll probably stay at least one month at the current places will it be supper hard to find a room in october/november or maybe December. I know people say it's always hard to find a roommate then but I didn't know if it was easier to find a place then because of less competition?
I'm planning on not being too stressed about the search and being a bit more pickey because I do have a place to rest for as long as I need it.
I'd be looking for a room with roommates in western brooklyn. The belt from sunset park around prospect park to crown heights. So Sunset, Greenwood Heights, Gowanas, Park Slope, Prospect Heights, Fort Greene,Caroll Gardens, Crown Heights. I might also look for a place in williamsburg or greenpoint but that's lower on my search.
Hey NYC-GAF (and US-GAF in general),
I'll be visiting your city for two weeks starting Friday and it being my vacation I will be free to see and do whatever. My current set of plans is to visit museums (Met, MoMa, Guggenheim), eat in various places (mostly inexpensive ones) and just walking around the city. It'll be my first time crossing the Atlantic, so I am somewhat prepared for a mild culture shock. Hopefully I'll manage!
The place I am staying at is in Williamsburg. Main mode of transportation will be on foot and via metro, using one those 7 day Metrocards I read about. Spending money I've set to be around 50 bucks for a day. I won't have every single meal outside, but more than likely 2 of 3 will be just that. Will that suffice if I mostly eat at inexpensive places? The prices in Yelp say "yes", at least. I was also thinking that it would be easier to have that money in cash, so I will be taking around 500 dollars with me, rather than relying on debit/credit cards which might not be accepted everywhere (or so I have read).
Then there's the tipping thing. Tipping frightens me a little, because while I am used to paying a tip when I eat out here and am serviced by a waiter, but reading some tipping guides on NYC it would seem I have to dole out extra cash in quite a lot of scenarios I am not aware of. A cashier at a coffeehouse is a random example of that. If a coffee costs four bucks, should I automatically give more because that is expected of me?
Other than that, I am excited! The weather seems nice and warm right now as well.
I'm just moving to the city myself so no personal experience, but I've now heard from several people who do have personal experience that it's actually better to find a place in the winter months. Less people looking and you can get better prices.
Damn bro I also was in the 6th grade when this happened. Bushwick. Everyone came in since best view was from classroom.A girl Im good friends with from college lost her father on 9/11. Shes been going to the reading of the names of the deceased for some time.
I still remember being yelled at for disrupting class to show the teacher what was going on in 6th grade. Our classroom on the 6th floor in Brooklyn had a view of the NY skyline.
A girl Im good friends with from college lost her father on 9/11. Shes been going to the reading of the names of the deceased for some time.
I still remember being yelled at for disrupting class to show the teacher what was going on in 6th grade. Our classroom on the 6th floor in Brooklyn had a view of the NY skyline.
Damn bro I also was in the 6th grade when this happened. Bushwick. Everyone came in since best view was from classroom.
New 7 train station - Hudson Yards - opened up today.
I was thinking about it but decided not to. What happened?Anyone else go to the Warriors Reunion today? What a shit show.
I was thinking about it but decided not to. What happened?
I read a few articles about it on the Village Voice website and the event. The behind the scenes history of the production was really fascinating. Was gonna go but have felt lazy all weekend. Saw that admission was anywhere from $15-$400. How bad was it? I'm picturing cast members having some unsettled beef with each other.
I read a few articles about it on the Village Voice website and the event. The behind the scenes history of the production was really fascinating. Was gonna go but have felt lazy all weekend. Saw that admission was anywhere from $15-$400. How bad was it? I'm picturing cast members having some unsettled beef with each other that it turned into an impromptu Jerry Springer Show.Anyone else go to the Warriors Reunion today? What a shit show.
Oh boy is that subway station going to be a clusterfuck of a mess come next month! I can only imagine what a bum rush it's going to look like when people are going to be running to the Javits Center.Happy to see what a crap shoot that will be for NYCC
New 7 train station - Hudson Yards - opened up today.
I was a sophomore in high school in Chinatown. I couldn't even describe the sound of the planes hitting the towers.
There is a Highschool in Chinatown?
Damn bro I also was in the 6th grade when this happened. Bushwick. Everyone came in since best view was from classroom.
I was a sophomore in high school in Chinatown. I couldn't even describe the sound of the planes hitting the towers.
It's eerie how many people I've spoken to can remember exactly what they were doing on that very day.
Yeah, I'd like to check out the new 7 station as well...will probably happen if I end up going to NYCC. I recently had an errand to run around Fulton Center, so finally got to see that too. Pretty nice setup.