Bruce Springsteen
Important question
Is it wiser to stock up on beer or wine?
whiskey is the correct answer
Important question
Is it wiser to stock up on beer or wine?
Important question
Is it wiser to stock up on beer or wine?
My brother is doing this with his PS3 games since he has a very small collection and not to mention that he never upgraded his 8GB HD. He falls back to playing Ultra Street Fighter IV MP as comfort food.Bruce Springsteen said:By the time I get to playing Horizon it will be $20-30 (the GOTY version at that lol), I've saved a lot of money by only playing games once I've beaten the previous games I purchased.
Wine is the bane of my existence unless it's at home but most people would say wine. I went out during last year's big snowstorm in February buzzed on wine and it was lots of fun. Which one are you in the mood for? I would also recommend rum, specifically Brugal Anejo for a nice feel.Penguin said:Important question
Is it wiser to stock up on beer or wine?
whiskey is the correct answer
Well I have a diff amount of whiskey, gin and vodka at home...
and possibly.. some beer and a bottle of wine
Just trying to supplement that stuff!
If you have to, you can live off the beer. It's the right choice.
Important question
Is it wiser to stock up on beer or wine?
I'm at c town and people are doomsday prepping. I have enough food to last the week almost. I just bought some stuff to not be nervous.My mom has been saying that there's hour long lines in the supermarkets. What does she want me to do? Go stock up on stuff as well. If I'm hoarding up on something tomorrow, it may as well be a case of beer to watch the CW shows tomorrow night.
Man who is thinkingwhynotboth.gif
Just don't get a box or 2 of wine and try to drink it by yourself .
Sweet Jesus! All those games are quite hard to find and expensive to boot! Where did you find them and how much? It looks like Gamestop to me.grabbed some games,
i'm all set
Sweet Jesus! All those games are quite hard to find and expensive to boot! Where did you find them and how much? It looks like Gamestop to me.
yeah just posting it on retroGAF before coming over here. it's from gamestop =)
Huh, got some food on Sunday and it was no busier than normal, guess the end timers are late panicked.
Doesn't look like much snow in Brooklyn yet, though.
grabbed some games,
i'm all set
Those are some damn good prices you paid for those games! Hell, even I would have splurged. And from the stack of games that you posted from that Gamestop, Pandora's Tower, Klonoa, The Last Story, and Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles were some uncommon games as well possibly Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. I've been meaning to check out Klonoa at some point but I don't hunt down retro games quite as much these days but I have a bunch of games still on my to get list some day. I actually have Pandora's Tower and Collector's Edition version of The Last Story sealed since I bought the former on day one and the latter when Amazon had it on sale for 10 bucks (!!!).davidwhangchoi said:yeah just posting it on retroGAF before coming over here. it's from gamestop =)
A.I. Friedman will close on April 30th and though the company has been hush on why they are losing, industry insiders reveal that the store has had difficulties paying their vendors. It is also speculated that competition from large art supply chains, like Blick and Michael's, have crippled the business of independent businesses.
yeah, found it in NJ i'm using a buy 2 get 1 free to bring it down even more. (going back after the storm)From an outer-borough Gamestop? When I lived in Queens I would clean up the Sunnyside Gamestop whenever there was B2G1 free - it seemed to always have rare titles in pristine condition.
i wouldn't have gotten it without the pro member discounts plus the buy 2 get on1 free coupon i'm bringing. with that it's worth it. for nes games i go to a local retro store in NJ called digital press and just look through their pile. they're all about 4-5 bucks loose.I wish I could get radiant dawn but I can't stomach paying $70 for it. One day...
Edit: Where do you go for your NES stuff?
thanks for the recommendations.Those are some damn good prices you paid for those games! Hell, even I would have splurged. And from the stack of games that you posted from that Gamestop, Pandora's Tower, Klonoa, The Last Story, and Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles were some uncommon games as well possibly Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. I've been meaning to check out Klonoa at some point but I don't hunt down retro games quite as much these days but I have a bunch of games still on my to get list some day.
i've been playing nes all day since i just got a RGB modded nes. i think i need a break now =)I haven't even started MGS5 yet, damn this mild snow making me be productive today
i've been playing nes all day since i just got a RGB modded nes. i think i need a break now =)
yeah, found it in NJ i'm using a buy 2 get 1 free to bring it down even more. (going back after the storm)
i wouldn't have gotten it without the pro member discounts plus the buy 2 get on1 free coupon i'm bringing. with that it's worth it. for nes games i go to a local retro store in NJ called digital press and just look through their pile. they're all about 4-5 bucks loose.
thanks for the recommendations.
i've been playing nes all day since i just got a RGB modded nes. i think i need a break now =)
did you have work today?Finally I can start playing this game after being out all day
yeah, i go there about 2-3 times a week while picking up dinner, pretty fun place.Ha, I was going to ask if it's digital press. I wish I had an easy way to get there without a car.
Fuck the MTA in every conceivable way! I left 30 minutes early and still I was almost an hour late! I even checked the advisory, and it said good service on my line. So how is it I get on an Express train, only for it to be redirected to local? That transition took like 20 minutes! Then every stop they had to make and extra 5 minute stop in between! For what I assume was for shits and giggles.
Yeah, I always take the local going in after a storm (or a "storm,") as the 2/3/Q is usually a total shitshow of delays even running on the middle/express tracks. I gave myself two hours to get from Harlem to Wall Street after last month's snow and still ended up late since I had to walk due to red/yellow/green lines all being at a standstill. Even the conductor was confused/angry since according to her there were zero trains ahead of us (1 line) all the way to South Ferry and no switch/mech/signal problems.
did you have work today?
Fuck the MTA in every conceivable way! I left 30 minutes early and still I was almost an hour late! I even checked the advisory, and it said good service on my line. So how is it I get on an Express train, only for it to be redirected to local? That transition took like 20 minutes! Then every stop they had to make and extra 5 minute stop in between! For what I assume was for shits and giggles.
Fuck the MTA in every conceivable way! I left 30 minutes early and still I was almost an hour late! I even checked the advisory, and it said good service on my line. So how is it I get on an Express train, only for it to be redirected to local? That transition took like 20 minutes! Then every stop they had to make and extra 5 minute stop in between! For what I assume was for shits and giggles.
Once you have a sick person either on your train or the train ahead of you your schedule is fucked.Takes one passenger to slow an entire line
Work was cancelled for me yesterday but because there wasn't even a storm I still went to work on my own account
So for idea for next meet-up would be April 15th, Tax Day!
It will be a minor going away event for Makai who is driving out west to find a grocery store... don't ask
Thinking could probably go see Fate of the Furious and then maybe hit up a bar or something.
I know trying to do more than drinking
I booked my flight to Chicago and put a down payment for my hostel bed last night but I suppose I would come out and play since I fly out on the 20th.
Fast & the Furious movie followed by booze.
Seems like the wrong order.
And... based off our last excursion, I like you folks... but going to a movie with some of you drunk...
You can only enjoy those movies straight of mind!
And... based off our last excursion, I like you folks... but going to a movie with some of you drunk...
You can only enjoy those movies straight of mind!
And... based off our last excursion, I like you folks... but going to a movie with some of you drunk...
yeah, honestly i'm going to pass if it's the same scene as last time. it could've got really bad. thankfully we left and the problem couldn't find us or follow us to our next destination.
i don't want to be around a$$holes or idiots.
Thankfully the rest of the peeps were awesome.