dont know if this has been posted on GAF
I had my doubts about Wheeler after learning he was an advocate and former employee of cable companies but idk, he seems to be making the right moves.
Leeeeets pull this back a bit..
TheVerge said:A report published this afternoon by The New York Times details one of the possible plans the FCC may debut in their attempt to establish new rules around net neutrality and the open internet. It takes a "hybrid" approach, dividing the new regulations between commercial or wholesale internet traffic and retail or residential internet traffic. In a nutshell, this would mean content companies like Netflix will get the price controls they want when it comes to dealing with companies like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T. But those companies will also be allowed to give certain data a fast lane over their networks if it was "justified," cementing the gutting of net neutrality that occurred when Verizon defeated the FCC in court.
FCC Hybrid Plans.
He still doesn't get it. Fuck Verizon, fuck Comcast, fuck all American telecom. They are the ones fucking the people over.