Fuck Cena.
Here is RBH trying to shoot on Hogan
Wah wah my daddy died!1999 so fucking good. Raw and Smackdown especially, way better than most of the PPVs.
Here's five fun Man God Facts about WWF in 1999.
When it begins it basically feels the same as 1998, small roster, Austin Face, Rock Heel, McMahon being evil. By the time it ends it is almost the complete "Attitude Era roster" including Evil Stephanie and His Haitchness, Kirk Angel, Rikishi and Too Cool, the Dudley Boyz, Hardyz and E&C, Jericho, Big Show, et al. Only really missing the Radicalz and Tazz, who they start promoting near the end of year. Vince/Shane McMahon are faces and by December G-O-N-E. The first New Era, the McMahon Helmsley era. DX are super heel flunkies. HHH sets up unfair matches and gloats in the back, acts like the champ...but isn't the champ.
Double J and Vince Russo have left...and interestingly enough the T&A factor actually goes way way up the second they do. More Mae Young and Moolah too. More topless, more mud/muck/gravy/pool matches. BB Bush. Miss Kitty turning into Chyna's submissive the Kat.
Big a successful, albeit mid card, face champion. In 1999. In the WWF. His feud with Boss Man is hilarious and produces multiple must see vignettes. Mankind and Rock are basically feuding kinda, sorta, with a man called Al, while also trying to keep the belt off of Triple H.
X to the P A C has a blood feud going with Kane, which is really REALLY going to take off in 2000. He betrayed him far worse than Undertaker or Paul Bearer ever did. Kane also is getting monster face reactions...but nothing compared to...
The pop that the full trio of Too Cool get. Monster, nuclear pop, and they haven't even started the worm yet.
Hey at least mid 2015 Cena - Present is great.Gonna need a Cena Spirit Bomb to cleanse the thread of this Cena hate
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your hustle loyalty respect ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Just makes me wonder: what are some faces you guys like?
Even though I disagree and I do think his work right now is great, it will be a long fucking time before he makes up for fucking up the landscape of credible heels on Raw for years to come, singlehandedly.Cena is not great. However you want to quantify how much better he is now than he used to be (my take is that he's really not much better except now there's a chance he does the job), it in no fucking way makes up for the rest of his career.
tj perkins seems like a little twerp. if you want the cruiserweights to get over, take the spotlight away from him as soon as possible. that's some smart advice they won't take. he needs to disappear.
tj perkins seems like a little twerp. if you want the cruiserweights to get over, take the spotlight away from him as soon as possible. that's some smart advice they won't take. he needs to disappear.
I don't know. He probably appeals to that young demo a lot.
That young demographic sure loves their Nintendo 64 references.
Reigns needs some new gear asap, I'm tired of the vest, it feels like cheating
Seems someone was inspired by Aerostar's style of planchas. Aerostars shit is borderline suicidal.
I'm trying not to lose it at work, rofl
aerostar is fucking insane said:
Lol! Shamrock wanted to join Vince in the lockeroom with Bret 😮😮😮
Get the hell out of here. Those emotions would've gotten himself killed.What are these shenanigans?
I have no problem believing that Bret (at that exact moment in time) would have wrecked Shamrock if he has gotten in his face.
Is that the opposite of flippy shit?
Pee Wee was a shooter?!!?
But I prefer Pentagon Dark. CERO MIEDO!Dude is a small guy with a gamer gimmick and a chiptune intro with solid high spots, great in ring work and an overall fun intro. He's money IMO. He'll go over well with younger audiences and with geekier teens/adults who can relate to him both in stature and in gimmick.
Not everyone has to be Pentagon Jr to be a good cruiserweight gimmick.
Emma came back at an SDlive show...same real ass Emma gimmick too.