When your tag partner gets popped right after getting the Gold
Pour one out for our boy, Beefy
We'll hold it down here in WrassleGAF, my friend
Lol so fucking fishyMost of TNAMecca abandoned ship after that and the rest went to a new private membersonly venture, so
The aftermath etc will probably never be known, but the speed at which they tried to sweep everything under the rug and hide is more than suspicious enough
I have literally never heard that name, literallyIs this true, bluekaveli?
Flammable went to the trouble of making a big ass long list of promotions that was easy to copy from OP to OP, but it's been a few months since I've seen it posted.
Don't worry, it's already earmarked in for the December OT. I'll PM FlammableD nearer the time to ensure I get the up-to-date version considering the flux state of FloSlam/Evolve and WCPW.
Fuck somewhatgravy
Don't forget that I'm doing the November and December OTs.
Don't forget that I'm doing the November and December OTs.
He told me this one's 2 months.beefy got a wellness violation?
It isn't a strike 3 is it?
Beefy is a moth to drama, he's just gotta dial it back
2 months?!?
If you want this here title you're gonna have to come get itWait.
Does this mean.
Beefy and Syder are stripped of the GWF tag team titles!
We're not seeing double anymore that's for sure.The inferior Beef has been banned. #HeelBeef
You all disgust me!
We're not seeing double anymore that's for sure.
*insert Laughing lawler pic here*
If you want this here title you're gonna have to come get it
and that's the bottom line 'cause Stone Cold Syder said so
Max Smashmaster said:Flex Rumblecrunch is a 32 year old man and he just pooped his pants at a county fair. Not lying. 100% the truth. Details to come