Guys I'm wearing socks with sandals at home. Did I fail at life ?![]()
I don't get this, are you saying Sony invented VR (which is obviously false), or that Luckey only started his Oculus project because Sony was also about to do their thing?
The latter isn't really a big deal.
Also, I don't appreciate you all wishing ill to Oculus as a whole - there's whole bunch of good people working there who have nothing to do with this.
I imagine this is not the publicity zuckerburg would like to be attached to on the same day he releases a massive humanitarian project. Real bad timing on luckey's end, there'll probably be significant fallout from this.
I don't disagree. It's a reactionary movement against liberal in-roads.
I can agree that it's partially about people struggling against the loss of privileges. Many of which are probably white privileges.
But the alt-right, by and large, doesn't think of it in terms of their racial identity.
My line of discussion, if you'll follow back, is about the topic calling an alt-right trolling group a "white supremacist" group. I just think this is a inaccurate label, that doesn't describe the core appeal of the group, and won't help to combat it. This movement isn't about "the white man marches on". It's more about "you can't tell me not to shitpost and troll and say and do what I want".
Lee Atwater said:Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger"that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow mebecause obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."
If I wanted VR I likely wouldn't get the shitty one of the two anyway and Palmer just guaranteed that.
What a fucking clown.
It'd be amazing if the reason why Oculus touch controls are still MIA is because Valve stopped sharing VR tech info with Oculus during its development. It would expose Palmer as the charlatan he probably is. As it stands, PSVR and Vive will be my only headsets.
I don't wish specific ills towards those individuals, but as someone else who is also personally vested in VR from a business stand point, I very much disagree with the vast majority of their company stances on VR development. It's hard not to be relieved that a company that is doing VR wrong from my perspective is stumbling.
It'd be amazing if the reason why Oculus touch controls are still MIA is because Valve stopped sharing VR tech info with Oculus during its development. It would expose Palmer as the charlatan he probably is. As it stands, PSVR and Vive will be my only headsets.
I mean, when we talk about the "alt-right" there are really (at least!) two distinct groups. There are the internet shitheads you talk about, but for the most part they're just the useful idiots for the actual racists that direct the ideological weight of the movement. Whatever reasons a person has to identify as "alt-right," they're fighting for an ultimately racist cause, whether they know it or not. And at this point, ignorance is not a valid defense.
It'd be amazing if the reason why Oculus touch controls are still MIA is because Valve stopped sharing VR tech info with Oculus during its development. It would expose Palmer as the charlatan he probably is. As it stands, PSVR and Vive will be my only headsets.
Well you've seemingly bought into the myth of the liberal who puts an outdated 20th century paradigm on their enemy and thinks they know what's up.
I'm honestly warning people to research and understand this alt-right phenomenon because I don't think people actually get it and how appealing it is to middle Reddit America. These are people who aren't actually interested in the defence of their ethnic identity. They're mainly tired of progressives telling them what to say or think.
Today's young rebels aren't fighting dominant conversativism, as they would have been a mere decade ago. They're fighting dominant liberalism. If you don't get this, the phenomenon will escape you and take on a life of its own. I think it already has.
I agree that they do not give a fuck about other ethnicities.
And I agree that their denial of any and all progressive ideals works to support inequality.
I just don't think that's the main concern in their heads. It's not their motivation to join up.
Which policies are you reffering too? Because I mainly don't like the walled garden / closed off nature of Oculus VR, but don't know about other things they could be doing better.
I'm still hoping this turns out to be a hoax of some sort. VR really didn't need this.
I really wouldn't be surprised if he's gone after this.I hope he is gone after this.
Gemüsepizza;217826129 said:Now reported by The Guardian:
You know Palmer Luckey worked in VR before founding Oculus, right? And he had a collection of VR headsets for decades, right?
Nice informative post, but I don't get this part. Doesn't Vive have the same occlusion tracking problems. Their sensors have to see the lighthouse just like Oculus's camera has to see the LEDs. The occlusion problem is still there.On a technical level, Oculus uses an outside-in positional tracking system. This has a number of occlusion problems that Valve's very novel and honestly revolutionary lighthouse system does not, because lighthouse operates on an inside-out tracking perspective. Much of the design of Touch is dedicated to solving long standing occlusion issues that outside-in positional tracking has to the best of their abilities. Hence the constellation rings, which surround your hand. In addition to playing catch up to Valve, they also had to solve for an occlusion problem that valve's tracking system does not have.
I think it's a good point that the alt-right are a loose coalition of diverse interests, some of whom are certainly as crudely racist as they come.
Is the "real" weight of the movement the actual crude "white = right" racists? I'm not under that impression, but I could be wrong. I'd have called that element the "traditional right", as opposed to the alt-right. But I'm amenable to data that shows otherwise.
Personally I am speaking about the Milo/Gamergate/Reddit/4chan side of things. I have the impression (rightly or wrongly) that they are the bulk of what we've come to call the "alt-right". And that is who I am talking about when I describe the alt-right. And I think their position, while misguided, comes from a reaction against the recent cultural landscape. A landscape that has seen the great strides in social justice petetuated via the internet over the last ~5 years, an era of marginalized voices speaking out and making us aware of how we should behave to fix things, but reacts in opposition against it.
This has to be some mistake.
This 100%. BocoDragon, your characterization of the alt-right is woefully mistaken.Generations don't monolithically rebel against ideologies because generations aren't monolithic entities. The idea that the same subset of people who were criticizing the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation under false pretenses would automatically also support white nationalism under a different historical dispensation because counter-culture is bizarre historical fiction. White resentment existed during the Bush era. White resentment also existed long, long before the Bush era. This isn't a thing that "middle Reddit America" has invented because of the internet and "dominant liberalism"; it's something they've inherited. The only difference is that white resentment now has a public speaking voice and viable candidate for the most powerful office in the world. You are only now discovering it for the first time - ironically, because of the internet - and mistaking an ever-present undercurrent of American life for a modern innovation. In reality, this shit is old.
How are those Oculus sales lately?
Stay losing Luckey.
Nice informative post, but I don't get this part. Doesn't Vive have the same occlusion tracking problems. Their sensors have to see the lighthouse just like Oculus's camera has to see the LEDs. The occlusion problem is still there.
Generations don't monolithically rebel against ideologies because generations aren't monolithic entities. The idea that the same subset of people who were criticizing the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation under false pretenses would automatically also support white nationalism under a different historical dispensation because counter-culture is bizarre historical fiction. White resentment existed during the Bush era. White resentment also existed long, long before the Bush era. This isn't a thing that "middle Reddit America" has invented because of the internet and "dominant liberalism"; it's something they've inherited. The only difference is that white resentment now has a public speaking voice and viable candidate for the most powerful office in the world. You are only now discovering it for the first time - ironically, because of the internet - and mistaking an ever-present undercurrent of American life for a modern innovation. In reality, this shit is old.
I'm honestly warning people to research and understand this alt-right phenomenon because I don't think people actually get it and how appealing it is to middle Reddit America. These are people who aren't actually interested in the defence of their ethnic identity. They're mainly tired of progressives telling them what to say or think.
Today's young rebels aren't fighting dominant conversativism, as they would have been a mere decade ago. They're fighting dominant liberalism. If you don't get this, the phenomenon will escape you and take on a life of its own. I think it already has.
they're tired of people policing language, representation and politics in order to make the world safe for minorities, women, etc.
Gemüsepizza;217826129 said:Now reported by The Guardian:
Yeah sure, conservatism is old. Liberalism is also old. An old story about people pushing to make society a better place and people saying "no, stop".
But I have made the case here that millennial conservatives (basically, alt-right conservatives) do not carry the same same assumptions as traditional conservatives, so to attack them knee-jerk with old paradigms is both incorrect and also enables them, because their core viewpoints aren't being confronted. Their straw men are being defeated, not their true position, and so they aren't being accurately confronted.
Millennial conversatives are not the same as conservatives of previous eras. They have inherited progressive strides in culture that they have internalized whether they know it or not, and it works to shield them from tired old criticisms of conservatism, whether liberals know this or not.
For a lot of them (not all) "of course ethnicities are equal" or "of course genders are equal". If anything these assumptions make equality-seeking efforts more absurd in their mind, because that war is "won". So to attack them for being racist or sexist only fuels them, because at their core, they already know sexes or races are equally capable, and what they're really saying is they're tired of people policing language, representation and politics in order to make the world safe for minorities, women, etc.
He's 24? Shit.
Haha no.
It's just the latest tactic to try to keep minorities and women in their place. If anything it is the opposite. They've seen society start to accept that the cards were stacked in white men's favour for too long and something had to give.
They don't see women and minorities as equal. Just look at Trump rhetoric and how it mirrors the alt right. It specifically dehumanizes those who dare to upset the historical status quo of white=right.
They reject the notion of equality and see everyone being given the same treatment as an affront to them. The scales being tipped to balance still means that many people see unfairness, rightly or wrongly.
So no, the alt right are not some self aware group who think that everyone is equal. They see themselves as being done down because others are being given the leg up they deserve. It's the wrong response to a legitimate concern. The US is a country where hard work pays off, but some of those who had the clearest path towards reward see competition as being oppressed. The likes of the MRA movement and the alt-right are typical of this unhappiness with progressive politics not because of being told how to think, but because they think that they're being affected by it.
And then of course you have pure and simple racists and sexists who hate the idea of acknowledging anyone as equal to them.
There are many people who support Trump who do so for legitimate reasons who are disenfranchised with the political scene. The alt right however are politically savvy, they simply are a modern version of an age old problem: bigotry masked under the veil of legitimate political issues.
He's a kid. Hopefully he'll grow wise in time. This will, at least, put some needed spotlight on his more stupid choices in life.
Yeah sure, conservatism is old. Liberalism is also old. An old story about people pushing to make society a better place and people saying "no, stop".
But I have made the case here that millennial conservatives (basically, alt-right conservatives) do not carry the same same assumptions as traditional conservatives, so to attack them knee-jerk with old paradigms is both incorrect and also enables them, because their core viewpoints aren't being confronted. Their straw men are being defeated, not their true position, and so they aren't being accurately confronted.
Millennial conversatives are not the same as conservatives of previous eras. They have inherited progressive strides in culture that they have internalized whether they know it or not, and it works to shield them from tired old criticisms of conservatism, whether liberals know this or not.
For a lot of them (not all) "of course ethnicities are equal" or "of course genders are equal". If anything these assumptions make equality-seeking efforts more absurd in their mind, because that war is "won". So to attack them for being racist or sexist only fuels them, because at their core, they already know sexes or races are equally capable, and what they're really saying is they're tired of people policing language, representation and politics in order to make the world safe for minorities, women, etc.
Are you fucking kidding me?
He's a kid. Hopefully he'll grow wise in time. This will, at least, put some needed spotlight on his more stupid choices in life.
The argument that openly racist and sexist millennial conservatives who espouse an openly racist and sexist platform because they aren't really racist and sexist, but are actually so post-racist and post-sexist that they can respond to (wholly justifiable) charges of racism and sexism with something like Nietzschean laughter is delusional in a world where actually existing racism and sexism are real things that harm real people. Someone is claiming to be colorblind while dropping N-bombs and you are actually believing them. They're racist, bro. They're not beyond that.
Trump is disgusting, the alt-right is disgusting, Luckey seems to have disgusting views. And yet, despite all of this, Trump has a realistic chance of becoming the next president.
Point being, a lot of people seem to support this kind of bullshit and FB firing Luckey because of this could easily be framed as "Oculus founder fired because he supports Trump", which likely wouldn't go over well either.
Accepting the simple answer of "they're just racists" isn't going to do anything good. It serves to make us feel better about saying "fuck em", but doesn't address their place in culture and how to combat them at all.
The alt-right is like people who are against polio vaccines because there's no polio in the world.
Their position is thus: "Who needs progressive action against racism when I already know all races are equally capable?..... only complaining nanny ideologues, that's who."