
One million dollars!
1 millon funded
And they have 29 days left
My god.
Hopefully they will include some kind of diopter adjustment for those of us with glasses. The Carl Zeiss cinemizer has +\-3 diopters of adjustment it can manage, but I noticed the HMZ has none.
More importantly, 30° FoV.Comparatively stylish as fuck but you've got to wonder how well they isolate vision
Yeah, I was well aware of that when I made my pledge, but some people may be disappointed.This is NOT a consumer device.
Yeah, I was well aware of that when I made my pledge, but some people may be disappointed.
1 millon funded
And they have 29 days left
My god.
This is NOT a consumer device.
- This is meant for VR enthusiasts who want to get in on the early floor and play a role in its development.
- It's meant for guys who want to help solve problems.
- It's the beginning of VR finally becoming the dream it was sold as. But it's not there yet. It's going to take at least a couple more years to truly break all the remaining barriers down.
- Even if you just want to ignore that and play it, realize that screen is not high quality. It's an older LCD in there. 20ms response time. This is more in line with the smeary LCDs of yesterday. And as for resolution, Carmack didn't just mention pixel grids, he mentioned that people with clear vision have been able to make out the pixel make-ups.
- He makes a very good point: people who have worn a head mount/VR before will be blown away by the advancements they've made. People who've never worn one and have Hollywood-esque visions, are going to be really disappointed.
The future of this thing is amazing. And I look forward to owning one when that time comes. But this thing is truly for the garage tinkerers ATM. And still needs a little more time in the oven for everyone else.
This is probably going to be the biggest kickstarter in terms of amount funded ever.
I mean... assuming they don't go 'sold out' before it gets too crazy.
I wonder if this thing could be equipped with a diopter? Which would help those who need glasses.
Yes, we are adding that soon. Don't worry, I am a glasses user myself, so it is very important.The final decision has to be made if we will have adjustable optics, or something like thin lens inserts to adjust the diopter. I am leaning towards the second one for the dev kit Rift, it is cheap, easy, and lets the stock Rift be as mechanically durable as possible.
I'd like to get one once the bugs are ironed out, but that res in such a wide view is going to be pixel city.
Could you turn the 3D off and would that defeat the purpose? The reason I ask is because 3D gives me a headache every time no matter what. Not to mention I can't fully see it. I wonder if I got eye surgery if it would fix it...
I can imagine the consumer version will be available in several resolutions at different price points. If I were to venture a guess, that is.
$300 gets you a developer kit, which is going to look very similar (If not identical) to the render in the video, with the headset, cables, head tracker, and anything else required for operation included. The tooling for the mold is going to take a while, though, so in the meanwhile, $275 gets you a build-it-yourself version with a case that is very similar to the one John Carmack showed off at E3, since those can be shipped as soon as the first batch of parts arrives. Only 100 people are getting those, and I plan on making the "final" dev kit shells available to them for a low price a few months later so that they can upgrade and have the same product as everyone else.
"I understand that almost everyone here is enthusiastic with this product and have been following the development progress for a while however the Majority of the backers do not Really know what they are getting. There is NO indication on the video or the site of what exactly will be supplied. There is only a nicely rendered concept video. He needs to update the Kickstarter Page soon and Clarify to everyone that what is shown is NOT the product they will be getting period."
Palmer's response:
People are getting something that is similar to or better than the render in the video. That would be the assumption anyone watching the video will probably make, unless they know the full history of the Rift back to when it was going to be a DIY kit. Assume the best, not the worst.
No wonder this project got such hardcore funding; they got Gaben's attached to it.
Could you turn the 3D off and would that defeat the purpose? The reason I ask is because 3D gives me a headache every time no matter what. Not to mention I can't fully see it. I wonder if I got eye surgery if it would fix it...
I really like the idea, but come on playing this with a kb/mouse or even a controller that's cool, but for me is not VR, is only a good looking head-mounted display with FOV, the VR is possible but they need to partner or support the use of something like kinect or leapmotion (for control) and then we can talk of something near to our VR dreams.
Uhh.. Does real life give you headaches?
Yes. Real life is 3d. I was making fun of him saying 3d causing him headaches.Are you being serious?
He probably doesn't need kickstarter at this point, but he's doing it for a variety of reasons:I don't get why this guy needs a Kickstarter for this. Doesn't he have VC people breaking his door down at this point trying to give him money?
Why the hell not, for $300 it seems like a decent bit of hobbyist kit. I'm in.
Someone should be talking to Nvidia to try and get 3D Vision support for the Rift. Most games are already compatible with 3D Vision so that would immediately make many games playable.
I'd pay 1.5k for a no compromise version with a resolution that's as high as possible.
I didn't think the rift included side to side detection, only rotation?
Really? Damn. From the way Carmack talked about 6DOF, I thought the Rift came with 6DOF.
Is it really that difficult though? You just have to use 2 accelerometers (unless I'm not quite understanding how accelerometers work) to provide you with the additional information that can determine pitch, yaw and translation.
And I'd pay 300 euros for a nice consumer model with 1080p display and good tracking hardware [accurate measurement of all of my movements and position in space].
Accelerometers are kind of dodgy for good tracking past a few seconds. Even still I think (?)
There's a project that's attempting to put together a VR/holodeck-style experience using consumer hardware. They're using a rift with a ps move or two attached to it, tracked by a kinect - presumably to overcome this very problem and give absolute positioning and translation tracking.
Accelerometers are kind of dodgy for good tracking past a few seconds. Even still I think (?)
There's a project that's attempting to put together a VR/holodeck-style experience using consumer hardware. They're using a rift with a ps move or two attached to it, tracked by a kinect - presumably to overcome this very problem and give absolute positioning and translation tracking.
Do you have a link to that project ?
Sounds fair, people all over the world are paying that ammount of money for high end headphones. So please give us our consumer friendly high end HMDs.
I didn't think the rift included side to side detection, only rotation? said:Technical specs of the Dev Kit (subject to change)
Head tracking: 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) ultra low latency
Field of view: 110 degrees diagonal / 90 degrees horizontal
Resolution: 1280x800 (640x800 per eye)
Inputs: DVI/HDMI and USB
Platforms: PC and mobile
Weight: ~0.22 kilograms
No these trackers are not able to accurately track side/side and up/down motion so no support for that in Doom is included.
And I'd pay 300 euros for a nice consumer model with 1080p display and good tracking hardware [accurate measurement of all of my movements and position in space].
Really? Damn. From the way Carmack talked about 6DOF, I thought the Rift came with 6DOF.
Is it really that difficult though? You just have to use 2 accelerometers (unless I'm not quite understanding how accelerometers work) to provide you with the additional information that can determine pitch, yaw and translation.
Will that be streamed somewhere?It seemed like he spent a good 20 minutes talking about that specific issue during the Quakecon keynote. If you really want technical info, watch that (and the VR roundtable they're hosting tonight).
Will that be streamed somewhere?
It's really amazing if you've followed this project from the start, when it was just Palmer planning a kickstarter to build a few dozen/hundred units in his garage.