I can give you a 4os monarch/white monarch (larzuk quest will give 4 sockets) for free, just /w *cellsydeii whenever I'm on.Shinz Kicker said:hey, all i have a question should i make treachery +2 assassin armor or trade lem for a 4 socket monarch to spirit.
You sucktrh said:Good day today, got a Stone made with almost 3k defense for my merc, and I got my Enigma made and during the first runs I got a higher HoZ and an Arachnid Mesh.![]()
P gems do have a bit of a value still, because of rerollers using the 3pgems+magic item (charm/jewels mainly, only gotten at a specific area level too to maximize the chance of getting a good roll) cube recipe. Personally I pick up flawless gems that I cube up for this very reason, rolled a couple of very useable charms (11res, 3% faster run/walk small charms) basically for free. It helps that I can mule whenever I want to though so I don't have my stash cluttered up by gems.Returners said:do people still trade pgems for equipment anymore? I need the occy and I can offer pgems, how many pgems is it worth?
Try substituting the Hoto with a Wizzy Spike for the time being, is what I'm using 'til I can get my hands on a Vex.SleazyC said:You suck
I'm still amassing a ton of gear in hopes of being able to trade for the eventual Enigma and HoTO that I want my hammerdin to be wearing. Then I need to find a nice sacred targe and hope I get a nice Spirit roll.
Returners said:do people still trade pgems for equipment anymore? I need the occy and I can offer pgems, how many pgems is it worth?
hclflow said:Hey hey, back from my, uhm, vacation. Yeah!
OP updated with the handful who've registered in my absence. I can't fit you all on my friend list though. I keep having to play musical chairs to keep people on my list that actually play.
I've been MF'ing a lot and have found some terrific drops lately! Now have my zealot/smiter BurkDiggler up to 76 (mmm dracs). If anyone comes across a 2os Heaven's Light or a Stormlash they want to get rid of, I'll trade you for it.
Also a warning to those who mule in neogaf/neogaf: Watch out for PistolGrip (bnet acct GodsDelusion). He'll rob you blind, ignore repeated warnings and then tell YOU to chill out after you finally get his attention telling him to not steal! Luckily I was able to get him to relinquish some of my stuff, but I believe he still made off with other stuff.
It's water under the bridge now, but it's pretty unbelievable that some can't ask before just rummaging through piles. Just know who you're muling with. Best to get a buddy and do it in another game, I guess. Damn thieves.
I bought a second set of keys on the cheap so I can mule by myself and don't have to worry about petty thieves anymore, but just be aware if you still mule in neogaf games.
Also I duno what you're talking about Turtle, plenty of people are still playing. I've been playing FF4 too. Whatta brilliant remake!
See you guys online!
Shinz Kicker said:players have kinda dropped off hcl. only see you cell and jlai on consistenly. vilmer and nowz were on tonight and so was streetdream (got perm'd so get can post anymore). hole punch i havent seen in awhile.im starting work so ill be playing a bit less. but you still see me on a lot. hell is too much for me right now. i need to mf nm for awhile longer and get my meteor fo build up to speed. have plus 9 to skills in fire on my 51 and only +4 cold skills on my 75. so ill try to get her up to speed asap so i can dine in hell with the best of ya.
TurtleSnatcher said:That guy has been pming me all week..
Good to know I shouldn't give him anything from now on.
what a jerkoff.
Dang I need that Necro torch..!jlai said:Finally got my Uber Zeal/Smiter done and did my first solo today![]()
Got a 14/16 Necro Torch. Anyone wanna trade an anni for it? And yeah, if anyone needs a rush or any help at all feel free to message me in game, account *jlai. I'll be more than happy to help.
vilmer_ said:This thread has really grinded to a halt. I'm extremely disappointed!
vilmer_ said:This thread has really grinded to a halt. I'm extremely disappointed!
Milabrega said:Its not dead at all. That said:
For my MF sorc, will I need energy shield or one of the ice armors? Are should i save the points and work on my blizzard synergies? I plan to Hell MF, mainly mephisto.
hclflow said:You should've known 90 percent of those who signed up would play for like five hours then never touch it again. GEEZ7
Galanthas said:I still play, though not as much as before. All I do now is MF on Andy/Meph, and that has become tedious because I keep getting the same low level crap. Finished Act 1 hell last week, will probably try to get to meph this week to try MF on Hell, hopefully better luck with drops.
vilmer_ said:Burk and Pucas: nothing can stop them.
Were you muling too much? Logging in and out of characters .. thus it locked you out?ElyrionX said:Can anyone get on USEast NOW?
I left a Pul rune in a game and I can't seem to connect to bnet. GOddamnit. It's on the fucking ground. HELP ME!
EDIT: Son of a bitch. It's gone. FUCK YOU BLIZZARD!!!
hclflow said:You should've known 90 percent of those who signed up would play for like five hours then never touch it again. GEEZ
There's a cube recipe but it might be ladder only.Redd said:I'm up there for hours every day. Seriously I'm addicted to Diablo II again. I know most of you guys play ladder but if anybody is on NL I'm P_Wright. By the way anyone know how to repair an etheral item? Some guy told me there was some way to do it but he couldn't remember how.
TurtleSnatcher said:Were you muling too much? Logging in and out of characters .. thus it locked you out?
Sorry to hear.
Was on a bit last night.. didnt see anyone on though.
Yea that still counts though.ElyrionX said:I switched between three or four characters (not accounts) real quick. But it was just FOUR times. For fucks sake, what kind of shitty system have they got going here? The real bots and spammers are still flooding bnet with their shitty messages and the shitty system Blizzard has implemented does nothing but punish legitimate players. Fucking shit.
TurtleSnatcher said:Yea that still counts though.
Makes sense..
Its to stop Pindlebots etc.. Cant leave a game too fast and join a game too fast even multiple times.
That should have been obvious to you before muling.. You can't blame Blizzard.
Also if you need to mule that bad.. I'd recommend waiting or doing it in a Free Parking or Mule Park game and just make sure the games are not full then hide them in a really hard to find spot in act 1..
Usually my mules have WP's to places way out.
ElyrionX said:I don't know what kind of bots it's supposed to stop because I still see PLENTY of Baal-bots online and it's not as if these guys are trying to hide the fact that they are in fact, bots.
I'd argue that the system is poorly designed simply because of the fact that so many legitimate players get irked by it constantly. What's more, the last time, I actually switched rapidly among my characters at least eight times before getting temp banned but this time it was only four times. It wasn't within my expectations and it doesn't seem to be predictable.
The least they could do is provide some ingame system that gives you a warning before they temp ban you. That would actually be a much friendlier system to newbies. Letting people find out for themselves the hard way is just not ideal in any kind of circumstance.
TheOneGuy said:I'm still playing! I've just been slightly busy with other things (like my desktop going madcrazy batshit insane and crashing on me), so I'm taking it much slower.
Playing on a laptop is less than ideal. Touchpad, ew.
Shinz Kicker said:ely if you really need to mule something just give it a couple hours one of us would have been on and muled for you. also for 5 bucks a new account is mighty nice.