I'm heading out to help my uncle set up for his election party tonight (Senator Jim Kastama, 25th District Washington State), everyone enjoy the festivities, it should be an interesting evening.
Priz said:Breaking news in the next hour or two - the Capture of Osama Bin Laden announced at some event by Bush.
Ecrofirt said:Took me about 10 minutes.
It was my first time in a voting booth, and we have one of those big old green things where you have to push the levers down to fove for your candidate.
First I fucked it up, and nearly voted for the Libritarians. Then I tried pulling the party lever so my republican votes would go through ( the guy suggested I pull the party lever, and then manually change the votes to people of another party if I didn't want to vote straight party ticket), and the damn thing wouldn't budge.
I finally voted manually for everyone I wanted, but the party ticket lever not pulling really concerns me. I'm afraid I fucked somethnig up, and my vote for W didn't go through.
I bet all you dems would love that.
Jerome over at MyDD gets the big scoop on the 2 p.m. VNS NEP numbers:
Kerry 45 48 42 60 52 51 51 50 58 52 49 57
Bush 55 51 57 40 48 48 47 48 40 43 49 41
In 2000, the early numbers favored Bush. In 2002, exit polling was terribly innacurate. Exit polling also doesn't account for absentee and early ballots. And it's still early in the day. PA and MN will be much closer than these number indicate.
So please, please take with a giant grain of sand.
3rdman said:http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/11/2/14333/4849
This is VERY encouraging. I'm in Florida and it would make me proud if we could pull it out here!
Exit poll mania spread through media and campaign circles Tuesday afternoon after first wave of morning data showed Kerry competitive in key states.... National Election Pool -- representing six major news organization -- shows Kerry in striking distance -- with small 1% lead -- in Florida and Ohio, sources tell DRUDGE... [But early 2000 exit polls showed Gore +3 in Florida; showed Gore-Bush even in CO (Bush won by 9], exits showed Gore +4 in AZ [Bush won by 6]... Exits Senate races: Thune +4 Castor +3 Burr +6 Bunning +6 Coburn +6 Demint +4 Salazar +4...
Kerry 50
Bush 49
Kerry 50
Bush 49
Kerry 54
Bush 45
Kerry 51
Bush 46
Kerry 51
Bush 47
Kerry 58
Bush 40
Kerry 48
Bush 50
New Mexico
Kerry 50
Bush 48
North Carolina
Kerry 49
Bush 51
Kerry 46
Bush 53
Other exit-poll results have arrived in more vague form, with Kerry leading Bush in New Hampshire but trailing him in Arizona and Louisiana.
So, uh, hey guys. Who's winning?
-jinx- said:I'll make an attempt at starting a more interesting topic.
Has anyone today voted electronically? If so, what were your impressions of the machine?
And as a general question, is anyone else concerned about whether electronic voting will be abused in this election? If the results show up as "G30rg3 B|_|$h is teh WINNAR!!!1!!1!" then we'll know we've been had...but I doubt it would be that obvious.
3rdman said:I voted electronically...first time ever too and it was very smooth. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how they were tabulating the data as I say no connections to the booths other than the power cords. Regardless, it went smooth and without incident. My only beef was NO PAPER RECEIPT. "Putting the fix" could be extremely easy...here's hoping.
Daily KosOhio - African American precincts are performing at 106% what we expected, based on historical numbers. Hispanic precincts are at 144% what we expected. Precincts that went for Gore are turning out 8% higher then those that went Bush in 2000. Democratic base precincts are performing 15% higher than GOP base precincts.
Florida - Dem base precincts are performing 14% better than Bush base precincts. In precincts that went for Gore, they are doing 6% better than those that went for Bush. African American precincts at 109%, Hispanic precincts at 106%.
Pennsylvania - African American precincts at 102% of expectations, Hispanics at 136% of expectations. The Gore precincts are doing 4 percent better than bush precincts.
Michigan - Democratic base precincts are 8% better than GOP base states. Gore precincts are 5% better than Bush.
Tommie Hu$tle said:Hater.
I think this one is different because it isn't discussing the issues it is just asking how long people were standing in line.
Ecrofirt said:I wouldn't be suprised if the lever was rigged.
this area has been known to have republican voter registration applications return to the new voter as democrat voter registration cards.
President Bush, however, is up by 10 in Arkansas and 2 in California.
siamesedreamer said:Just showing y'all how stupid it is to base anything off early exit polling.
President Bush, however, is up by 10 in Arkansas and 2 in Colorado.
I'm thinking there's still a lesson to be learned here from siamesedreamer...MIMIC said:You mean Colorado.
Dan said:Man, I need to go watch a movie or two to pass the time before real results start coming in.
I'm a bit curious if anyone voted against their family's preferred candidate, like if they have a family (immediate and extended) that is strongly supportive of one and you went and voted for the other. I know I did, and I can forsee some fun holiday discussions if I choose to participate and be honest, that is, if the guy I voted for wins. A lot of my family is pretty open, if not outspoken, about their preferences and I have a feeling I'll kinda be screwed and get some cold shoulders no matter what. If I don't chime in they'll assume I voted for the other guy, and if I do, well then it'd be obvious.
Not that I care of course, I just find it interesting and a more personal way of seeing how the country is so passionately divided.
I used an electronic voting machine (iVotronics?) in Cherokee County, SC, and it was a very straightforward process. I do hate the lack of a paper record, though.-jinx- said:I'll make an attempt at starting a more interesting topic.
Has anyone today voted electronically? If so, what were your impressions of the machine?
So, uh, hey guys. Who's winning?
impirius said:I used an electronic voting machine (iVotronics?) in Cherokee County, SC, and it was a very straightforward process. I do hate the lack of a paper record, though.
And yeah, I don't even drink, but the minibottles thing is ridiculous. I'll be glad to see it go. Can we ditch blue laws next?
etiolate said:Polling data is just another way to influence votes. I wish all results were blacked out till all the polls have closed.
etiolate said:Polling data is just another way to influence votes. I wish all results were blacked out till all the polls have closed.
You can't even be bothered to type a single line of original text? Or even perform the most perfunctory internal fact-checking on a quote which didn't seem right?siamesedreamer said:Yep, considering that I copy that line directly from the site, looks like they corrected a mistake.