Naked Snake
I haven't been to the gym in over a week, been too busy
Will go tonight hopefully.
imo the best back exercises you can doBoogie said:Yes.
<3 dips and pullups.
Um, dips aren't a back exercise, though.Jirotrom said:imo the best back exercises you can do
ScissorHands said:Quick question:
I've been working out pretty much 5 days a week seen January, but right know I'm unable to go even once because of finals. So my question is, will I lose definition and size if I don't work out for a week or two?
ScissorHands said:Quick question:
I've been working out pretty much 5 days a week seen January, but right know I'm unable to go even once because of finals. So my question is, will I lose definition and size if I don't work out for a week or two?
Straightballin said:Im looking for a new dietary supplement, drink, or w.e. you call it. Ive taken muscle milk, gone through 3 small tubs. I seemed to gain fat on it and thats not something I want at all. So I want something for just muscle gaining, no increase in fat. Im looking at just whey protien (I have taken it before) but really want to try something else. Also a good price wouldnt hurt.
Yes, but it will come back within a week or two once you start up again.ScissorHands said:Quick question:
I've been working out pretty much 5 days a week seen January, but right know I'm unable to go even once because of finals. So my question is, will I lose definition and size if I don't work out for a week or two?
You are always going to gain a little fat when you gain muscle. That's how the body works. But to minimize the fat gain, I'd use a good whey protein [Biotest, Optimum Nutrition, Extend] and then sometimes add some more natural things to it on occasion [I use skim milk, natural peanut butter, and oatmeal. Muscle Milk has too much sugar, and doing it this way will help you avoid that.Straightballin said:Im looking for a new dietary supplement, drink, or w.e. you call it. Ive taken muscle milk, gone through 3 small tubs. I seemed to gain fat on it and thats not something I want at all. So I want something for just muscle gaining, no increase in fat. Im looking at just whey protien (I have taken it before) but really want to try something else. Also a good price wouldnt hurt.
Not a Jellyfish said:hey guy sjust trying to loose some wait and really just get into shape. i am 5'10 185lbs but just not in shape ya know. trying to loose some weight off my thighs and really just look healthier. abs would be nice. any suggestions as far as routine and diet go? a Jellyfish said:hey guy sjust trying to loose some wait and really just get into shape. i am 5'10 185lbs but just not in shape ya know. trying to loose some weight off my thighs and really just look healthier. abs would be nice. any suggestions as far as routine and diet go?
Captain Glanton said:
Do that three times a week, and I guarantee you will have ripped thighs and abs in no time.
Or you could read the OP, and try eating right and exercising 4 or so times a week.
Not a Jellyfish said:thanx I have read the OP and exercise 3 times a week so far and go running. dieting is a problem though. I do it but I don't feel like I have enough energy. thanx for being an ass and no I am not dumb enough to run out and by that cause ya said so. thanx for trying
Are those things any good?Captain Glanton said:Also, I'm waiting to buy an X-Vest, but I do stairs with a 100lb box of books on my shoulder at least once a week. Did them tonight, actually.
So there's a 100lb version?Captain Glanton said:The reviews I've seen say that the weight wears you down very quickly. If you put on 40 lbs and start out walking, it feels fine, but your ass will be dragging by the time you get around the neighborhood. My plan would be to buy the full 100lbs and then build up to it.
Lobster said:Ah ok guys need some help.
I need to work on my puny leg muscles, get rid of man boobs and get abs.
I run each day and am always walking. I need serious help on my legs. Abs is kind of easy..I do chrunces, sit ups etc.. My man boobs aren't too big but they're obviously there and I hate them.
Indoor equipment, I have a 10KG weight set with 1 bar only and 1 of those wrist grips.
Indoor suggestions would be awesome as its getting a bit cold outside but I don't mind any suggestions.
Throw them at me.
I may post a pic on the specified areas later.
whytemyke said:anyways, yeah. i'm finally getting into the groove. i'm so embarassed cuz as little as 5 years ago, maybe 4, I was maxing out at 315 on my bench. NOW I don't think I could even do 200. I'm realizing that I can't get back to where i'm at by only benching once or twice a week so made the decision today to step it up. I'm also worried about overdoing it and knocking myself out for awhile since my muscles still aren't used to being used regularly again.
Here's my routine. I've been going a couple times a week for a month now so I at least can move my arms the next day :lol. I'm thinking of upping it to four times a week. I'll do basketball for cardio twice a week and the eliptical for cardio twice a week. tha'tll change as I start to notice my running getting better and me getting my wind back. I'm thinking I'm gonna bench at least 3 days a week. Then on top of that I want to do shoulders/upper back twice a week, legs/back (dead lifts, power cleans) once a week, and arms twice a week.
what do you guys think? Sound? I figure I won't get my bench back until I really start pushing myself. My tax thing comes this week and I want to get a supplement again, too. I'm thinking of some protein although creatine would be much more conducive I think.
what do you guys think? anyone use supplements?
ICE.RSTEIN said:Jesus... injury city here.
1) I was doing seated shoulder presses. 2 40lbs dumbells. I'm on my 5th set and I go up and... ouch. You know the noise that a bean bag/beanie baby makes when you squeeze it? That's the sound my neck/upper shoulders made. I couldn't move my neck for 2 days after. It still hurts a bit.
2) This morning I was doing my bicep routine. Again, 2 40lbs dumbells (just a coincidence). After doing my regular curls and inner curls, I do cross curls (the ones where you cross the dumbell to your shoulder instead of curling up). My left wrist just totally gives out on me and I'm still in pain.
i know that:lol :lol but i Work out my triceps on days when I focus on back, and if I plan on doing bench, muscles on my dorsal side i guess.Captain Glanton said:Um, dips aren't a back exercise, though.
Captain Glanton said:Muscle Milk has too much sugar, and doing it this way will help you avoid that.
I guess I was thinking of something else. I should have checked it. :lolTrident said:Hmm, but Muscle Milk actually has a lot less sugar than regular milk. Skim milk is actually over 50% sugar... unless we're talking qualities of sugars, which I know nothing about.
I heard muscle milk actually started out as some premium dog food back in the day... how true that is i dont know:lolTrident said:Hmm, but Muscle Milk actually has a lot less sugar than regular milk. Skim milk is actually over 50% sugar... unless we're talking qualities of sugars, which I know nothing about.
Captain Glanton said:
Do that three times a week, and I guarantee you will have ripped thighs and abs in no time.
Or you could read the OP, and try eating right and exercising 4 or so times a week.
One does not sprint the stairs while carrying the huge tub o' books. One hefts it on his shoulder and gets up and down the stairs by any means stroke said:Captin can't be more right here! I started going to my local high school early in the morning to run the bleachers and holly FUCK what a work out!!!!!! find a close school if you can and sprint up and down the bleachers until you feel like your legs are going to fall off and you will be sore for days
(never tried the back pac though, I can only imagine how hard that must be)
Doing too many stairs kills my feet. By using the weight, I can get the same workout with less pounding on the lower legs--doing fewer stairs, slower.Slo said:Weighted stairs seems like it would be hell on my knees and ankles.
What really kills your joints is the speed of the impact.Slo said:Weighted stairs seems like it would be hell on my knees and ankles.
Captain Glanton said:The hotter you are when you train, the better conditioning you're getting. It's why my high school wrestling coach turned the heat on full blast in the wrestling room first thing in the morning and let it run like that all day for practice after school. You could actually feel the heat bleeding through the door. We were the best conditioned team in the state, probably. :lol
I'm moving halfway across the country in late June, and I am not going to run out of gas. That's what I'm training for at this point.
Captain Glanton said:The hotter you are when you train, the better conditioning you're getting. It's why my high school wrestling coach turned the heat on full blast in the wrestling room first thing in the morning and let it run like that all day for practice after school. You could actually feel the heat bleeding through the door. We were the best conditioned team in the state, probably. :lol
I'm moving halfway across the country in late June, and I am not going to run out of gas. That's what I'm training for at this point.
Matix said:So yea, I've been browsing this thread for awhile now, but haven't really taken it seriously since its associated with a gaming forum (flame on folks).
Sol.. said:Hey fitness gaf,
How do yall feel about soup. I know theres alot of fad diets out there with crazy people goin all soup and shittin' 16 times a day. I'm not interested in that, but i'm interested in getting more soup in for the sake of variety and my protein clogged what say you?
Boogie said:What a retarded comment. You spend most of your time in the gaming forum, don't you?
Well, for the gurus in this thread, fitness is Serious Business. Just try to think of it as level grinding in real life.Matix said:Um, yea. I mean this is part of the Gaming-Age forums right. Sorry I haven't been searching GAF before for fitness tips.
Matix said:So yea, I've been browsing this thread for awhile now, but haven't really taken it seriously since its associated with a gaming forum (flame on folks). Although I gotta admit, I've been pretty impressed by the consistency of the posters here and how many of them have been more than willing to help out a fellow health conscious gamer. With that being said, I propose a challenge to the fitness gurus of this topic.
Since the beginning of this year, I've attempted to seriously focus on getting in to shape (something that I've "attempted" to do for years now). Its been somewhat difficult since I do attend college, work 40hrs a week, live on my own and still try to find time for a social life (can't forget gaming as well). Luckily I have the convenience of a fitness room on the 1st floor of my apartment complex, that I attempt to utilize 3-5 days a week. The workout area is somewhat weak, with only a few cardio machines and worn down weight setups. Even with the minuscule fitness equipment, I still get in a average routine. I spend about 15 minutes doing 1-2 miles on the treadmill, and put the rest of my time doing weights for about another 15 minutes (doing 3-5 reps of 70-100lbs on my upper body). An added bonus is since I do live in the downtown area of a major city, I pretty much use public transportation or walk to my destination (work, school, stores, etc..) on a daily basis. Oh and this might not count for much, but instead of using my apartment elevator, I normally walk to my floor (even though I only live on the 5th level of a 22 story complex).
Now when it comes to diets, I'm a little bit more shaky. I have cut bread, soda and heavy sweets in general from meals. I also drink plenty of water mostly when ever I'm thirsty, with the occasional beer socially. But beyond these few improvements, I'm a total glutton when it comes to almost everything else. Even though I cook at home (instead of eaten out most of the time), I sadly overcook for myself alone. Also since I live on a budget, I normally buy whatever is cheap and eatable. So that means large pots of a lot of starchy meals (using pasta and rice mainly).
Regardless, my goal was to lose about 25+ pounds, flatten my stomach and obliterate these damn love handles (while gaining muscle in my upper-body). But from January up until now (about 5 months total), I haven't seen much of a difference. And even with the few noticeable improvements, the time taken to achieve them has been dreadfully slow. So heres the deal folks, I'm looking for some useful advice that might put me on the right track. But before you brush this off with cliche replies, check out what your working with first.
Height - 6'7"
Weight - 275lbs
Chest - 50inches
Waist - 40inches
So obviously I'm a big fella, which means ya might have to approach my situation a bit differently (good luck).
viciouskillersquirrel said:Well, for the gurus in this thread, fitness is Serious Business. Just try to think of it as level grinding in real life.
:lol :lolviciouskillersquirrel said:Well, for the gurus in this thread, fitness is Serious Business. Just try to think of it as level grinding in real life.
Hmm. This is probably one of the best fitness threads on the net.Matix said:So yea, I've been browsing this thread for awhile now, but haven't really taken it seriously since its associated with a gaming forum (flame on folks).
He's seen the light!Although I gotta admit, I've been pretty impressed by the consistency of the posters here and how many of them have been more than willing to help out a fellow health conscious gamer.
Houston, we have a problem. Before you proceed, you really need to ask yourself "why do I consistently fail to reach my fitness goals?" Do you go for fad diets? Do you hit the gym hard only to lose motivation shortly after? This is key. Know thyself.Since the beginning of this year, I've attempted to seriously focus on getting in to shape (something that I've "attempted" to do for years now).
LAME LAME LAME excuses. Everyone in this thread has a busy life. Everyone has school, hobies, families, etc. You just can't accept excuses. If you want to lose weight/get fit you're going to have to FIND the time or SACRIFICE something.Its been somewhat difficult since I do attend college, work 40hrs a week, live on my own and still try to find time for a social life (can't forget gaming as well).
Awesome. All you need is a treadmill/eliptical and dumbells.Luckily I have the convenience of a fitness room on the 1st floor of my apartment complex, that I attempt to utilize 3-5 days a week. The workout area is somewhat weak, with only a few cardio machines and worn down weight setups.
This is not an average routine. This is a weaksauce routine (sorry for being harsh). You need to spend more like 30-45 minutes on the treadmill. In my opinion (others may differ) you shouldn't bother doing cardio for 15/weights for 15. Go all out on either. One day hit cardio real hard. The next day hit the weights real hard. If you split them up in one session you're going to be doing each half assed, especially given your goal of weight loss. The bottom line is you're not going to lose the weight you want to lose by doing 15 mins of cardio 3 days a week.Even with the minuscule fitness equipment, I still get in a average routine. I spend about 15 minutes doing 1-2 miles on the treadmill, and put the rest of my time doing weights for about another 15 minutes (doing 3-5 reps of 70-100lbs on my upper body).
Sorry, these all have to goNow when it comes to diets, I'm a little bit more shaky. I have cut bread, soda and heavy sweets in general from meals.
Carbs aren't bad. They're essential. However, given your level of activity you're probably eating way too many carbs... which aren't being used but stored. Try to eat your carbs in and around your workouts (especially your weight routine). Rice isn't bad either. Switch a couple of pasta nights to some nice lean chicken or fish. A chicken takes the same time to cook.Even though I cook at home (instead of eaten out most of the time), I sadly overcook for myself alone. Also since I live on a budget, I normally buy whatever is cheap and eatable. So that means large pots of a lot of starchy meals (using pasta and rice mainly).
Again, sorry to be harsh, but you haven't seen any improvements because you're just not doing enough. A) 1-2 miles/15 minutes isn't enough. You're not making a dent in anything. It's almost useless. B) Your consuming way too many carbs/calories.Regardless, my goal was to lose about 25+ pounds, flatten my stomach and obliterate these damn love handles (while gaining muscle in my upper-body). But from January up until now (about 5 months total), I haven't seen much of a difference.