Mr. Snrub said:Yeah, unless you're doing it as part of a conditioning routine, I personally wouldn't go above 5 reps, and even that's pushing it. I stick to 3. Power cleans are supposed to develop power, and that's best trained in lower rep ranges.
Mr.City said:
400 power clean?BigGreenMat said:Ugh, a lot of those are just ugly. I don't think I saw a single correct pull. I personally can't critique too much because my form under the bar stinks (I have left arm flexibility issues as well as just a shitty front squat ability, so I generally finish with the bar almost all the way up to my full height, 6'4), but my form on the way up is awesome which is why despite my shortcomings I could always clean a very respectable amount (around 400lbs).
BigGreenMat said:Oh, I am with you. I put 8 reps as an absolute max. I generally frown upon anything abover 5 reps a set. Also I don't think it matters if it is part of conditioning. If you are trying to condition then supersetting is the answer. High reps on Clean are just dangerous and stupid.
Ugh, a lot of those are just ugly. I don't think I saw a single correct pull. I personally can't critique too much because my form under the bar stinks (I have left arm flexibility issues as well as just a shitty front squat ability, so I generally finish with the bar almost all the way up to my full height, 6'4), but my form on the way up is awesome which is why despite my shortcomings I could always clean a very respectable amount (around 400lbs).
Don't bother with kickbacks. Really. Dips and your barbell/dumbbell presses will give you all the triceps work you need.BlueTsunami said:Oh man, Tricep Kickbacks make me feel like a pussy. 10lb-15lb dumbells and I want to cry :lol
Captain Glanton said:Don't bother with kickbacks. Really. Dips and your barbell/dumbbell presses will give you all the triceps work you need.
dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dipsRSTEIN said:Glanton nooooooooooooooo!!!!! Kickbacks are great for definition. As are crossface and skull crushers.
RSTEIN said:Glanton nooooooooooooooo!!!!! Kickbacks are great for definition. As are crossface and skull crushers.
Mr. Snrub said:Definition has nothing to do with exercise selection.
RSTEIN said:Sure, if you're training for stength. I would choose dips over kickbacks any day of the week for strength. For sculpting - body building - that's another story.
Brendonia said:Speaking of exhaustion, I think the latest routine I was doing was seriously killing me. I have been working on a pretty heavy fat loss weight lifting routine (put together by Alwyn Cosgrove) with high reps and lots of supersets, but it absolutely exhausted me and, while I did see some benefits, it wasn't worth it in the long run. Too many complex lifts with two high of reps and not enough rest. These were the workouts that I was doing for the past couple of weeks:
Giant Set 1 (no rest between exercises, do all 4 and then rest 60 seconds before starting again):
Deadlifts: 4 x 10-12
Explosive Push-Ups: 4 x 10-12
Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 x 10-12
Dumbbell rows: 4 x 10-12
Giant Set 2 (same deal, no rest until all four exercises, then rest 60 seconds)
Deadlift off of box: 2 x 20
Dumbbell Bench Press: 2 x 20
Walking lunges: 2 x 20
Cable seated row: 2 x 20
Workout 2:
Same deals with the sets and rep ranges, so I won't type all of that in.
Giant Set 1
Front Squat
Underhand Lat Pulldown
Step Up
Dumbbell push press
Giant Set 2
Lat Pulldown
Step up
Dumbbell shoulder press
Now I would do these 2 times per week each and after a week and a half I was so exhausted I could hardly move, even though I was eating and sleeping just as much as usual. If you want to try a massively exhausting conditioning routine that seems to work, go for this, for me, I've started Rippetoe/Mad Cow's routine and am enjoying it much more with the heavier weights and greater concentration. I really understand now why you really don't want to rep more than 5-8 on deadlifts, your form goes to crap.
Anyway I just thought I'd share and see what some of the experts thought of that workout I was doing, which I think is pretty excessive.
Slo said:Please back this claim up with documentation. What exactly is happening on a scientific level when you "sculpt" your triceps by doing kickbacks? How is this different than what happens when you do any other tricep movement? "Definition" is a vaguely defined combination of muscle size and your body fat levels. Resistance training just breaks down muscle tissue so it can be built back stronger. It doesn't rewrite your biology or your genetics. I don't understand why people insist that you should do one exercise to make you swole while another makes you shreddedded.
There are basically four things that can happen:
1) A muscle can get bigger.
2) A muscle can get smaller.
3) You can get fatter.
4) You can get leaner.
That's all there is. Sculpting, toning, and other buzzwords are just vague combinations of the above.
Slo said:Please back this claim up with documentation. What exactly is happening on a scientific level when you "sculpt" your triceps by doing kickbacks? How is this different than what happens when you do any other tricep movement? "Definition" is a vaguely defined combination of muscle size and your body fat levels. Resistance training just breaks down muscle tissue so it can be built back stronger. It doesn't rewrite your biology or your genetics. I don't understand why people insist that you should do one exercise to make you swole while another makes you shreddedded.
There are basically four things that can happen:
1) A muscle can get bigger.
2) A muscle can get smaller.
3) You can get fatter.
4) You can get leaner.
That's all there is. Sculpting, toning, and other buzzwords are just vague combinations of the above.
RSTEIN said:He looks like someone who would perform at the Strongest Man, not Mr. Olympia.
I sort of agree.Slo said:Please back this claim up with documentation. What exactly is happening on a scientific level when you "sculpt" your triceps by doing kickbacks? How is this different than what happens when you do any other tricep movement? "Definition" is a vaguely defined combination of muscle size and your body fat levels. Resistance training just breaks down muscle tissue so it can be built back stronger. It doesn't rewrite your biology or your genetics. I don't understand why people insist that you should do one exercise to make you swole while another makes you shreddedded.
There are basically four things that can happen:
1) A muscle can get bigger.
2) A muscle can get smaller.
3) You can get fatter.
4) You can get leaner.
That's all there is. Sculpting, toning, and other buzzwords are just vague combinations of the above.
Slo said:That has little to do with whether or not kickbacks are an effective exercise to stress the triceps You could argue that they are the best movement in the world for stressing the triceps, but I think you'd have a hard time arguing that kickbacks make the muscle "pretty" while other movements give you ugly triceps and pointy knees.
RSTEIN said:I'm not sure why we're arguing about this![]()
Slo said:Let's stop.
???? You're doing kickbacks????RSTEIN said:Again, I'm not saying kickbacks are superior to dips or they're some magical excercise that will make you "pretty." They're just kickbacks for christ's sake :lol However, my own personal experience and research speaks volumes about kickbacks. Glanton said skip kickbacks for dips, and I said "no!" He's coming from strength training, I'm coming from body building, that's all (I think!).
I'm not sure why we're arguing about this![]()
Mr. Snrub said:Well, Cosgrove is fairly respected in the strength training community, but that routine definitely seems a more conditioning/Crossfit/metcon type workout. Perhaps you should have scaled it down a bit but like you said...if you weren't enjoying it or feeling it, and you found something else, more power to you. I'm using Rippetoe's Texas Method (Mad Cow has a similar program) and I'm enjoying it, but I also need to get some conditioning in, so I may use at least one day a week for conditioning. We'll see. Let us know how you're progressing with the Rip/Mad Cow. Which routine are you doing? I did the Mad Cow Intermediate for a while with great results.
lil smoke said:???? You're doing kickbacks????
:lol :lol
Brendonia said:just wish it was a little easier to lose the little fat I have left on my belly. Nobody seems to notice it but me but it drives me nuts.
Brendonia said:Yup, working on the intermediate program right now. I love it after two workouts so we will see where it goes from here, but it looks to be a good one. I was having some issues with my shoulder where heavy weights were difficult, so I decided to put a bit more emphasis on getting leaner, hence the more conditioning type workouts, but it's not something that I enjoy, so what's the point? I just need to do more HIIT now that I'm scaling back on the conditioning/OMG I want to puke after my 4th giant set that I was doing. If you are looking for something like that, though, for conditioning I think it's a good routine, just difficult if you use the correct weights and really push yourself. I'll see where I go with the madcow method. It's nice to have the pre-calculated spreadsheet and everything so that I can continue to easily track myself, and I'll keep making updates on progress.
I just wish it was a little easier to lose the little fat I have left on my belly. Nobody seems to notice it but me but it drives me nuts. The sad thing is, I know the answers, and it's getting rid of the alcohol/beer and trying to run a bit more, so don't cry for me ha-ha. I'm also moving in the next month which means the end of my dek hockey and basketball leagues, so I'll have some more flexibility in my schedule than I would when those were on, because they pretty much took up anything on Tuesday and Thursday nights, couldn't do a hard workout then play a full game up to a high level, so I never did anything before them on those days. Now I will be able to do whatever, until I join more sports leagues in my new city because that is destined to happen anyway.
Captain Glanton said:What is this "bodybuilding" you speak of?
Mr. Snrub said:Scholars maintain that the translation was lost, hundreds of years ago.
Slo said:Researcher Mariusz Pudzianowski escavates a fossilized bosu ball from a historic bodybuilding burial site:
Qwerty710710 said:What muscles do power cleans work on the most? I would like to try it out one day when I get stronger, I've seen done before it looks very demanding.
Mr. Snrub said:Olympic lifters usually have extremely strong and developed legs/back.
RSTEIN said:But really, where are the triceps? Fail.
Mr. Snrub said:How much do you weigh? 400 lbs is pretty awesome, but I'm assuming you meant full clean? Could you jerk it? Just curious, congrats, that's nice weight.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Also, there's this chest press exercise where you sit slightly upright and you have these handlebars to press forward. You can do single arm presses or do both, whatever. It isn't a machine. You load the plates on each side near the handlebars. Today I just put four 45 pound plates on each side, which is 360 pounds. Got 4 reps. I don't know what's going on. :lol
Everytime you do a kickback an angel gets his wings.BlueTsunami said:Ok, next time I'll do dips instead of kickbacks :lol
Your brother sounds like a very, very smart guy.yacobod said:and my brother is pretty strong, reps out 225 on close grip for an easy 10, but for some reason swears by kickbacks, idk
4X45 is pretty good on the hammer strength. I forget what that one is called. I did it this morning.Jason's Ultimatum said:Man I'm amazed at how strong I'm getting, even though I'm losing weight. I'm so terrified of eating anything that would result to getting pimples. :lol
But anyway, I'm a thin guy as it is. Just muscular and decently strong, but man. Over the past weeks of doing flat dumbell presses, I'm able to push up the 100 pound dumbells without someone helping me getting them up. Also, there's this chest press exercise where you sit slightly upright and you have these handlebars to press forward. You can do single arm presses or do both, whatever. It isn't a machine. You load the plates on each side near the handlebars. Today I just put four 45 pound plates on each side, which is 360 pounds. Got 4 reps. I don't know what's going on. :lol
RSTEIN said:Your brother sounds like a very, very smart guy.
I think he meant "close (grip bench)" with 225.BlueTsunami said:Well, I personally feel the triceps really get pumped when I do kickbacks which is a great feeling. I haven't been doing them long enough to swear by them though (since I've mostly been doing dips before this). But holy shit at 225 Skullcrusher![]()
Slo said:He must be doing them wrong. They made him strong.
Captain Glanton said:I think he meant "close (grip bench)" with 225.
Captain Glanton said:I think he meant "close (grip bench)" with 225.
Captain Glanton said:Don't kid yourself, RSTEIN. If those bodybuilders got the chance, they'd eat you and everyone you care about.