Captain Glanton
I ran sprints in my vest today.
So awesome.
So awesome.
demon said:question: my neck is skinnier than I'd like and I've noticed that when I put my arms behind me it sort of flexes my traps and makes my neck look a lot thicker. no other kind of movement or exercise has that effect. is there some sort of exercise that makes use of that? Like holding a barbell behind you with your arms extended and pushing it out (kinda like a front dumbbell raise, but behind you)?
demon said:question: my neck is skinnier than I'd like and I've noticed that when I put my arms behind me it sort of flexes my traps and makes my neck look a lot thicker. no other kind of movement or exercise has that effect. is there some sort of exercise that makes use of that? Like holding a barbell behind you with your arms extended and pushing it out (kinda like a front dumbbell raise, but behind you)?
Captain Glanton said:I ran sprints in my vest today.
So awesome.
Captain Glanton said:I ran sprints in my vest today.
So awesome.
That would be "pine tree." I'm just proud I didn't throw up.Dice Man said:Hope you took into account your increased stopping time.
*Captain Glanton running through fence*
The 50 dollar level; CX300 iirc. I like them a lot. I've had zero problems with interference or slippage.Ace 8095 said:Captain, what kind of Sennheiser earbuds do you have and how do you like them?
I think that at 40 lbs, your calves and your traps would be killing you after 30 minutes. It would be so much weight to be bouncing up and down on your traps and your feet. You might buy the 40 and start off with much lighter weight, see how you feel the next day.RSTEIN said:Do you think it would work for a 30 minute jog/run?
Soka said:Does anyone know of a way to add more difficulty to a bike ride? I have the gears on my bike on the "hardest" difficulty (which means less total turns of the peddles to propel me the same distance as a lower gear), but out here in the farmland of Illinois, it's all flat and lame.
demon said:question: my neck is skinnier than I'd like and I've noticed that when I put my arms behind me it sort of flexes my traps and makes my neck look a lot thicker. no other kind of movement or exercise has that effect. is there some sort of exercise that makes use of that? Like holding a barbell behind you with your arms extended and pushing it out (kinda like a front dumbbell raise, but behind you)?
yep... 3 summers ago I added an inch to my neck in traps in about 1 and half months doing shrugs.Mr. Snrub said:You just need to work on your traps and neck development. HEAVY power shrugs will make ANYONE'S traps grow.
Soka said:I'm wondering if biking with them wouldn't be as bad. The motion is mostly up and down, rather than side to side, so it's not causing the weights to really put pressure on the sides of my ankles, more so just on the top of my feet. But, yeah, I'm going to have to look into it more since I've seen enough warnings to know something isn't quite right about them.
Damn. This shit is gangsta.lethial said:Working the neck can be tricky, of course their are shrugs which help develop your traps which overtime can add size, but in order to get a thick neck, you need to do, well, neck exercises. There's a harness you can get for your cranium that is attached to a chain where you put weight on it and you bend over, hands on knees and bob your head up and down. Another one is lying down on a bench with your head overhanging the edge, hold weight on forehead and nod your head up and down but again, be very very careful.
lil smoke said:Damn. This shit is gangsta.
Dreweyes said:Wii Fit's got nothin on this thread.
Struct09 said:Speaking of, anyone else been using Wii Fit? It's been great for weight tracking and doing stretches that I otherwise wouldn't.
Cool. I'm all over this. I actually already do similar circuits, since in the AM I have the gym to myself.Captain Glanton said:Found a good arm exercise today. Use the same weight for all work of the same exercise, i.e., no changing weight mid-set.
One set:
Barbell curls X 6
Dips X 15
Dumbbell hammer curls X 6
BB curls X 3
Dips X 8
DB hammer curls X 3
BB curls X 2
Dips X 4
DB hammer curls X 2
BB curls X 1
Dips X 2
DB hammer curls X 1
I did two sets.
Not a Jellyfish said:So just started doing some light Kalestenics last week and do not what it is having trouble today. While doing pushups my lower back hurts. any idea of whats causing it? something with my form or posistion?
RSTEIN said:My coworker bought Wii Fit to "get back into shape." Basically I just make fun of him all day.
Tanned Greyface said:I don't get it. Jogging, push ups, etc won't help him get back in shape?
Brendonia said:Hi all,
What is the correct way to do stomach vacuums? On the one article I found said that you completely exhale all the air from your lungs and suck your abdomen in like you are trying to touch your belly button to your spine and then expand your chest and hold. Then it says to hold for 20 seconds for the first week, 40 for the second, and 60 for the third. I just can't hold my breath that long after exhaling and in the midst of contracting a muscle. Is this really the correct way to do it or can you breathe a bit in between as long as you keep the stomach as tight as possible?
Jogging in place isn't the same thing as jogging. That's a big part of the problem.Tanned Greyface said:I don't get it. Jogging, push ups, etc won't help him get back in shape?
Mr. Snrub said:Well. It's better than nothing.
Tanned Greyface said:I don't get it. Jogging, push ups, etc won't help him get back in shape?
Jason's Ultimatum said:I give up on leg workouts. Squatting and leg presses are just too fucking awkward for me. I can't get the form right, even with help from the pros, and lunges are just bad for your knees.
So anyway, starting Monday, I'm going to start flipping over a tractor tire (even though it'd be more of a total body workout). Maybe start out at 25 yards and build my way up. At my apartment, I've been skipping every 2 steps, lifting off one leg at a time. I do it 20 times and it tightens my quads up after doing them. I don't expect to get my legs huge from just doing them, but keeping them shape is good enough for me. Maybe with me eating more, I can get some of that fat to my legs. =\
MrToughPants said:Lunges aren't bad for your knees it's the opposite...there's no stress put on your knees. Quads, hams, glutes and adductors are taking the brunt of the weight during the motion while your hips and midsection balance the weight the entire time.
some tips
-never bring your knee past your toes
-Don't rest your knee on the ground
-Stop your knee 1-2 inches from the ground
-If you do touch your knee do it gently and quickly, you will have to touch on very heavy sets
-keep your midsection flexed at all times, your back straight and head up
:lolMr. Snrub said:Well. It's better than nothing.
I dont own WiiFit, if you can link to a comprehensive activity list I would be happy to give you my opinion on them.Tanned Greyface said::lol
Ok, I've searched through the thread and all I see are snide asides regarding WiiFit. Can I get some definitive statements from the regulars in this thread (if you're not already tired of giving your advice to family and friends who jumped on the Wii bandwagon)?
Is WiiFit good for cardio at the least or is it essentially a chimera?
Tanned Greyface said::lol
Ok, I've searched through the thread and all I see are snide asides regarding WiiFit. Can I get some definitive statements from the regulars in this thread (if you're not already tired of giving your advice to family and friends who jumped on the Wii bandwagon)?
Is WiiFit good for cardio at the least or is it essentially a chimera?
Huh. I didn't realize it, but I don't have any friends or family who did this.Tanned Greyface said::lol
Ok, I've searched through the thread and all I see are snide asides regarding WiiFit. Can I get some definitive statements from the regulars in this thread (if you're not already tired of giving your advice to family and friends who jumped on the Wii bandwagon)?
Is WiiFit good for cardio at the least or is it essentially a chimera?
just tried it. I do not believe this news.jacf29 said:My friend claims that doing push-ups with your feet on a chair slanting downwards is better for your abs than sit-ups. He also says that sit-ups hurt your back long term. Is this true?
There are no magic tricks, if you lack the discipline to stick to your diet, nothing anyone will write here is going to help you.onemic said:Okay guys I have a really big problem, it's being able to keep myself on my diet without cheating. I'm on the atkins diet and ever since I decided to go on a little break from the diet the last week of February after losing about 30 pounds, I've never been able to dedicate myself to it since. I mean back in January when I started dieting I cheated from time to time, but I would always try to stay in line with my diet and would never cheat more than once a day.
Now I'm cheating a lot(basically meaning everyday) and I really need a good slap in the face so that I can actually go restart my diet. If anyone here that's on a diet can tell me exactly how they're able to stay dedicated to it, can you please give me a few pointers? I really want to lose an extra 30 - 40 pounds by September before my first year of university, not only that, but I'm tired of being a fatass. It's honestly getting to me and I can't stand it.
I find that whenever I say I'm going to stay dedicated to my diet, that same day I'm either invited out to McDonalds or another fast-food place, offered cake, candy, etc.(In which, I clearly give in) Or I just flat out crave some carbs and I go buy myself those stupid fucking Oatmeal creme pies by Little Debbie. It's getting ridiculous!
"better for your abs" is a pretty vague term.jacf29 said:My friend claims that doing push-ups with your feet on a chair slanting downwards is better for your abs than sit-ups. He also says that sit-ups hurt your back long term. Is this true?
Chichikov said:There are no magic tricks, if you lack the discipline to stick to your diet, nothing anyone will write here is going to help you.
That being said, I personally think that the best way to lose weight is a combination of a reasonable diet (I dont consider Atkins to be one, but I am aware some people are getting great results with it) and working out.
onemic said:Okay guys I have a really big problem, it's being able to keep myself on my diet without cheating. I'm on the atkins diet and ever since I decided to go on a little break from the diet the last week of February after losing about 30 pounds, I've never been able to dedicate myself to it since. I mean back in January when I started dieting I cheated from time to time, but I would always try to stay in line with my diet and would never cheat more than once a day.
Now I'm cheating a lot(basically meaning everyday) and I really need a good slap in the face so that I can actually go restart my diet. If anyone here that's on a diet can tell me exactly how they're able to stay dedicated to it, can you please give me a few pointers? I really want to lose an extra 30 - 40 pounds by September before my first year of university, not only that, but I'm tired of being a fatass. It's honestly getting to me and I can't stand it.
I find that whenever I say I'm going to stay dedicated to my diet, that same day I'm either invited out to McDonalds or another fast-food place, offered cake, candy, etc.(In which, I clearly give in) Or I just flat out crave some carbs and I go buy myself those stupid fucking Oatmeal creme pies by Little Debbie. It's getting ridiculous!
I dont want to sound too harsh, but no, you werent.onemic said:The thing is, I was able to maintain the discipline when I firs started back in late January, I guess it's because I didn't go out that much back then as I do now, so I wasn't always faced with temptation every single day as I am now.
jacf29 said:My friend claims that doing push-ups with your feet on a chair slanting downwards is better for your abs than sit-ups. He also says that sit-ups hurt your back long term. Is this true?
SuperAndroid17 said:Hey guys , Ive been taking supplements for about 4months now , cycling off creatine in this month and Ive been taking 4 months of protein shakes on and off. I was thinking of stopping and going the natural protein food area since my budget wont allow me to buy alot of supplements anymore. I will continue to work out every day and week... but since I wont be taking these things anymore.. .what will change? size ? strength?
But you read the OP, right?Chrono said:OK, uh, I'm not going to read the entire thread here. Or the other threads. Or spend hours reading more web pages or books on this subject. Seriously it can't be this complicated.
As far as food is concerned, I'll be reading this:
And for more details, I've go this book for later:
I'll read that book when I'll start cooking... sometime in the future.
For exercise, the plan is:
- HIIT... run like hell on a treadmill for short intervals... >_>;
- Push ups? Sit ups? Crunches? There seem to be half a dozen types just for crunches...
I just want something I can do now, without any instruments, and will actually help.
Lastly, how much exercise should I do? As much as I can? For example, how long could a HIIT interval be and how many times can/should I do it a day?
Thanks for any help... I really need it.![]()