I really hope we get either Zelda: Minish Cap (I haven't played it), or Link to the Past.
I wouldn't be surprised if we got an F-Zero game. If so, I hope it's Maximum Velocity, and not GP Legend.
Mario & Luigi, Golden Sun, and Advance Wars are probably likely choices.
Don't expect Pokemon; since the whole emphasis of the Pokemon games is to trade, not being able to do so (I highly doubt Nintendo will program wireless mutliplayer into these) somewhat undermines them somewhat.
There's no chance in hell of it happening, but I'd KILL for an English version of Rhythm Tengoku (Rhythm Heaven/Paradise). I adore the DS version.
Of course, this is assuming the remaining 5 NES and 5 GBA games are first-party. I certainly hope so, as I have next to zero interest in third-partry NES and GBA games. Though I'm hoping the fact that Nintendo claims there are no current plans to sell GBA games would give third-parties no reason to let Nintendo use their games, as there's no profit margin.