Unicorn said:When are they going to release Pacman CE DX 3D?
Never because Namco would rather release it in a physical package with a bunch of shitty Pac-Man and Galaga spinoffs.
Unicorn said:When are they going to release Pacman CE DX 3D?
The GBA SP had no way to know if it was open or close. Sleep mode was deactivated with a button combination.Dreamwriter said:I don't get it - as someone already mentioned, these are portable games. They were already designed to be pick-up-and-play games, with plenty of save options, as well as built-in sleep modes, often designed to go to sleep when the GBA SP cover was closed (which means they would go to sleep in this case when the 3DS cover is closed). Heck, that's probably one of the reasons for the lack of a 3DS Sleep Mode with these games - a double Sleep Mode would probably confuse games and cause emulation issues.
steveovig said:I've logged into the eshop a million times since buying the 3DS in June and I'm not really sure if I'm officially an Ambassador. I checked the news section and I don't see anything and I checked the Notifications and see nothing. I've bought several games since June too. I know one thing is for sure, if I'm not an Ambassador I'll be royally pissed.
This pretty much confirms my guess that it was never an actual confirmation of anything. Just a regular news post that assumed everyone who saw it was an ambassador because anyone who goes into the eShop is an ambassador.DavidDayton said:Did they remove the Ambassador Program news from the eShop?
I ask as I know it was there yesterday, but I'm not seeing it when I logged in this evening.
That game isn't DX. I want MORE GHOSTS!nckillthegrimace said:Never because Namco would rather release it in a physical package with a bunch of shitty Pac-Man and Galaga spinoffs.
Dreamwriter said:I don't get it - as someone already mentioned, these are portable games. They were already designed to be pick-up-and-play games, with plenty of save options, as well as built-in sleep modes, often designed to go to sleep when the GBA SP cover was closed (which means they would go to sleep in this case when the 3DS cover is closed). Heck, that's probably one of the reasons for the lack of a 3DS Sleep Mode with these games - a double Sleep Mode would probably confuse games and cause emulation issues.
Is it that big of a deal? I never used Sleep Mode for any GBA game.Allan Holdsworth said:Not all GBA games have a sleep mode.
You should be fine as long as you've entered the eShop at least once before. No downloading necessary.Pupi18 said:How does the Ambassador program works?
If I ever was connected on the 3DS eshop Im fine or did I had to download something?
Tyeforce said:You should be fine as long as you've entered the eShop at least once before. No downloading necessary.
Unicorn said:Is it that big of a deal? I never used Sleep Mode for any GBA game.
sca2511 said:God fuck, I thought it said 11:59 PST. UGH shitty
Why wait to the last minute anyway?sca2511 said:God fuck, I thought it said 11:59 PST. UGH shitty
are we sure about that ?Tyeforce said:You should be fine as long as you've entered the eShop at least once before. No downloading necessary.
That was the stupid predicament I mentioned in my post - almost exactly the same story as yours, so I hear you, bro.sca2511 said:Bought 2 3DS' yesterday, GF got tired so she wanted to wait to update till today. Had a meeting in the afternoon and then played some Terraria with her for a while when I got home. Next thing you know its 9:50ish give or take and I was like "Oh shit, was it EST or PST" so I went to double check, it said EST. So I opened it up, connected to the net, and the update takes a bit of time. By that time it was already 10ish PST.
Excuses aside, I should of just done that crap when I got home with it.
I just wanted Metroid Fusion and Mario Advanced 3, so maybe that'll make me feel better...
No, they won't: "During gameplay, the Nintendo 3DS system will not enter Sleep Mode even if you close it."Dreamwriter said:I don't get it - as someone already mentioned, these are portable games. They were already designed to be pick-up-and-play games, with plenty of save options, as well as built-in sleep modes, often designed to go to sleep when the GBA SP cover was closed (which means they would go to sleep in this case when the 3DS cover is closed). Heck, that's probably one of the reasons for the lack of a 3DS Sleep Mode with these games - a double Sleep Mode would probably confuse games and cause emulation issues.
Shamrock7r said:any idea when we are going to get the first ambassador game?
Mailenstein said:Well, that's basically what I'm saying. Don't release anything what isn' actually ready for the public. There is plenty of software in the eshop already which actually works the way it's meant to be.
Gravijah said:No restore points? No sleep mode? Sigh.
I wonder how long the battery will last playing GBA games.
"You are an ambassador!" isn't a confirmation? But anyway, it's gone now.Roto13 said:This pretty much confirms my guess that it was never an actual confirmation of anything.
Well, I guess you are right there. DSiWare wise Nintendo has not that much software out. But still, I'm just used a different level from Nintendo, so seeing Nintendo releasing software which isn't actually ready yet, is very uncommon and somehow confusing. I just wish they could've done it right from the beginning. But then again, it's free, so yeah...Nuclear Muffin said:Not enough 1st party titles. In order to include 3rd party DSiWare games, Nintendo would have to seek permission from each 3rd party dev/pub in order to give their game away for free. That would be impossible to sort out in that short a timeframe.
The NES VC games were planned for release at the end of the year anyway so they were a good candidate.
Besides, you get a free upgrade to the final version anyway so it's really the best that they could get done at this short a notice.
It's amazing how there never is a limited period campaign of any kind that wouldn't have people waiting for the very last moment and then getting mad when they missed it.friskykillface said:I can see some pissed off people today, I was looking on twitter and some other forums, some don't know the free 20 games ended at 12 am today.
balladofwindfishes said:I'm going to go on a whim and assume Golden Sun and Pokemon are probably not going to be part of the package, right?
And probably not Advance Wars either?
Pokemon pinball gba is most likely to be available.balladofwindfishes said:I'm going to go on a whim and assume Golden Sun and Pokemon are probably not going to be part of the package, right?
And probably not Advance Wars either?
Chip N Chance said:An option to play the GBA/NES/Gameboy games on the bottom screen would be nice. I feel since its a lower resolution screen than the top, the scaling wouldn't be so off. Also the aspect ratio would be right, in terms of filling the screen.
Nuclear Muffin said:The vertical resolution is the same on both screens, so it would look identical on either screen.
Also, if I'm right, the GBA games won't fill the screen anyway, even when not playing in 1-1 mode (they'll have the same borders as they do when played on a DS/DSLite)
friskykillface said:Mario Pinball Land , you'll all see, it's gonna be announced, but I'm starting to agree with most of you guys, it sucks.
I would think that since Nintendo owns that particular title they would be able to.Shiggy said:They couldn't eveng et Pinball Pulse online for eShop, I doubt they'll hand out Super Mario Ball for free when it's from the same developer.
Chip N Chance said:Im pretty sure that the touch screen is a lower resolution than the top (vertically), but maybe not enough to make a difference. I just think moving those old games to the bottom screen, and shutting off the top screen all together would help the battery and maybe fix some of the scaling issues that people have.
Edit In Response To Your Edit:
Yeah, in fact the touch screen (which is the same screen used the old DS Lite and Fat) is almost exactly the same as the GBA's screen. Presumably better battery, and native resolution picture. Just a thought really.
dallow_bg said:I would think that since Nintendo owns that particular title they would be able to.
No, it's not, and if you had read past the first sentence of my post, you'd know why.Sammy Samusu said:"You are an ambassador!" isn't a confirmation? But anyway, it's gone now.
Pokemon is very unlikely (outside of Pinball) and I think Golden Sun is too (because it would be like releasing Sonic 3 without ever being able to lock it on to Sonic & Knuckles) but I don't know why Advance Wars would be particularly unlikely.balladofwindfishes said:I'm going to go on a whim and assume Golden Sun and Pokemon are probably not going to be part of the package, right?
And probably not Advance Wars either?
GaimeGuy said:Obviously one of the GBA titles is Mother 3 will be able to Transfer to another Nintendo 3DS with the System Transfer function that will be provided in future system updates.
Because pressing Start is so hard! Or L+R+Select, which is how you activate Sleep Mode in most games. And my point was, if Nintendo *did* allow 3DS sleep mode, that could cause weird things if the game was put into GBA sleep mode at the same time. GBA sleep mode already turns the screen, speakers, and CPU off.Mailenstein said:No, they won't: "During gameplay, the Nintendo 3DS system will not enter Sleep Mode even if you close it."
And since you are not new to gaming, you also know that you can't save whenever you want in certain games. Pressing the start/pause button is not what I'm looking for. I just can't believe they are dishing out games missing basic system features like that. What's so bad about demanding a proper release? Just because it's free? C'mon.