Oh wow, sorry about that. Thanks though.EvilMario said:Repeating again. It's under Settings / Other on the far left. Then click on Your Downloads. And then scroll through until you see the games and a REDOWNLOAD button.
Oh wow, sorry about that. Thanks though.EvilMario said:Repeating again. It's under Settings / Other on the far left. Then click on Your Downloads. And then scroll through until you see the games and a REDOWNLOAD button.
IceDoesntHelp said:Oh wow, sorry about that. Thanks though.
The same way you're getting the games.Baconbitz said:How do I get the certificate?
I've heard later in the year.jokkir said:I wonder when the GBA games will start rolling in
tim.mbp said:I've only downloaded the certificate so far. I want to see if I'll get a notification for them.
How are people organizing their Home screen? Seems like things will start to get really cluttered.
I didnt wanna be the first to say it.VOOK said:Well I'm bored already.
tim.mbp said:I've only downloaded the certificate so far. I want to see if I'll get a notification for them.
How are people organizing their Home screen? Seems like things will start to get really cluttered.
JackFrost said:I didnt wanna be the first to say it.
Unimpressed...Ill stick with the PSP for my handheld EMU needs
JackFrost said:what a hassle....They relly need a cart or queue system and a folder setup. I went through op and saw nothing...any way to get these to stretch to fit on top screen? too fuking small for me.
imthemaid said:And I'll stick with something that isn't glitchy laggy garbage.
You're a true scholar.
tim.mbp said:I've only downloaded the certificate so far. I want to see if I'll get a notification for them.
How are people organizing their Home screen? Seems like things will start to get really cluttered.
weeaboo said:Spain here, can't see shit sire
JackFrost said:sorry dude ive NEVER had a problem with any nes/gb game on psp except for KH. Im not really trying to argue its just my opinion on this.
you mad about something...just my opinion its too small.
CoolS said:People from EU have to chill. I know, every other regions seem to have the game a day early but all they ever said is that we will get them tomorrow. So if we can't download them by tomorrow evening, well then it's really time to get angry imo.
Sammy Samusu said:Oop, I guess it's time to empty my refrigerator, or buy a bigger one.
Javier said:Also, according to the 3DS manual (the actual booklet), there's a limit on 300 icons on the 3DS Menu.
imthemaid said:Apology not accepted.
Are you mad about my opinion of your opinion?
Can you read this? H o w a b o u t t h i s?
Javier said:Also, according to the 3DS manual (the actual booklet), there's a limit on 300 icons on the 3DS Menu.
Yup. I'm in Texas and got them.StickSoldier said:Anyone else in Central time able to download the games?
That'd mean 12.5 full pages of icons at the max size.Javier said:Also, according to the 3DS manual (the actual booklet), there's a limit on 300 icons on the 3DS Menu.
Brainiac 8 said:Hmm...will the 3DS connect to McDonalds WiFi? My DSi used to not allow me to. Has anyone tried yet?
He's pretty angry that someone doesn't love these Nintendo emu/roms.GeekyDad said:Wow, dude...guy seemed to be trying his damnedest to be polite.
Sorry dad.GeekyDad said:Wow, dude...guy seemed to be trying his damnedest to be polite.
The Broken Ska Record said:Yay! Free games. I sure as hell don't want Ice Climbers or Balloon Fight.
Yup. I'm in Texas and got them.
I got them from Texas too.StickSoldier said:What the fuck man, it says that they're still not available.
GDGF said:Yep it connects.
First thing I tried months ago.
Make sure you're going to Your Downloads. There should be a Redownload button there.StickSoldier said:What the fuck man, it says that they're still not available.
You need to go to "My Downloads", not "Account Activity".StickSoldier said:What the fuck man, it says that they're still not available.
That's pretty sexy. <3Chairhome said:I'm at work and I'm going to tether my phone to my 3DS so I can download my games :-D.