hyp said:if anyone cares... mark macdonald's extremely glowing video review of chromhounds:
/end sarcasm
DarkAngelYuna said:whee been hitting sumbit app for squad thingy for 2 hours now and it seems people from the brigade dont wanna get their butts online..![]()
Yeah, you probably should just post here and ask someone to log in so you can get it done. That'd be more efficient than randomly refreshing and hoping someone's online.DarkAngelYuna said:whee been hitting sumbit app for squad thingy for 2 hours now and it seems people from the brigade dont wanna get their butts online..![]()
raYne said:Yeah, you probably should just post here and ask someone to log in so you can get it done. That'd be more efficient than randomly refreshing and hoping someone's online.
That's two hours wasted when you could've been playing some NW one on one's, getting cash and helping out your country.![]()
shuri said:I left my squad, and for some reasnos, I can't get to find the new clan even if people are online. My Allegiance is for Sal Kars right now, they are in Tarkmoj (or whatever)
could that be the problem?
Twilight (13th) is online at the moment.Fallofmart said:Is anyone online in any of the squads? I might log in and try to join...
They only went to Sal Kar to get access to the weapons/armor etc. The 13th is really a Tarakian squad, as is the Brigade.BamYouHaveAids said:Is the 13th ever going back to Sal Kar? I joined right after you guys moved out.
raYne said:Twilight (13th) is online at the moment.
I know, but we have alot of new members who didn't get a chance to get Sal Kar weapons. (Like myself)raYne said:Twilight (13th) is online at the moment.
They only went to Sal Kar to get access to the weapons/armor etc. The 13th is really a Tarakian squad, as is the Brigade.
Oh that's what you meant. I thought you were trying to join. :lolBamYouHaveAids said:I know, but we have alot of new members who didn't get a chance yo get Sal Kar weapons. (Like myself)
Actually, we did do that - anyone who needs parts, just take a gander at the parts list Kobold posted a few pages back and tell us what you need.raYne said:Oh that's what you meant. I thought you were trying to join. :lol
One of the plans beforehand was for a few guys with a lot of cash to buy extra parts for the people who weren't present. I'm guessing that fell through.. so Twilight should probably arrange a followup for you guys.
Next time he should probably make it official in this topic when it's planned again. This time setting dates/times so the rest of the squad knows exactly what's going on. The first time seemed more like a whim than something planned with the group.
Hitler Stole My Potato said:*sigh*
If it's any consolation, some of the guys that gave Chromehounds a bad score/review are changing their tune now that they've spent some time playing with the rest of us.
hyp said:if anyone cares... mark macdonald's extremely glowing video review of chromhounds:
/end sarcasm
IJoel said:...
I sure hope they nail the next Battlefield game to the cross, or any other heavily mp laden game, when the single player is lacking. As a matter of fact, the single player mode serves its purpose quite well (to train you for mp.) Sure, it can be improved, but that's completely missing the point of the game.
Also the complaint about slow movement is simply naive. Want to move fast? Then get a scout hound. There's a reason for the different types of hounds.
It's like these reviewers completely miss the point. It's also interesting how a double standard is applied to this game, compared to say, Battlefield, or any other MP based shooter.
Zotty said:Anyone else having connection problems? It takes like 5 or 10 seconds for getting into the lobby everytime..alot more atleast then normal. Am I the only one from the 13th having this problem?
Didnt have this problem before.
Where's my 13th Website bitch!?? Just kidding :lol :lolBenjaminBirdie said:Seriously. Scouts are so fast.
The reviews don't really bother me. As has been pointed out many times, this is the game that really points out the inherent flaws in a review method that hasn't changed as gaming itself has dramatically done so. EGM does a pretty good service in revisiting games a few months later, but as long as numbers keep getting doled out at the moment of release, we'll have to deal with this sort of thing. But the good thing is that only very unsensible people are still taking these sorts of scores seriously. ("DOOD, I don't get it, didn't this game get wack scores?") Chromehounds seems to have actually done a great service by exposing the illegitimacy of this approach in the context of the modern gaming environment.
Zotty said:Anyone else having connection problems? It takes like 5 or 10 seconds for getting into the lobby everytime..alot more atleast then normal. Am I the only one from the 13th having this problem?
Didnt have this problem before.
DarkAngelYuna said:I was on about an hour ago and it said we had 1 spot open.
DarkAngelYuna said:Ah, I hit submit early by mistake.
Anyways today I'm having loads of connectiong issues with CH. First off it'll stay at connecting for 20+ seconds before going to the main lobby which is a first. Then during matches it's saying that other players have quit when they really haven't. Those players are invisble to me and I just stood next to one for like 2 minutes since I couldn't see it:lol It's happening almost every game I play in. The last game I played in said the host quit and kicked me to CH's main menu saying live disconnected.. It pissed me off so I'm getting something to eat now. Sorry for all the trouble Vince but either my isp or ch is being gay.![]()
DarkAngelYuna said:Bleh, I've tried plugging my cable modem right into the 360, that didn't help at all. Also just tried 2 routers for the hell of it, of course that didn't work. It must be on the CH server side.
chespace said:1). Who's your provider? Mine is Comcast -- it could be a Comcast thing.
2). Have you tried another Gamertag? I wonder if it's tied to individual gamertags.
chespace said:1). Who's your provider? Mine is Comcast -- it could be a Comcast thing.
2). Have you tried another Gamertag? I wonder if it's tied to individual gamertags.
DarkAngelYuna said:1. RoadRunner, Queens NY.
2. Nope, I don't have any other gamertags to try. It's weird though, it started last night and just got a lot worse today. =\
Well you could always just make a hybrid. I have around 24 hounds in my stable and only 4-5 of them are dedicated solely to one class.Nos_G said:I still haven't found my RT type... I started out as a sniper, but lacks the firepower to actually make a difference in MP.
Made a soldier type, but my lack of progress with the sp and experience in mp only allows me to equip the standard equipment.
And so with heavy gunner, I'm always left at HQ to defend due to a slow mobility base, granted I'd like to actually start blowing ppl away, but as it is, 13th is extremely efficient with disassembling most advesaries.
It full now!Dekelia said:Anyone on from the 13th? I'm dying to be in a squad. I can't find you on. Help a guy out...
Kobold said:It full now!
Dekelia said:Bummer. This has been a totally wasted night of Chromehounds. I couldn't even get a single game (in about 2 hours) that went off correctly. So many drops, do many bad connections.
Someone told me when this first came out that it was the spiritual successor to Steel Battalion...unfortunately that seems all to true.