they seem to always beat us every game on C&H we really need to plan that round out as its our weakest, but yea we blew it on assasination defend with the target just standing there in the hallway.icechai said:capture & hold and search & retrieve is where they really out strategized usAnd andronicus didn't know where to go as the assassination target
aj2good4you2 said:they seem to always beat us every game on C&H we really need to plan that round out as its our weakest, but yea we blew it on assasination defend with the target just standing there in the hallway.
aj2good4you2 said:they seem to always beat us every game on C&H we really need to plan that round out as its our weakest, but yea we blew it on assasination defend with the target just standing there in the hallway.
aj2good4you2 said:yea good thing you got to stay in icechai as we woulda been alot worse off without ur help!
Kittonwy said:Loss 3-4.
Tacticians need to concentrate on keeping the spawn up, not fragging.
On Radec, for S&D defence we need to have the spawn point in the room and focusing all fire on anyone on the pillar and not random kills.
For Search and Retrieve the lobby area needs to be controlled, meaning two spawn points on each end with engineers spawning out while assaults in charge of carrying the speaker, there were too many people accompanying the carrier, we need people with boost for carrying the speaker that's it, we were way too far inside to defend the speaker from being delivered, someone with boost can easily rush in for an easy score.
Capture and hold was the biggest problem, we have to secure the one on our end, with at least a couple of people watching, maybe three coming out of a spawn point, one of the speakers has to be on permanent green, the other 4-5 people need to fight for the other one with a spawn nearby. Spawn points need to be up at all times.
For some reason I couldn't spawn on squad at all.
We need to play together more, not for bodycount, we're already good at bodycount.
Kittonwy said:We blew it because we didn't at least keep one speaker closest to our base going. We need to have a spawn point there, and another spawn point for the other speaker we're trying to hold. I don't like fighting for the center area, because it's hard to control. Have spawn point at the two opposite speakers and flood the fuck out of with guys, the two ends can be defended because people have to enter through choke points. The problem is when we get shot we tend to turtle, and that basically killed us during the time we tried to defend in search and destroy, once we turtle then can drop a spawn in and it gets much more difficult.
Kittonwy said:We blew it because we don't at least keep one speaker closest to our base going. We need to have a spawn point there, and another spawn point for the other speaker we're trying to hold. I don't like fighting for the center area, because it's hard to control. Have spawn poing at the two opposite speakers and flood the fuck out of with guys. The problem is when we get shot we tend to turtle, and that basically killed us during the time we tried to defend in search and destroy.
TheFatOne said:Hmmm I was thinking that is were we lost the match. We lost that lobby, and they had great position on it. What we should have done was abandon the lobby at that point. It was a lost cause there was no way we were going to take it over. At that point we should have focused on defending the other part were we have to get the propaganda speaker. From then on we should have moved as a squad while they were worried about keeping the lobby. That's how I snuck up on them and delivered the speaker. There are a bunch of different ideas I have on attacking something like that, but it's easier to explain them when I'm in the game.
Exactly what I was thinking. I was trying to tell you that in game but was too frustrated. All we need is to play more and we should be fine.
aj2good4you2 said:our problem always seems to be that they are already on the cap spot as soon as the round starts and they get a small lead so we're forced to try to get all 3 which spreads us out too much,having even the smallest headstart is big in C&H
TheFatOne said:Hmmm I was thinking that is were we lost the match. We lost that lobby, and they had great position on it. What we should have done was abandon the lobby at that point. It was a lost cause there was no way we were going to take it over. At that point we should have focused on defending the other part were we have to get the propaganda speaker. From then on we should have moved as a squad while they were worried about keeping the lobby. That's how I snuck up on them and delivered the speaker. There are a bunch of different ideas I have on attacking something like that, but it's easier to explain them when I'm in the game.
aj2good4you2 said:our problem always seems to be that they are already on the cap spot as soon as the round starts and they get a small lead so we're forced to try to get all 3 which spreads us out too much,having even the smallest headstart is big in C&H
Kittonwy said:They controlled the lobby and scored EASILY with someone on boost. I was trying to keep the spawn up but there were probably only two of us and then I didn't even know where the rest of team was, and by then the score was already way lob-sided. They countered our only score quickly with another score because they had the lobby secured.
Kittonwy said:The problem is we don't need three, we need only two, there's no point trying to get all three and spread out the squads to the point where we often lost all three and had to get them back one by one. We didn't even have one completely locked down. We started controlling the one on the far side near the enemy base but we gave up on it, that was a big mistake. The center area is very difficult to control, it's always in flux, but the worst part was we couldn't control the one near our base. We need one spawn at each location, that's it.
10dollas said:If we win. hmmm... this sounds like a cleverly disguised subterfuge to accumulate valor points. After all, it is well known that GAFe has their squad tactics in order and are no pushovers. I got the mental image perfectly clear now: you all are snickering at the opportunity for free valor points from these big ole suckors. Plan is to pump them egos up and then tear em down. Ok... Maybe not. that's my imagination running off again.
yea we definitely coulda used another medic!polyh3dron said:oh noes we lost? wish I could have made it but I was working late (just got home)
11pm what time zone...cjtiger300 said:OP-A wants another game. This time at Salamun Market and 10 vs 10. No Rockets and M4. The challenge is at 11pm. Let me know if you are interested, I want to make sure we have enough people.
cjtiger300 said:OP-A wants another game. This time at Salamun Market and 10 vs 10. No Rockets and M4. The challenge is at 11pm. Let me know if you are interested, I want to make sure we have enough people.
TheFatOne said:I'm sick of the no M4 bullshit why are people afraid of one fucking gun.
EDIT: To be clear I hate playing in clan games with anything taken out that includes rockets. I just feel like in a clan game everything should be on including FF.
cjtiger300 said:OP-A wants another game. This time at Salamun Market and 10 vs 10. No Rockets and M4. The challenge is at 11pm. Let me know if you are interested, I want to make sure we have enough people.
icechai said:we should challenge more clans and get some valor points![]()
Rapping Granny said:Sorry guys, didn't play that well. Coming off battlefieldBC, I spent half of the match trying to get use to the controls and the game.
Rapping Granny said:I think everybody in that bots game was dicking around, at least I was, I wasn't going for the objectives, just running around till I get killed and respawn again.
more like xbots amirite?TheFatOne said:Pretty much this, but they did have two awesome bots in the last game![]()
Kittonwy said:Loss 3-4.
Tacticians need to concentrate on keeping the spawn up, not fragging.
On Radec, for S&D defence we need to have the spawn point in the room and focusing all fire on anyone on the pillar and not random kills.
For Search and Retrieve the lobby area needs to be controlled, meaning two spawn points on each end with engineers spawning out while assaults in charge of carrying the speaker, there were too many people accompanying the carrier, we need people with boost for carrying the speaker that's it, we were way too far inside to defend the speaker from being delivered, someone with boost can easily rush in for an easy score.
Capture and hold was the biggest problem, we have to secure the one on our end, with at least a couple of people watching, maybe three coming out of a spawn point, one of the speakers has to be on permanent green, the other 4-5 people need to fight for the other one with a spawn nearby. Spawn points need to be up at all times.
For some reason I couldn't spawn on squad at all.
3rdamention said:I have a club on Home that I purchased in the beginning that seems to still be active. Do you guys want to use it to chill out in and plot, scheme, strategize, whatever?
Problem is, it is limited to 32 people.