Yes and no. If I had it, I'd be begging everyone for a game every 10 seconds.Wellington said:I thought:
1) You live in LA.
2) You already had the game.
Wait, you thought I had it and didn't try to get a game in with me? I'm hurt!
Yes and no. If I had it, I'd be begging everyone for a game every 10 seconds.Wellington said:I thought:
1) You live in LA.
2) You already had the game.
LiveWire said:DC has no mom & pop video game stores that I'm aware of...a few CD/Game Exchanges across the city, but none of them has ever had new releases on this scale that I've seen.
Why? Any time I asked you last year you said you were busy or about to play someone else. Like with a girl, at some point I just got the hint.Rorschach said:Yes and no. If I had it, I'd be begging everyone for a game every 10 seconds.
Wait, you thought I had it and didn't try to get a game in with me? I'm hurt!
Lies! We've played less and less each year. I think we only played like once last year. :|Wellington said:Why? Any time I asked you last year you said you were busy or about to play someone else. Like with a girl, at some point I just got the hint.
GQman2121 said:Pandora's Cube in College Park has it right NOW!
How can you test wits with me if you have none!? I swear to Bob I am going to knock out all of your TEs then you will be fucked.Mrbob said:Many of the tv shows I loved have ended their run, and Burn Notice is now on hiatus till the winter, so I should be free most nights!
I look forward to testing wits one more time with Wellington and his Gmen!
Rors is 2 EZ tho not worth the time to play him.
Mrbob said:Screw you guys! :lol
My vengeance this season will be oh so delicious!
KaYotiX said:Just got it in the mail from NewEggGAME IS AMAZING!!!! It really is the best Madden
KaYotiX said:GO PACK GO!!!!
Mrbob said:Screw you guys! :lol
My vengeance this season will be oh so delicious!
Luke is still number one on my hit list tho! No way he beats me again on a 4th and 20 50 yard bomb into triple coverage. NO WAY!
Mrbob said:Wide Receivers are overrated. The true test of a team is how you use the tight ends!
Striker said:GS called me. Not sure if they were letting me know my game was in and ready to pick up tomorrow night or what... I couldn't answer because I was working. I'll call them back later this evening.
FrenchMovieTheme said:MrBob: Irrelevant since Madden 2006.
CB3 said:Wait where do you go to change it to 360? i followed FMT's instructions and i have a PS3 Persona, a Nintendo Wii one, and one that says EA ID. Is the EA ID one the 360?
CB3 said:Wait where do you go to change it to 360? i followed FMT's instructions and i have a PS3 Persona, a Nintendo Wii one, and one that says EA ID. Is the EA ID one the 360?
I did my usual sign in at EA Sports World, then came back and clicked DM's link, and I'm already logged in. -_-Lonestar said:Found mine to be an email, instead of a username. Try using your email addy for your username.
Yeah me simply saying for EA to suck my balls is a huge freakout.DMczaf said:Online Franchise server and website are up
So we won't have any more Wellistian Bale freakouts, make sure your profile is set to 360.
DMczaf said:Online Franchise server and website are up
So we won't have any more Wellistian Bale freakouts, make sure your profile is set to 360.
Wellington said:For those wondering, how bad could Jacobs be... I present you:
AND I'm not as good as Shawn is with MB3.
Wellington said:For those wondering, how bad could Jacobs be... I present you:
AND I'm not as good as Shawn is with MB3.
CB3 said:Those picks we're off me scarmbling. The one Takeo got was bullshit. I was wondering why no one could get open. Its because even though i took a TO before the play all my second team guys still stayed on the field. what the fuck
Malleymal said:mannnn wtf.... i know i took last year off but damn i need to get LJ in the gym and ready for some running this year..
GQman2121 said:My god.......