CB3 said:DM-HB Toss/HB Pass
60% of the time, it works everytime.
CB3 said:DM-HB Toss/HB Pass
:lol :lol :lolCB3 said:Here's an AFC one.
Smokey - Breaks Disk/Controller
LukeSmith said:Dare to dream, but I hope the Madden team is savvy with these scouting reports, and track stats on how often a player has been scouted within an online league - it'd be great to see a stat that shows how many times LJ and Rors are scouted vs. someone like Bob
Birdman02 said:Any idea when you're getting off work tonight, so we can try to get our game in?
LukeSmith said:Yeah, like 11 pacific. So how about tomorrow night around 6 pacific - I'll take my dinner break and come home and play and then go back to work?
CB3 said:Here's an AFC one.
Smokey - Breaks Disk/Controller
CB3 said:ill lack that passion if it means i dont have to shell out money for new controllers every month or two like some of you.
What you call passion, i call anger management issues
LukeSmith said:Dare to dream, but I hope the Madden team is savvy with these scouting reports, and track stats on how often a player has been scouted within an online league - it'd be great to see a stat that shows how many times LJ and Rors are scouted vs. someone like Bob
CB3 said:the online franchise games arent included in the scouting report.
DMczaf said:Ian said Online Scouting is being worked on for Online Franchise, Rors can't avoid it!
FrenchMovieTheme said:which means we'll never see it if last years "hey we're working on it!" online franchise items are any indication
FrenchMovieTheme said:birdmaaaaannnn! we're opponents next week. let me know when you think you might be able to play. fellow niners fans.... forced to do battle![]()
LiveWire said:So anyone wanna take bets on online franchise tiebreakers not being fixed in Madden 11?
wow :lolDMczaf said:They have TOP MEN working on that.
DMczaf said:They have TOP MEN working on that.
LiveWire said:You mean they pulled them off of accurately modeling Freeman's pecs?
It doesn't make sense in franchise if they have stats, but I guess they'll have bare bone stuff. Against an online opponent, it makes sense and they already have scouting reports for each player. Until recently, they even had career reports (as in your tendencies throughout different Madden games).DMczaf said:Ian said Online Scouting is being worked on for Online Franchise, Rors can't avoid it!
They said it will account for that...Wellington said:If I'm at 3rd and long on my end of the field versus 3rd and long within FG range but outside of the red zone, my playcall is different - but EAs system will not account for this type of stuff.
Yeah? Ok then, the press release made it sound like they were independent of each other.Rorschach said:They said it will account for that...
"Online scouting tracks all of your play-calling and what you like to do in different situations," explains producer Donny Moore. "We're tracking every online game that you play: online ranked, unranked, and 'Madden Ultimate Team' head-to-head."
And according to Moore, there are ten different situations that the game is tracking: First down, second down and long, second down and medium, second down and short, third down and long, third down and medium, third down and short, fourth down, goal line, and red zone.
"On defense, the first thing you're going to unlock is the run/pass percentage of your opponent. The next thing you're going to unlock is the field location," says Moore. "Where on the field does your opponent target in this given situation. If it's a run, it's broken down into three zones: right, middle, and left. If it's a pass, it's broken down into more zones: right, middle, and left, and then also short, medium, and deep."
The final thing gamers unlock on defense is the player-specific target. Who does your opponent like to throw to or hand the ball off to in these certain situations.
No problem, that'll be 25 EA coins.BigAT said:I'd like to see a couple of scanned pages from the notebook.
Wellington said:No problem, that'll be 25 EA coins.
Actually I did my best sight unseen work with your stats. Tho you've beaten me 2 of 3 times, the 2 losses are by a combined 7 points, and my win was in OT.
I was going to let everyone see what I had on them but then I decided to play another season. No, I don't have anything for Livewire and CB since we play so often it goes out the window.
Birdman02 said:I can play pretty much any night after 9 est, so you can decide which one is game night!! I'll do my best to make sure the Niners stay injury free...except for maybe Jack English. Alex Smith needs deserves another chance!!
FrenchMovieTheme said:i can play tonight if you're around! after you play luke that is
LukeSmith said:I won't be out of here in time. You can kick me and play him twice if you want, FMT. Once as Peypey and once as Jenglish
Birdman02 said:I can probably play both games tonight. I'll just need to run the ball more, so the games go by a little faster.
DCX said:i can
FrenchMovieTheme said:hope you dont mind bird, but we're playing back to back!
i'll fill in for the colts and just use their default playbooks so as not to give away my niners strategies!
i have been playing 70% 4-3 jokes not effective there bro.LukeSmith said:You're playing Frenchy - he's my regular sub. Sorry DCX, colts D isn't built for 1-5-5
DCX said:i have been playing 70% 4-3 jokes not effective there bro.
Birdman02 said:I'll sign on in about 10 minutes after I finish getting my son ready for bed.
EDIT: I don't mind playing you twice in a row, but I'd prefer to let DCX fill in for the Colts, so you don't get an early read on my strategies!!
:lol :lol oh shit guys im going to he gone for certain divisional games..you have to play Rors..my regular sub..gtfo.LukeSmith said:You're playing Frenchy - he's my regular sub. Sorry DCX, colts D isn't built for 1-5-5
LukeSmith said:Eh, nevermind then, we'll just wait and do it tomorrow night same bat time, same bat channel.
DCX said::lol :lol oh shit guys im going to he gone for certain divisional games..you have to play Rors..my regular sub..gtfo.