are we still in the bidding phase? Can I see if I signed anyone on the website? Didn't get a chance to do anything last night.
Looking through the league signings, the only person you've signed so far is Slaton HB
are we still in the bidding phase? Can I see if I signed anyone on the website? Didn't get a chance to do anything last night.
Looking through the league signings, the only person you've signed so far is Slaton HB
It doesn't even show you having a bid on a kicker, so I don't know what's going on! Which kicker was it?damn, how much money do I have to throw at my damn kicker?
Thanks soka!
Browns right? It says you've signed McGlynn, B. Jones, J. Cribbs, M. Bennett, and Nick Collins. Don't know if any of those are new.
beuhler, damn, wonder if I did something wrong, this bid would have been on the first phase, didn't get a chance to do a bid for phase two.
I think I bid on a center too.
Haha Halo fanboys are crying about a couple 8s Halo 4 received its metactricitc is 90 now oh the noes!
Haha Halo fanboys are crying about a couple 8s Halo 4 received its metactricitc is 90 now oh the noes!
Really don't get why people that are knowledgeable about games still read reviews
If anything wait for gaf impressions at least
True that. I'm wondering if ill be disappointed with the campaign. Sounds like 343 scaled things so you don't get the epic battles which happened in previous Halo campaigns.
For example one of my favorite parts of Reach is when you take on two Scarabs up close in a huge open battlefield with shit going on everywhere. I don't know if Halo 4 will reach this high.
I started playing halo ce anniversary past few days... CE really is one of the GOAT on consoles.
I read IGN's review...
I started playing halo ce anniversary past few days... CE really is one of the GOAT on consoles.
Crap. I'm looking on NEWEGG and I thought I had preordered the game... but I don't see it anywhere.
It's awesome how great the game is still. While the graphics weren't great, the atmosphere made up for it tenfold. Every level is just soo gooood.
The updated graphics in anniversary are great. I I kept pressing select to go back and forth between the new graphics and og CE graphics and they did a really good job updating it.
Yea I haven't purchased CE Anniversary. I was meaning to last week but it totally slipped my mine with all the stuff this weekend.
Has anyone preordered anything from Newegg before? I'm curious about the delivery length. I sort of want it instantly but if I get it like Wednesday, I think I could wait. Is 15$ worth it?!
Bob does it all the time, I think he generally gets the games Thursday?
You could put that savings of 15 towards 2k hmm
Bob does it all the time, I think he generally gets the games Thursday?
Usually, yes. A couple times I reeeived games on release date. A couple on Wednesday, but normally on Thursday.
I can wait a couple days to pay $44.99. Smokey needs the multi player practice ahead of time, anyway!
Vacations days for a video game, that's commitment.
Any good retail specific pre-order bonuses for Halo 4?
It's great to have a staycation sometimes
Not really. Just different armor options.
Here is the round-up.
Seems like a few people want to get out of the first round. Is it usually like this or did we just get a bad draft this year?
Seems like a few people want to get out of the first round. Is it usually like this or did we just get a bad draft this year?
Me and story the only ones who got Forza Horizon?![]()