Driving past the stores today. Should I pick up BLOPS2? I've never played the first one or a CoD game in at least 2-3 years.
Yes. Why not?
Yes. Why not?
I got it
I'll be on BLOPS2 tonight
You jerks.
Smokey: I'm going to be at the office a bit later than I expected.
Do you want to just set our game for 10 EST? Let me know, thx
I am glad that can only count as one loss.
Couldn't pass my way out of a paper bag in that one, it was DCX level.
Ended up getting it. The store was full of potential junior members.
Sole possession of first is mine! Thx ram
He beat me down, but I am going to remember this one and unleash it on you....
Like last time!
Not in San Fran you won't*
Yeah playing in San Fran is such garbage. Two times last season, and another match up next week. I'm sick of going to that dump!
This Deadspin article blasting modern day ESPN is a great read:
Levious I'm taking my dog out real quick. Should be good to go in about 5 minutes.
Like it matters for the Jays.Holy fuck the Jays just loaded up
Marlins firesale
Like it matters for the Jays.
Random BLOPS 2 bro:
"Bro that's some bullshit"
"What the fuck bro"
Me: "Gotta change my sensitivity...make it higher"
Bro: "Mine has to be low"
Me: "Why"
Bro: "My TV is too fast for Call of Duty"
Me: "Oh really. How can I get a fast TV?"
Bro: "It's a Samsung. Shit is so fast bro. Wal Mart guy told me it's a fast TV especially with this HDMI cable I just got.
Me: "..."
That just killed the remaining .00001% chance of me getting that game.
How did you say an ellipsis over the mic?
dot dot dot
FML. I hit the guide button when trying to call a time out with 1 second left and lost.
I need to stop kicking FGs and start going for it since my defense refuses to get stops on third downs.
I think the time would have ran out, maybe it wasn't as close as I thought. I let you run for a few steps after you caught it. Damn good game man. clutch drive by you with under 30 left to get in field goal range.
and your defense hits so hard