Did you forget how Daylight Savings Time works again?
First city a resounding success! Spent all my money playing with roads. No infrastructure. Broke in like a month!
i dont think its a matter of being completely cheesy vs. we've played this game for 6 months and you kind of know what has the chance to work and what has minimal chance of working. people are going to run drags, crossing routes and slants because they can be completed. they aren't unstoppable but you take those routes vs. out routes, or comeback routes or posts which are low % passes in this years version. i try to run some variety in routes but to be honest its a tough sell to throw a deep out on 3rd and 7 when im almost sure its going to be a zone with someone dropping underneath to take away the out.
I think we have to look at the flip side of the equation, the problem is on defense. The defenses we call are all the same. There are only so many routes that beat those zones. Therefore those routes are what get called.
I think we have to look at the flip side of the equation, the problem is on defense. The defenses we call are all the same. There are only so many routes that beat those zones. Therefore those routes are what get called.
I kinda came to terms with what this game and league would be at some point in season two. Yeah the game is junk and we're sort of backed into a corner, but i felt like i was still seeing some people walk or cross over that "line" way more than i did in previous years. So there was just an acceptance that if those were the lengths people were going to take to try and win a stupid madden game, then they could have it.
5000 population. Need to double for the Hydro Power Plant, then I can destroy all my coal since I have no oil around me. Everything that is down right now is pretty tightly compacted, but I might start giving things a little more breathing room and then expand west over the river.
We win all the time!
5000 population. Need to double for the Hydro Power Plant, then I can destroy all my coal since I have no oil around me. Everything that is down right now is pretty tightly compacted, but I might start giving things a little more breathing room and then expand west over the river.
You guys using any mods?
Not yet... I might get that auto bulldoze mod and night/day cycle mod.
what did you do brent D: shouldn't upgraded roads help ease traffic? Or did you just create a terrible intersection on accident lol
Same intersection, but I went from a basic 2 lane road to a four lane road, and apparently they are having to wait longer at those intersections. back up everywhere around it.
I think I'm going to let my population hit 7k, then doze the majority of my city and start it kind of fresh. I have 100k banked and I'll leave the better parts of my infrastructure in place.
I think it's both the intersection, and because I packed the area like sardines. I need to give them more space.
lol I keep going way too big to start! Also took me a few tries to figure out how to lay electric and water intelligently.
If i added a feeder road the the houses right before the first traffic circle that would probably make it flow even better. That way the people going to their houses can skip both circles. Hmmmm i might try that right now!
Just buy it wellie it is absolutely fantastic. GOTY!
Generally, figure out if you're going to use coal or wind, then build near it and outwards. Then you never have to worry about paying for power lines. I don't have a single power line.
I would probably make a one way road going into that housing as you say
Damn those Cities pictures are awesome. I am definitely adding it to the list...
...the list of games that I say I am going to buy and never do. It'll join Helldivers, Far Cry 4, every MLB the Show since 2012 (and onward), The Order, Walking Dead season 2, Dying Light, Dragon Age, Super Mega Baseball, Destiny, Homeworld Remastered and maybe a few others I am forgetting!
I don't see bloodborne there which means you will buy. A wise decision!
Yeah. The only problem is I lost my PS3 power cable. I'll see if I can borrow one.
Get a PS2, PS1, Vita, or PS4 cable. Shit, my fan cable worked on that fucker.
Get a PS2, PS1, Vita, or PS4 cable. Shit, my fan cable worked on that fucker.
Yeah. The only problem is I lost my PS3 power cable. I'll see if I can borrow one.
Wait, it's not on PS3?It's a joke because he says bloodborne looks like a PS3 game
Ez, were waiting till the end of this selection show
Gotta see DAT Wiscy seed
FMT, simit please, I won't be able to start that late.
I can play its no problemFMT, simit please, I won't be able to start that late.
Invite sent to EZ
Waiting on him
Also dat triple post
Anything...?i sent him a steam message
can't you just have it playing on your phone or something! who cares about a selection show!
lets see if we can convince my boy jarate to play
in other news, for wellington:
can't you just have it playing on your phone or something! who cares about a selection show!
lets see if we can convince my boy jarate to play
in other news, for wellington: