Did you at least get to his final form? At that point I just started tossing all my molotovs.
Wut.Trying to see the prices and how much it would be.
we goin to seattle or wut m8s
Computer blue screens when I try to enable triple screens in the nvidia control panel.
nothing so far has been harder than TMNTApparently I'm better than Smokey, nobody else. Fuck this game.
nothing so far has been harder than TMNT
you can do this!
Second attempt at the first boss...not so hot.Fucker dodged all my molotov's!
Second attempt at the first boss...not so hot.Fucker dodged all my molotov's!
I forget I have a gun and items and just go full 2-hand rage on everyone
Finally beat the Cleric Demon!
I want to give this game a 5 out of 10 because a 30 second lead screen when you die is fucking unacceptable.
I want to give this game a 5 out of 10 because a 30 second lead screen when you die is fucking unacceptable.
Grave gif coming in
Grave gif coming in
Exploring around with 7000 blood echoes and accidently stumble upon father. Immediately use hunter's mark to get the fuck out.
What is Hunters Mark??
I come back from class to start Bloodborne.
This is what I see when I turn on the TV
Looks like PS3 graphics.
I come back from class to start Bloodborne.
This is what I see when I turn on the TV
What is Hunters Mark??
I come back from class to start Bloodborne.
This is what I see when I turn on the TV
Sounds like a "dark sign" type thing where you warp to the last checkpoint, or a homeward bone.
step down from the ledge, LJBought Bloodborne, love the Souls games. Still remember the TGC unveil of Demon Souls, was right up my alley, but DCharlie shitted all over it and quelled my expectations. Then it released and videos hit Youtube, amazing, especially multi aspect.
Instead of playing Bloodborne I started fucking around with MUT. Shit is a sickness.
Bought Bloodborne, love the Souls games. Still remember the TGC unveil of Demon Souls, was right up my alley, but DCharlie shitted all over it and quelled my expectations. Then it released and videos hit Youtube, amazing, especially multi aspect.
Instead of playing Bloodborne I started fucking around with MUT. Shit is a sickness.
And you can just sell Last of Us.![]()
why would you sell one of the greatest games ever created?
um, I didn't say Bloodborne.
speaking of, fuck yes i finally beat father! motherfucker!
speaking of, fuck yes i finally beat father! motherfucker!