They've been stripping that stuff out gradually since the S4. Wife's S5 is pretty nice and the s6 seems even better.
That's good to hear. I just know that I love my G3 a lot more than I did my S3.
They've been stripping that stuff out gradually since the S4. Wife's S5 is pretty nice and the s6 seems even better.
They didn't win TI though. I'll be rooting for them!
Is Na'vi competitive again?
DAC was bigger than TI 1, 2, and 3
I have a S4 for work and I can't stand the thing. God bless you guys
S series has changed a lot since then. Like Ez said the 5 is better and the 6, by all accounts, is really good.
They're arguably getting even worse.
The S5 battery is pretty great. Outside that they are pretty close contenders in almost every category.
The only people that don't make sense to me are the ones that fellate the HTC products.
My HTC One M8 is amazing thank you very much.
My HTC One M8 is amazing thank you very much.
Can it suck it's own dick though?
The M8 seems like a great device! Just when the S5/G3 came out, technically it lacked in every category outside build and speakers. Birth of Android stans happened shortly after.
It's basically a year older than those phones, why would that be surprising?
Cleric defeated. Do I want to buy the Repeating Pistol?
They came out within a few weeks of each other. Unless I'm getting the M7/8/9 part mixed up, which is possible.
M8 was basically just an M7 with a better camera wasn't it?
Cleric defeated. Do I want to buy the Repeating Pistol?
He'd probably get so angry that he'd rape another chick.
How does a point guard turn the ball over 1/5 of possessions and still have a job? Are turnovers way, way more common in the NBA than college?
Yeah that's what I was reading. I don't think the Badgers as a team have a turnover % over 12% (I think it's right around there, 7 turnovers per game and they get like 63 posessions per game?) and one dude is turning the ball over 18% of the time?
Right before we we're supposed to play.
I thought we were dota bros.
Yeah that's what I was reading. I don't think the Badgers as a team have a turnover % over 12% (I think it's right around there, 7 turnovers per game and they get like 63 posessions per game?) and one dude is turning the ball over 18% of the time?
Make your own decisions!
Did anybody else find the Abandoned Old Workshop in Bloodborne? It's kinda hard to get to but it should look very familiar!
I also found a couple other places I don't think I should go yet. I have at least one lantern lit for each of the tombstones in the Dream world.
Who is that crow girl y'all were talking about earlier? I found an npc earlier in a crow like outfit that gave me some stuff and then later on a couple bosses after I beat Father the dude in the wheelchair in the dream world said something about the Tomb of Oedon so I went back there and an npc attacked me and the same npc that gave me some items earlier came and helped me. Is that the same one y'all were talking about?
I'm getting wrecked by this darkbeast thing
Yeah, she has a badge that allows you to buy her swords. I had that encountered and both of them died. I was getting rekt so I wasn't of much use.
I did find the Abandoned Old Workshop and I'm interested in finding out what it all means. At least now we know what's behind that closed gate. omg what if we can eventually open it?![]()
You should go kill the witch first. Opens up new runes.
Looks like Zelda got pushed to 2016