Phee or cb can you put Smokey on AP?
I'm thinking about trying but nothing will top Batman.
Yeah when does it need to be done by?
I am balls deep into my diamond dynasty logo creation
Smokey is on AP
"FIFA takes a back seat, all we care about is suck offs in smash"
Why did Smokey abandon his fam?
"FIFA takes a back seat, all we care about is suck offs in smash"
Those are the sorts of insights that get you to 100 games below .500
I watched the end of that game. If you didn't already have megas, I think they could've won.
Anyway, it was pretty obvious we goofed off after getting mega's and they were never close to winning from then on.
Map awareness and insight seem to go hand in hand.
Anyway, it was pretty obvious we goofed off after getting mega's and they were never close to winning from then on.
This. I started making CB angry by pulling a Gravestorm.
Oh man this video on the gaming side of old people playing the intro to The Last of US.
"It's like a movie. My involvement is... nothing."
haha, kinda speaks to gaming these days though sadly.
I watched the end of that game. If you didn't already have megas, I think they could've won.
I met the guy responsible for that level at the last Dev Drink up I went to.
I actually love the game, but thought it was fitting with how cinematic games have gotten. Though recently the trend of doing more open world with more gameplay has been nice.
There's only really two design choices in AAA games these days:
1. Cinematic/Filmic corridor shooter with QTE events and limited choice.
2. Glitchy open world with an overabundance of fetch quests and check point races.
Or maybe I'm just being cynical. I'm probably just being cynical. Let's play more DotA.
Bloodborne is goty. Accept it like a wussle goal line int! Accept it!
Fuck bloodborne and fuck rom.
True. It's simply the nature of being AAA that makes them try to avoid as many risks as possible. Lucky they don't have a monopoly on the market. It really shouldn't be that hard to find games you enjoy. I mostly have trouble making time to play all the games I enjoy.![]()
I only started watching after you had megas so I don't know, but I will say that Ferny looked like his normal lost self.
Are you confusing you with me? You're like MaddenGAF's most hated party member.
Holy shit. SlingTv just added HBO. $15 extra but also comes with VOD content as well.
HBO cable subscriptions come with an HBO GO account. I bet the SlingTV one will work the sameIsn't that HBO Now thing $15?
Isn't that HBO Now thing $15?
Only available on Apple TV
Only available on Apple TV