Somnia I'll be good to go later tonight if you're going to be up. Doing stuff for now.
Also I'm not doing anyyhing this week until thursday. I kinda wanna play some dotes.
Fucking game again with the intro tutorial again. Wtf. Resets all my settings.
Apparently it's a bug in the game. Probably lyrics a corrupt file, but other users complaining as well.
Resident Evil launches in 1 1/2 hours which I planned on jumping into. Just message me and we'll figure it out =)
better than dealing with Cam every time you want to playOnly fix I could find was deleting all my Madden install and game files... Soooo... Fuck
GG, Rinse. Too many picks hurt you and Lynch was pretty much unstoppable.
You sure you don't want Wilson?
GG man that was probably the worst game I've ever played. The one pick to Sherman I had a guy wide open in the flat and just pressed the wrong button.
Edit: You want me to take on Wilson's salary plus give you Watkins and a 1st? Nah.
He might give you the boost you need!
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck i didn't mean to pass it to crabtree there!
gg lj. i obviously got lucky on that fumble recovery but i also just have to laugh about some of those conversions you had on the last drive. stop 3 yards short but some animation takes over and you get like a 6 yard gain. i miss pwill and bowman![]()
The Chaz Bradley aka Dan Marino reincarnated era has begun
Bye bye Tanny
I definitely got lucky on a few of those, it's bullshit. I hate the suction tackles too, junk. I know it felt like one of your tackles was a complete whiff because you got some canned animation the other way.
Stacey is a truck, I mean he can't cut, I saw cutback lanes but couldn't move him to cut back. I didn't want to risk an Int on the Culliver Int, and still threw it. Thought he wouldn't hang with Austin, but that fucker always does, he kills me all the time. Should have gone over the top again but I wasn't sure if that WR could get open, bet he was.
I wanted to just take a knee, make you burn time outs and eat clock and settle for the FG because I don't want to fucking get whacked. Then I'm like, wtf am I doing, just punch it in. Boom, fumble.
And yeah, I'm too conservative at times against FMT Greg. I don't have much time to pass and I feel 3 is good enough when I should be trying to go for the kill.
Good game as always buddy. See you next season or year, or maybe playoffs!
How about you start the Teddy Bridgewater era?!
He is on the market!
Well, I'm looking to trade Teddy before the end of this week!
You can have my 7th
btw that was probably the best user pick i've seen this year that you had on the slot receiver. as soon as i saw your guy over the slot blitz i gave it a brief tick and let it go, then you were filling in right behind him for the perfect read/pick![]()
Well, I'm looking to trade Teddy before the end of this week!
I want Teddy! Unless his stats are worse than Jimmy's. I have a feeling Brady will be done after this season.
I've played a lottttt of Madden this year and never once even seemed closed to recovering an onside kick.Don't give up, Bren.
Gg gq. Sums up all our games. Mostly just you winning.
You should trade for Broughan NorrisThe Chaz Bradley aka Dan Marino reincarnated era has begun
Bye bye Tanny
Speaking of RE4, I found this visual explanation of how the UI works on a technical level to be hilarious.
5 or 6 weeks =Tyrod is okay I think. Is JFF out for a significant amount of time?
Oh shit guys. Our last game we played against Brad Muir! I fucking didnt even realize until looking at dotabuff just now.
We made Brad Muir sad![]()
Oh shit guys. Our last game we played against Brad Muir! I fucking didnt even realize until looking at dotabuff just now.
We made Brad Muir sad![]()
lol that's the first time I have looked at dotabuff in like 6 weeks. Felt like I have been losing essentially every game, but I see I am still .500. I was feeling kind of burned out on dota but then I played HoTS this weekend and realized how shallow that game is and it made me want to play dota again.
Might start solo queuing ranked. Seems like getting 5 together has gotten a little harder since Crow and Rors went exclusive.