Grey Goo is hard. But it's awesome.
Had never even heard of the game until a couple of days ago, then I heard that a bunch of ex-Westwood guys were involved. Now I have to check it out.
Grey Goo is hard. But it's awesome.
I played a skirmish last night with a friend against one random easy CPU, ended up being Goo. Damn Goo was wrecking us for awhile on easy. We eventually won but it crazy trying to track the Goo all over the map.Grey Goo is hard. But it's awesome.
Just opened up twitter and this is trending in US
It was #1 in the US last night.
Had never even heard of the game until a couple of days ago, then I heard that a bunch of ex-Westwood guys were involved. Now I have to check it out.
What happened that everyone is saying to cancel it?
What happened that everyone is saying to cancel it?
dotahighfive.gifJust used the 10% off PSN code to purchase the Driveclub season pass, Costume Quest 2, and maybe most importantly, Super Mega Baseball
Watched the first half of Wolf of Wall Street last night. It's ok. I hate all the overproduction and fourth wall breaking stuff though. In this case, since I am pretty familiar with the story, it makes a little bit more sense to me because the story in and of itself isn't all that unique or interesting, but man does Scorsese overdo it. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, I haven't loved anything he's done in the last 10 years but that Gangs of New York glow refuses to fade!
annnnnd you're done. roll credits
That's why I stopped watching years ago. In essence, since they're the only game in town now, they can do whatever they want and the crowd has to eat it up or just not watch anything.What Sanjuro said is sorta true. People don't like their nonsensical storylines. People love the guy that won but he's not ready. They've become so predictable and don't put effort into anything else except "their" guys.
Watched the first half of Wolf of Wall Street last night. It's ok. I hate all the overproduction and fourth wall breaking stuff though. In this case, since I am pretty familiar with the story, it makes a little bit more sense to me because the story in and of itself isn't all that unique or interesting, but man does Scorsese overdo it. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, I haven't loved anything he's done in the last 10 years but that Gangs of New York glow refuses to fade!
I thought Boiler Room was more informative about that type of stuff. Wolf of Wallstreet was just a rollercoaster and we were all just there for the ride... and Margot Robbie.
No one liked The Departed?![]()
2 new tour packs coming tomorrow I think, so I'll be playing then!I have #DRIVECLUB. But like I never see you on it or anything .
No one liked The Departed?![]()
I loved the Departed
Makes me want to vomit. Good on them for creating a system that gives me a full on boner I guess.
Because I wish I had come up with something like what they are doing so I could be rich and shit too like Soka and Ferny.
Just used the 10% off PSN code to purchase the Driveclub season pass, Costume Quest 2, and maybe most importantly, Super Mega Baseball
No one liked The Departed?![]()
Yes!My boss just told me we will be closed tomorrow. Happy days
If anyone wants to play Madden or dota tomorrow I am in. I am ready for Master Ferny to begin his lessons.
Because I wish I had come up with something like what they are doing so I could be rich and shit too like Soka and Ferny.
Says the guy living in NYC and traveling to Dubai for a weekend trip!
I want to live like Wells one day.
I hated the whole movie. So the ending was just shit sprinkles on a turd sundae.
Okay, so I wasn't crazy.
I least your wife didn't have you watch 'a fault in our stars' (that i know of). So it could be worse. Cheesy, and pretentious as fuck.
Another opportunity for me to pimp Whiplash to you moviegoers. Go see it!
You referred to Vern Schillinger as "that guy from Spiderman??" You fucking monster.
Picked up Dying Light on PS4. Saw some videos last night that just sold the game for me.
Okay, so I wasn't crazy.
I least your wife didn't have you watch 'a fault in our stars' (that i know of). So it could be worse. Cheesy, and pretentious as fuck.
I forgot to mention I also watched Her this weekend. I thought it was pretty neat.
Fucking Gamefly. Game has been #1 in my Q for over a week now and it doesn't ship. I had a open slot for it too.
Fucking Gamefly. Game has been #1 in my Q for over a week now and it doesn't ship. I had a open slot for it too.
I forgot to mention I also watched Her this weekend. I thought it was pretty neat.
I thought you were the Best Buy master race?
Just used the 10% off PSN code to purchase the Driveclub season pass, Costume Quest 2, and maybe most importantly, Super Mega Baseball
The ‘feel’ of hitting, jumping, diving, etc is indescribably more precise at 60fps than at 30fps. Fun gameplay has always been our top priority, and this was one of the key requirements to facilitate maximum fun.
You can't run from heaven.
14 in a row, 19 of my last 20. Merlini ain't got shit on me.
Had never even heard of the game until a couple of days ago, then I heard that a bunch of ex-Westwood guys were involved. Now I have to check it out.