Then he sends me an invite to the game after saying I can play tomorrow. You can send friend requests via the PSN app. ;P
Then he sends me an invite to the game after saying I can play tomorrow. You can send friend requests via the PSN app. ;P
Then he sends me an invite to the game after saying I can play tomorrow. You can send friend requests via the PSN app. ;P
sizzle I don't know if you got my PSN message but I can play in about 10 sorry for the delay
If you can start in the next 15min or so, I came available Cowboys.
signing on nowGreg, my internet is being garbage again, but I looks like I should still be able to play.
I'll be on and ready whenever you are.
Please stop running your Blitzer in a circle before the ball is hiked to get an early jump. This isn't random online opponentYup, I'll be ready
Pretend there's a fork and knife image here.
going 5-1 to end the season with the 1 loss coming against soka as usual.
splat you suck ass and will be the blame for the terror i am about to cause. there will be eats
fucking game
GG manGG, Greg. I kind of regret playing like an idiot in the first half now. My playoff hopes may have crumbled.
Gonna have to beat Smokey both times I play him now.
Gonna have to beat Smokey both times I play him now.
I was up 17 last year before I took the pedal off the gas a week after being accused of running up the score.loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
By the transitive property, Greg has now beaten you... Twice!Greg, I'm proud of you.
By the transitive property, Greg has now beaten you... Twice!
The Cowboys ran 62 plays for 524 yards of offense; had 24 first downs; converted 9 of 10 3rd downs.....and lost.
Browns ran 32 plays but were +3 in turnovers. That was the difference.
Pretty sure this type of defensive user control isn't allowed. It usually hurt him more than it did me, but only because he blitzed most of his team with it. Did create some unique pressure down the middle with LB blitz though.
Some weird shit in general in this game. Never seen my players break so many tackles in one game.
Not having Gordon next year is going to blow until I can develop some WR talent again.
you were stuffing my runs, so I really got my TEs goingYour QB running and my guys waiting until he was 10 yards downfield to react was infuriating along with the half-dozen dropped picks or just not reacting to the ball at all.
Also, Andrew Luck is throwing more errant throws now that he has confidence. I don't understand it.
Either way, all of that would have been remedied by me coming out to compete rather than try to sling it around like a moron the entire first half. Also, your third down conversions made me want to murder things.
Pretty sure this type of defensive user control isn't allowed. It usually hurt him more than it did me, but only because he blitzed most of his team with it. Did create some unique pressure down the middle with LB blitz though.
Some weird shit in general in this game. Never seen my players break so many tackles in one game.
Not having Gordon next year is going to blow until I can develop some WR talent again.
True. There is no manual blitzing of lbs or secondary players, only Dline play. I blame myself for not making that more clear foe the new dudes
Oh really? had no idea, I won't do it then!
I moved my LB manually to guess the snap count, I fucked up once and was offsided but you didn't catch it in time for the snap, so I moved back to original location of the player due to me tipping my hand in the blitz.
Second time I was correct but your LT picked it up.
I tried it 2 times and was 50/50 on success on the guess, if that's illegal I'll stop.
In terms of pre snap movement, that was mostly it in terms of side to side swings, but you ran ran LBs straight forward down the middle as well. They didn't end up making the play, but it freed your lineman up for a couple big sacks in a row forcing punt or field goals.
Think it's your first game, so whatever, but I was raging a little bit mid game as it happened. =\
But got damn, you do call a lot of blitzes!
Most of the time I was sending my whole LB core for the blitz for max pressure, as that beast WR was probably gonna break any tackles anyways, might as well just kill your QB and try for the sacks.
When can you play brother? I'm available tonight, late if need be. I'll be on psn. If not, then I should be free all day tomorrow. Can't do Wednesday.
Let's try for tomorrow night. 9 eastern? I'll let you know if I can go earlier.
I was up 17 last year before I took the pedal off the gas a week after being accused of running up the score.
Bootlegs away from Watt all day. 2 wins, easy.
Have you lost your mind?
Ain't no way
no how
I'm losing a game, let alone TWO
against an Eat a Booty crew member
you're delusional lmao both of these in my left pocket, write it down, BOOK IT