Haven't had a chance to do anything this week. On crutches since Monday brehs. Landed wrong on my foot playing basketball and felt a pop. Originally thought my ankle dislocated and popped back in or something, or that I broke my foot...but Xrays show no breaks. Never felt anything like it straight pain man. Getting looked at on Monday...feels like it could possibly be Achilles but I won't know until then

. Can't put any weight on my right foot at the moment.
It's pretty cool. I've been in the beta for a while. I bought this
stick for it back in August.
It's doing what No Man Sky (says) is doing but on a bigger scale. Planetary exploration is scheduled for one of the expansion packs too. The fact that they won't explain what you do in NMS or show gameplay...have a feeling it's going to disappoint tons of people.