Dragon age patch 2 goes live today
AC Unity is on patch 4
Halo on patch Infinite
2k just had a 3gb patch or whatever
What a great generation
Smokey, you forgot Destiny.
Dragon age patch 2 goes live today
AC Unity is on patch 4
Halo on patch Infinite
2k just had a 3gb patch or whatever
What a great generation
mcneily when can you play
Jabee, when can you play?
Oh Bioware....
We are aware that some of our players have been having graphical errors since patch 2 rolled out and we are working on fixing it. It appears we accidentally released the patch for Xbox 360 for PC and PS4 players. Sorry!
Anyone up for a Destiny Vault of Glass raid?
That doesn't even make sense
thats probably ok
I know Bungie is probably counting their money but damn.
Wonder if Bungie will ever address the core game? This post isn't very encouraging.
How the mighty have fallen.
Probably uploaded the patch with 360 assets by mistake.
Hey Everyone,
We're working on getting a hot fix out for the PC graphics issue as soon as possible. In the meantime, here is a workaround you can try:
To start, make sure the quality setting you choose is equal to the setting set for Mesh Quality inside Options>Graphics
You will need to add a new command line parameter. To do this:
Through Origin:
Right click on the Dragon Age Inquisition title
Go to game properties
Type the command line parameter in the Command Line Properties box.
Through shortcut:
Right Click Shortcut
Go to Properties
Under target go to the end of the field and type the command line parameter into the box
Once there, add the following command line parameter: -ShaderSystem.ShaderQualityLevel <quality setting>
In this instance, <quality setting> should be one of the following:
An example of how to set your quality to high would be: -ShaderSystem.ShaderQualityLevel High
Please note that once the hot fix is out, you will need to go back in and remove this workaround from your command line.
Its also important to note that pre-patch 2, all users on PC were being forced to use the Ultra shader quality. This means that those of you playing on lower settings will notice a decrease in quality, particularly players using low or medium settings. To achieve the same visuals as pre-patch, users on lower settings will need to change their settings to Ultra, which should likewise be used in conjunction with Ultra mesh quality. Mismatching the mesh and shader settings will result in other visual artifacts like overly shiny hair. Please be aware that changing settings to Ultra may impact performance on some machines.
Sorry about any frustration this may have caused.
Hey pal do you want to get the game in now?
yeah ill meet you on in 5
i'm not a technical guy so maybe this is a stupid question but how would that even be possible?
It is possible it isn't. Working on multiple versions of the same game each version isn't using the exact same assets, or maybe the settings got overridden to 360 standard instead of PC standard. For example, XB360 would be using scaled down assets versus the PC version. In revisiting the thread seems like it was a troll post. Though the screw ups are real in the patch. Here is the official Bioware response:
Is Suikoden not available on PS4?
Is Suikoden not available on PS4?
no. there have been no psone classics on ps4 yet but maybe at some point in the future. load that shit up on the vita!
How late can you play tonight?Peyton would have got it before him though. Eric Berry should have been the defensive player of the week!
Lions when can you play?
I'm in AZ. Fell asleep so I had to get a practice game in. Opponent was 100% incompetent, so I don't think I it helped. 28-0
Reinstalling the game worked!
How late can you play tonight?
LJ, I messaged you on PSN, but who knows if that went through. I'll be around most of the night if you can play.